An old distorted memories

Ariana: so I'll catch you later

Alex: yeah I'll catch later


Alex: *walks home* *thinking* what just happened

Joyce: HEY ALEX!!! *wraps arm around your neck*

Alex: hey Joyce

Joyce: so how are you doing brother

Alex: pretty good brother

-quick explanation-

Yes Joyce and Alex are actually related now let us continue

Joyce: alright that's good bro high five *high fives*

Alex: sure bro *high fives you*

Joyce: Alr thanks *smiles* well catch you later

Alex: catch you later bro

-even Alex makes it home-

Alex: alright finally home

Zavala: sup lover boy

Alex: oh shut up Zavala

Zavala: *laughs a bit* ight roommate

Alex: leaving so soon Zavala

Zavala: yah I'll buy something to eat you want some

Alex: yeah where are you going though

Zavala: crown

Alex: ight get me the bacon cheeseburger with a combo

Zavala: alright what drink do you want

Alex: pep would be nice

Zavala: ya dude I got you

Alex: thanks

-after a lot of waiting-

Alex: dude where's Zavala I been waiting

For him he still isn't here

Alex: whatever imma just watch something

-Alex turns on the tv-

Alex: alright should I turn on the news feed or something else

-alex put on a movie to watch-

Alex: alright let's watch it...