MYS 164 Ties torn apart

MYS 164 

[POV 3]


 Prembun is a little busy town.

 No. That's not what Jonathan wanted to hear from Ebi. Not a piece of heart-wrenching advice. Even though Ebi's words are acceptable. It's still not true and doesn't make sense.

 Or Jonathan, who can not accept all that.

 Jonathan: Anggi, I'll pick you up later.

Before Jonathan realized it, his hand had moved before sending a WA message to Anggi. There is no way to delete it because Anggi has read it.

Anggi: Sorry Jon. I have an appointment with Santi. I'm already in front of the school.

Reading Anggi's answer didn't make Jonathan happy but sadder.

Jonathan: do you still have sore eyes? Where are you going?

Jonathan could not contain the curiosity that surged to the point of suffocating his chest.