Always on the way but harder than ever

Alex:Alright time to search for the house number

-Alex attempts to find the house number but was slightly unsuccessful-

Ariana: *yells* ALEX OVER HERE!!! *waves my hand*

Alex: oh hey Bunny

Ariana: hey baby *smiles*

Ariana: come inside darling

Alex: alright I will

-Alex gets inside the house-

Ariana: so you haven't ate yet did you

Alex: no 😓😓 I was waiting on Zavala for the food

Ariana: don't worry I got us some pizza so we can eat

Alex: REALLY!! 🥺 thank you bunny

Ariana: you're welcome darling 🥰

Ariana: *whispers* c'mon let's get to the bedroom

Alex: let's I'm hungry 🤤

Ariana: yeah haha I can tell

Alex: alright let's go woah

Ariana: *holds you're hand* let's go *smiles*

Alex: ye….yeah *holds you're hand back*

-some time passes by-

Ariana: baby it's getting late We should take some rest

Alex: right we should the pizza though it was great I loved it

Ariana: I'm glad you did baby now c'mon let's rest

Alex: yeah let's bunny

-Alex and Ariana cuddle with each other to sleep 😴-

Alex: goodnight bunny *cuddles with you* 😴

Ariana: goodnight my love *cuddles with you* 😴

-they drift peacefully to sleep together never letting go out of each other's side-