MYS 165 First summons

MYS 165 

[POV 3]


 Prembun is a little busy town.

 Lestari was getting ready to go to school when her mother called for breakfast.

 "Mommy, Tari is not hungry. Dance on a diet. Mami should have known about this habit long ago." Lestari grumbled, still following her mother's orders and sitting beside her.

 "Not for breakfast Papi called you, but here is a summons from the court accusing you of being a suspect," said Lestari's father in a deep voice.

 "Oh, Papi, don't watch soap operas too often, please. Who dared to sue Tari. After all, there's nothing wrong with the dance either. Daddy calms down." defended Lestari with a spoiled tone that was able to meet any parent who heard it.

 "Look at this. You think Papi doesn't know the law. This is an official letter and there is a receipt from the court." Papi said louder.