Repressed Memory

A dream… No… A memory… Oh Jason!

Charlene could still remember feeling his body pressing against her skin their very first night together. She could still feel his dick pulsing inside her and how warm and safe and loved she felt in his arms. From then on, she snuck out almost every night to sleep with him in his bed for the next four years until they were married. How they never got caught she couldn't imagine. There were so many close calls, so many times when she was sure they were caught, but somehow, something, or someone always seemed to intervene and their secret love affair was saved!

She blinked her eyes as she looked up to see Cindy hovering over her. Her dream faded away as she remembered the day before, and her trip to Alaska. Being choked out on the airplane. Swinging in her harness as Leon and the pilot fucked her. Riding out of Anchorage and seeing the still landscape of Alaska as they drove to the private company cabin deep in the mountain forest. Her awe as she saw the palatial cabin, and she remembered the sound proofed torture room and the beating she was given by Leon before confessing her pregnancy to get him to stop. That evening, Cindy gave her a prenatal check up and pronounced her and the fetus healthy, but she advised against any more S&M activities that evening.

Waking up groggy and sore, Charlene realized she had oxygen tubes in her nose and Cindy was checking her vitals.

"Good morning Miss Lust!" Cindy greeted warmly as she inserted an IV into Charlene's arm.

"Argh, I feel like I've been run over," Charlene complained, her voice a raspy whisper as she looked over and saw that Leon was not in bed.

He had been particularly kind and cuddly last night. Spending an hour slowly stroking her belly. Yes he did a fair amount of groping her breasts and pushing his finger into her pussy, fingering her clit and stroking her vulva before finger fucking her vagina to two climaxes before he crawled between her legs and fucked her for the first time like a real man makes love to a real woman. No S&M, no insults, no commands. He just looked into her eyes as she opened herself to him and slowly made love to her until she climaxed three more times. It took hours, and then he laid beside her and put his hand on her belly, as his cum drained from her vagina in little rivulets coursing down the inside curves of her ass cheeks to soak the bed sheet beneath her, and went to sleep.

"I'm sure you are, after yesterday's...activities. Tell me again, how far along are you," Cindy asked, as she pulled the comforter down Charlene's naked body and motioned for her to spread her legs.

"My last period ended on the eighteenth of February," Charlene answered as she started to remove the oxygen tubes in her nose.

"No! Don't remove that," Cindy commanded.

"What are you doing," Charlene asked her voice sharp with concern.

"I'm going to oxygen saturate you, so you can better handle what is to come," Cindy answered, "and, I am giving you fluids because you are dehydrated."

Very clinically, Cindy shoved a cold lubricant covered wand inside her vagina and pushed in until Charlene hissed as she felt her collide with her cervix, "So you're eight weeks along, so most likely, no gender reveals today, but we will hear your baby's heartbeat and take some measurements!"

Cindy turned the volume dial up and they both watched the sonogram screen.

"So Charlene, do multiples run in your family," Cindy asked as she moved the wand around and an image was immediately relayed to the monitor.

"Yes, my mother had twins or triplets with every pregnancy. I am the youngest of triplets," She answered, then asked, "Why? What do you see?"

Suddenly the room was filled with the rapid swishing sound of a baby's heart. Charlene looked up at the monitor and felt suddenly overwhelmed as she smiled uncontrollably as she saw her baby for the first time. There was the head, body, legs and arms…absolutely perfect!

There was the umbilical cord, and the baby moving and twitching and retreating away from the probe that was prodding it through Charlene's vaginal wall and uterine wall. Cindy held the wand still and used her free hand to operate the computer. Taking measurements before she moved the wand for a different angle and then took more measurements.

"Did you have twins or triplets with your first pregnancy," Cindy asked as she took the baby's measurements.

"No, Heather was a normal single birth," Charlene answered, "and Jason's mother had all single births."

The room became quiet and the screen went dark as Cindy moved the wand away from the fetus. Charlene let out a sigh of relief, then her breath caught as the sound of another swishing heartbeat filled the room and the image of a squirming baby lit up the screen again!

"Did your mother have fraternal or identical twins," Cindy asked.

"She's had both, all of my sisters are identical and my brothers are fraternal. That sounds so strange now that I hear it. It's amazing that my mom didn't have a half dozen identical fraternal twins at the same time," Charlene answered with a shaky laugh that faded away as her own fears encroached in her, then she asked, "Am I having twins or is that a different angle on the same fetus?"

"Different baby," Cindy answered as she looked up smiling, "Congratulations Mama Lust! You're having twins!"

Charlene knew it was a possibility, but she still felt stunned! Having her first pregnancy be a single birth was like hitting the lottery in her family. It was one of the many reasons why she hadn't wanted more pregnancies...

"The measurements on the fetuses puts their conception between February eighteenth to March tenth. Do you know who the father or fathers could possibly be from those dates," Cindy asked.

Charlene let out an explosive gasp, "Oh shit! That doesn't eliminates those boys in the elevator!"

"What boys in an elevator," Cindy asked, suddenly interested.

"It's a long story," Charlene answered with a dismissive wave of her hand, "If Donald is to be believed about the men being sterile or using contraceptives at Volton, then the only men that could have impregnated me are; my husband Jason, Donald, Randal or Leon."

"And, if Donald was wrong," Cindy asked.

Charlene shook her head wanting to reject the idea, as she answered in a low mumble, feeling like an absolute slut as she answered, "Then I could have been impregnated by any of over four-hundred different men,"

"Well!" Cindy sighed, her tone full of judgement, telegraphing pretty clearly that she thought Charlene was a slut, or maybe a whore, too, "Let's hope Donald was right then!"

"Yes! Let's," Charlene mumbled unhappily.

"It is still too early for a paternity test," Cindy said out of the blue as she withdrew the sonogram wand and put it on a tray by the monitor, "But, anytime after next week you can go to your regular Ob/Gyn and have it done. Knowing our bosses, the sooner the better."

"As for your... extracurricular activities," Cindy continued in a clinical tone, "I would inform all parties that you are pregnant so that all to be gentler with you!"

Charlene nodded that she understood though she knew she would not be informing anyone else until she was ready to present her amendment to her contract.

"As for this week," Cindy continued, mistaking Charlene's acknowledgment as acquiescence, "I have reviewed all Leon's scenarios and limited him to one's safest for you and babies. Also, I will be informing him that you are pregnant with twins as far as I can see. I will warn you that you could be pregnant with more multiples, and everyone on increases your risk of miscarriage! I will suggest he be extra gentle with you. I will also be on hand at all times. You will get an afternoon break where you and I will go for a walk if you are feeling up to it. Finally, if you begin feeling poorly, like something is wrong with your pregnancy your safe word is 'Doctor', I will intercede immediately and this is not the same as you 'Quitting!'"

"Thank you that is good to know," Charlene answered with a weak smile up at Cindy.

Cindy returned her smile as she gathered up her things and left the bedroom. Charlene was slow to getting out of bed, her hips and ass were still so sore from Leon's paddling! She pulled a little trolley with her oxygen bottle and IV with her as she slowly walked into the master bathroom and relieved herself. Afterward, she ran a hot bath and added epsom salt and got in.

Leon was gone all morning visiting his client, so Charlene closed her eyes and let the salty hot water pull the soreness out of her aching body.


September 1, 1989

Galdren Family Farm -

"What are you thinking about," Jason asked Charlene as they sat on his mother's couch and watched 'Wheel of Fortune' with his brother's and sisters.

He was a strong and strapping twenty-two years old as of August first, and she was finally eighteen as of June fifteenth never mind the fact that they had been together for six years, the last two of which they were married, and she was twenty-seven weeks pregnant and starting her third trimester and feeling as big as a boat when her mom threw her her surprise birthday party. Now, three months later, she felt like she was going to pop every time she moved. She was so full term, and the baby was kicking her relentlessly, and she had an ever present need to pee. Her due date was the fifteenth of September, and she prayed desperately that it would come early!

It was the weekend so they were visiting Jason's family this weekend. Everyone was ecstatic over her pregnancy, and at how huge her belly was, or her breasts like Calvin and Benjamin who both remarked at how the baby sure wouldn't want for milk. It was...mildly annoying.

Looking up into her Lovers eyes, she smiled as she saw the exhaustion on his face. He was working so hard for her! Trying to make their lives better after moving out into their own apartment in town after they got married two years ago. He was working as a draftsman during the day to pay their rent, utilities and necessities, and then he was going to night college to become an engineer as well.

"I am thinking about our first night together," Charlene purred in his ear, "At how long ago that feels now, six years, seemed to fly by so quickly! Do you remember?"

"How could I forget," Jason whispered in her ear before he kissed her cheek.

"Do you think we will still fit on your little bed with me like this," She asked as she rubbed her gravid belly.

"We are probably going to find out," Jason laughed, as little Sonette came darting into the living room and dived into Jason's lap.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy," Sonette yelled happily as she situated herself on Jason's lap and pulled out a Doctor Seuss book, "Story! Daddy!"

Jason laughed delightedly and hugged and squeezed Sonette before he took the book she was offering as reading material, Green Eggs and Ham. Charlene hated it when Sonette called Jason 'Daddy.' Jason was not the three year old's father! It also irritated her that both Jason or Claire never corrected the girl. Jason just passed it off as Sonette being unable to say 'Uncle' when she was first starting to talk. Jason was the oldest male in the house besides Connor, their father, the one who should be providing a father figure for the baby girl!

Sonette looked over at Charlene, smiling incorrigibly, and held out her arms to be held. Charlene smiled and took Sonette from Jason. When Sonette was settled in Charlene's lap, Sonette patted her belly.

"Cha… Char going to have a baby too," Sonette asked prettily.

"Yes," Charlene answered and pointed at Jason, "I'm going to have Jason's baby!"

"My sister," Sonette asked as she hugged Charlene's belly, "Soni get a sister?!"

"Oh, um, something like that yes," Charlene answered with a smile as she looked from Sonette to Jason for help.

Jason smiled and grabbed Sonette under her arms and stood up, "It is almost bedtime for her. I will read her a story and put her to bed."

Charlene nodded, then watched him walk away. Turning back she caught Claire watching Jason leaving with a small secretive smirk curling the side of her mouth up. The circumstances of Claire's pregnancy were a mystery, seeming to everyone, or at least to her. A month after she confessed to Jason and they began sleeping together, Claire informed the family that she was pregnant. There was no hysteria…no outrage…Janice has simply hugged Claire and told her how proud she was of her and that she would be okay. That was it! There was no demand to know who she had been fucking! No questions on who the father was! Nothing! They simply didn't want to know, or everyone knew and wasn't saying!

Charlene grimaced and pushed herself up to go to the bathroom. 'Damnit,' She always needed to pee these days!

When she finished relieving herself, Charlene went back to the living room to find Jason and Claire missing. Suspicious, she was no fool! She knew all too well the draw of family love, and she knew all too well of cultivating the Family Garden. After all Gabriella and Porsche spent many hours mewling as they tended to each other's Gardens. This was really why she hated Sonette calling Jason daddy. Because Jason could easily be Sonette's father…easily! Charlene just wanted so badly for it to not be true. Turning on her heel she immediately went to Claire and Chastity's room looking for Jason. When Charlene pushed the door open she saw Jason bent over Sonette, giving her a tender kiss goodnight on her forehead and Claire was sitting at the foot of her bed watching Sonette…and Jason. She had a beautiful, almost…wifely smile and Charlene could see unrequited love in her eyes.

"I've been thinking lately," Claire whispered as she watched Jason brush Sonette's curly golden locks, "I want another baby… before Sonette gets too much older…"

"Why," Charlene interrupted suddenly.

Claire jumped and squealed in shock, Jason didn't react because he had just turned to respond to Claire and saw her in the doorway.

"Shh," Jason chided both of them about the noise.

They were still standing around when Chastity walked into the room with her daughter, Danielle. Chastity's pregnancy was as big and mysterious as Claire's, and as well received. Danielle was born December 3, 1989, and was a gorgeous, rambunctious, nine month old that Chastity walked up to and put in Jason's arms.

"Okay baby whisperer," Chastity whispered with a smile, "It's Danielle's turn, if you don't mind putting her to bed as well?"

Jason smiled and took Danielle before he shooed all three women from the room.

Charlene was so glad they moved out, and to their own apartment. This was how it always was when he came home. Claire, Chastity, and even Janice forced Jason into daddy'ing their babies. That's right, Janice was pregnant with Claire. She gave birth to Eleanor only three days after Claire had Sonette. Between the three of them, they ran Jason so ragged it was amazing that Charlene herself got pregnant only a couple of weeks after Chastity gave birth. Seriously, Jason was living on three hours of sleep a day. They weren't even having sex hardly anymore, Charlene just slept with him!

Where in the hell was Connor Galdren then? And, where the hell was he now?

Jason caught Charlene's arm and held her back as Claire and Chastity exited their room. Charlene turned to her husband as he slipped his free arm around her big pregnant belly, and around her waist before he pulled her in for a devastating kiss! Charlene felt her heart pumping so hard, and her legs were turning to mush while her pussy felt like a furnace as she soaked her panties!

He kissed her for a long time switching from suckling her full top lip to her plump bottom lip before he pulled back, "Hey, please don't be irritated with them…it's just that they've missed me…"

"Oh! Which ones? The kiddos or your sister/wives over there," Charlene growled in irritation!

"Come on now, don't be mean," Jason chided in a warm purr that stoked Charlene's furnace to a bonfire in her belly.

"I'm sorry," Charlene said as she tried to calm herself by hugging Jason, "It's just… I feel like I'm always competing with the women in your family for your attention, and affection!"

"Oh Baby," Jason cooed as he pulled her to sit on Claire's bed as he rocked Danielle asleep, "That just isn't the case! I love you! You are my wife…always…and forever!"

Charlene smiled and leaned on Jason and let herself be consoled. When Jason was finished putting Danielle to sleep he led her out of Claire and Chastity's bedroom by her hand. It was no more than as soon as they walked through the door that Janice came sauntering up with Eleanor.

"Jason, Honey, would you mind putting Eleanor to bed as well," Janice purred in her, 'It's such a small little task how can you possibly say no!' voice.

Charlene smiled, but she wanted to grind her teeth in jealousy! Every time! Every time they came over! This happened!

"Sure mom," Jason answered good naturedly as he took Eleanor from Janice.

Charlene waited until Janice went back to the living room and Jason walked to Janice's room before she hissed, "Seriously!"

"I will be quick Honey," Jason adamantly apologized, "Just let me put Eleanor to bed and then we can go to bed and have some alone time!"

Charlene's irritation faded by the word and smiled happily at the suggestion, she was so horny for Jason! This was an acceptable compromise!

"Okay, that is acceptable," Charlene purred lustily, "And, I expect you to make me orgasm no less than three times tonight!"

Jason laughed nervously as he grabbed her plump ass and squeezed, "I think you overestimate my ability My Dear, but I will, as always, aim to please my Girl!"

It was Charlene's turn to laugh as she leaned into Jason's side and growled hornily, "Oh you do baby! Every night! Every time!"

Charlene lightly brushed her fingers across Jason's cheeks as she blew an air kiss at him then did her best sexy walk, swaying her hips exaggeratedly as best she could before turning back to see Jason openly ogling her ass, "I will be waiting in bed for you…"

She watched Jason's eyes slowly rise to meet hers before she smiled triumphantly and walked down the hallway to his old room. A room still inhibited by Calvin and Benjamin. She closed the bedroom door behind her and looked at herself in a mirror mounted to the door. The woman that stared back at her was scarcely the little girl that came into this room to bed the boy that would be the man of her dreams. The husband she craved and the father of her child!

In the mirror staring back at her was a mature woman with dark taupe brown skin, and even darker chocolate brown eyes with long thick ebony lashes. She stood five feet three inches tall, her hair had grown like crazy with her pregnancy and now fell in waves to the backs of her thighs. Her breasts felt like huge watermelons, and she was popping out of her bra and it was a 36E! Maybe it was time to get a 36F?

Below her breasts she rubbed her humongous belly, 'God she looked like a whale!'

Happily, she didn't have one stretch mark on her belly. A gift from her mother, she supposed, since Fornasia after six pregnancies with multiples still didn't have one stretch mark. Charlene rubbed her hands over her hips and turned sideways to admire her width and depth, they were an exotic 38 inches before her pregnancy and had widened recently to 40 inches. Her thighs were still smooth, not a trace of cellulite anywhere on her body, and they were thick and muscular and curvy.

Smiling at herself, Charlene turned out the light in the room. Jason's younger brothers were surely old enough now to make it to their beds without a night light. Pulling the coverlet of Jason's old bed down she slipped in naked and waited. She didn't have to wait long before she heard the door creak open and saw a silhouette move into the room. She verily giggled as she listened to her companion shucking his clothes. Soon he was pulling the coverlet down and sliding into bed with her.

"Mmm, hello Loverboy," Charlene purred as she turned away from Jason, pulling her knees under her and sticking her ass high in the air so that he could fuck her doggy style.

Jason didn't say a word, he just ran his hands over her ass cheeks and down her thighs before he moved behind her. She felt his bulbous head slide between her pussy-lips and run down to her clitoris and back up to her vagina several times before he finally pushed inside!

"Oh Jason," She moaned into Jason's pillow as he slid in, stretching out her vaginal walls around his girth and pushing in until she felt him slam against her cervix.

Soon he was withdrawing and she swore she could feel the flanges of his head scraping her walls as she grabbed handfuls of the pillow and sighed luxuriantly. Jason pulled out until his head tickled the mouth of her vagina until she was trying to suck him back in before he lunged back in slow and steadily tormenting her until she was slamming her ass back to meet him!

"Ahhhhh Eeeeee," Charlene wailed as her first orgasm swept over her and Jason slammed into her as she felt his dick pumping cum into her pussy! She slammed her ass back as hard as she could and buried her hubbies dick and deeply inside her as she could and she finished her climax with a hiss!

As soon as she felt Jason pull out she twisted around to lay on her back, spreading her thighs and opening her pussy to Jason as she purred, "That's one baby, come on make me cum two more times!"

All she could see was a black silhouette hovering over her as he slid his arms under her knees and lifted her ass off the bed as his cock found her vagina and thrust inside once again! Charlene was so full of cum! It was mixing with her lubrication and making her pussy so slick that it was taking longer than she wanted to orgasm. Still, she was enjoying the feeling of her ass cheeks slamming into Jason's thighs and the roll of her breasts back and forth, up and down her chest, as the dick inside her stoked her fire to a new inferno. She moved her hand to her nipples and began twisting, pinching, and pulling them as her orgasm spread out in her belly before bursting behind her eyelids like fireworks!

Jason came with her again, filling her up until she felt his cum dribbling out and down her ass cheeks as he slowly let her down and removed his arms from behind her thighs. Charlene put her legs down and wrapped them around the back of his thighs as she put his hands down on the bed so that he was hovering over her. She giggled and threw her hands around his neck to pull him down for a kiss. When their lips met she knew something was off. Jason always suckled her top or bottom lips. He loved kissing her mouth. He loved suckling her lips! Whoever this was, it was not Jason!

Moving her hands to his chest, she tried to push the silhouette away, but he would not budge. She turned her face away breaking the kiss as she growled, "Who the fuck are you?"

"Who the fuck are you," Hissed an all too familiar voice, "A horny little brown girl aching for any cock she can get to make her orgasm?"

"Calvin," Charlene hissed, her voice stunned and worried.

"Ah, the little brown princess figured it out," Calvin sneered, "Come on, aren't you happy? You got to fuck two brothers for the price of one…"

"Calvin, get off me," Charlene growled, "I only ever wanted one brother not two!"

"Ah, that's not very nice," Calvin growled as he leaned in and kissed Charlene forcefully.

She fought against him but he was too big and heavy and his dick was still buried in her pussy, and every move he made seemed to light up her vagina like lightning as she moaned more and more often as Calvin wrestled with her! She put her legs down on the bed and spread herself as wide as she could as Calvin slammed his dick as deep as he could, piledriving his sperm as deep inside her as he could force it as she hissed and moaned as her third orgasm exploded like a fireball inside her!

"I have never seen you orgasm as hard as you are right now! Now that you know your getting fucked by your brother-in-law," Calvin gushed as he seeded her a third time, this time pulling out so he could spray his cum all over her belly, breasts, and face, "I can't believe you knew it was me and you still gave in to having sex with me and even climaxed! Amazing! I am so glad it's my baby you're carrying in your belly!"

"What," Charlene asked in dumbfounded shock!

Calvin leaned in again and kissed her almost tenderly before he whispered, "That's right…this isn't the first time you have mistaken me for Jason…I was fucking you for years before you and Jason moved out. Years! You really didn't think I didn't know you and Jason were sleeping together did you? You were in our fucking room! So a couple of months after you two started your little…affair…I would slip in while Jason was busy bathing...or other things, and you never knew! I have been trying for so long to get you pregnant! And finally, in December I succeeded! Thank you! Thank you…so much…for having my baby!"

"How could you," Charlene hissed, her voice dripping with the horror she felt.

"Easy, you spread your legs and I get the wonderful feeling of sliding my dick inside you, and pounding your ass until I cum, granted you're not Sable, but no one is perfect," Calvin gloated as he slowly pulled out and moved off the bed, standing up and stepping over to his bed to climb in and pull the covers over him, "I wouldn't get up and try to leave if I were you. Jason will be here soon to fuck his beautiful cuckolding wife in a few seconds…"

Charlene hurriedly found a box of tissues she kept near the bed so they could clean up after sex without going to the bathroom. She had time to wipe Calvin's cum from her face, breasts, and belly just before Jason's silhouette opened the door and slipped into bed with her.

"Hey Baby," Jason purred hornily as he wrapped his arms around her and she spread her thighs open to let him slide his dick inside her already cum filled pussy, "You sure are wet tonight!"

"Mmmhmm," Charlene hummed as she brought a hand to her mouth to muffle her crying as Jason's swollen throbbing cock began to stroke her to a fourth orgasm!


"No!" Charlene screamed as she suddenly awoke sitting bolt upright in her bath water and sloshing a fair amount of it out of the tub and onto the floor!

"What the fuck was that," Charlene hissed to herself in a near panic, "I…I…how could I have forgotten something like that?!"

She shook her head in denial as she pulled the stopper on the bath water so it could drain. 'There was no way…just no way…that dream was true,' She denied the dream as she Stepped out of the bathtub, found a robe, and wrapped herself tightly in it like a security blanket. Grabbing her oxygen she walked back into the bedroom before deciding to pull the oxygen tubes out of her nose and getting dressed for the day.

Her dream never left her thoughts though, and she examined it in every way she could until she came to the conclusion that even though she wanted to deny it, her dream wasn't a dream, it was a memory. Most likely, a repressed memory. Which meant that Heather wasn't Jason's daughter! That she, Jason's adoring faithful wife, had not once been faithful. In the eighteen years after giving birth to Heather she never allowed him to give her a child that was actually his, and now, she was planning on taking him completely out of the line up for getting her pregnant again!

She knew she wasn't going to change her mind about it, but it still left her feeling horrible...