Getting into ari’s house

Alex: alright ari I'll be there don't worry

Ariana: alright Ali be careful don't get killed on you're way here too

Alex: I won't don't worry

-Alex hangs up the call- -thinks of a plan-

Alex: alright I think I'm ready to go

-Alex goes to into the garage-

Alex: alright let me go to car

-Alex goes into the car-

Alex: *starts up the car* lets drive

-Alex carefully drives to the Ariana's house-

-car stops-

Alex: shit my car stopped *sigh* well I have to call ari that I'll be late

-Alex calls ari again-

Alex: hey ari

Ariana: hey Ali why are you calling

Alex: well my car broke down and I about 17 seconds away from you're house

Ariana: you're okay you're not with someone are you

Alex: calm down ari and no I'm with no one rn I'm alone

Ariana: here walk towards my house by don't make a noise I'll leave the door open

Alex: alright ari I'm on my way

Ariana: alright Ali be careful for me pls

Alex: I will bunny don't worry 😉

Ariana: *blushes* oh you tease just get over here

Alex: I will

-Alex hangs up again-

Alex: alright let's do this *starts to walk to ari's house*

Alex: oh shit I forgot to ask her for her house number

-Alex calls ari one last time-

Alex: ari what's you're house number

Ariana: oh sorry I forgot to tell you darling

Alex: yeah I'm close by I need to go there

Ariana: it's 145

Alex: alright ari thank you

Ariana: you're welcome

-Alex hangs up again-

Alex:Alright time to search for the house number