Family Legacy

Tuesday - April 8, 2008

Galdren Home - 8:00 am

Jason woke up with Heather's head on his right shoulder and her hair in his face. He could smell her licorice scent, but this morning there was an added scent of vanilla and jasmine. Heather's shoulder dug into his armpit while his chest was sandwiched between her massive taupe brown breasts. He could feel her belly pressing into his side and he decided she definitely had a basketball inside her now. She had one thigh running down the side of his leg and her other thigh was thrown across him, and she was cupping his testicles in her hand.

There was a little moan and slight movement on his left side and he remembered Louisiana was with him and Heather! She cuddled in closer to him shifting some of her hair that was in his face and he realized the scent of vanilla and jasmine was Louisiana.

He felt the cold metal of the D-ring in her collar touch his skin and fought back the desire to shrink away from it. It was all Louisiana wore now, the only item she refused to take off. The rest of her clothes were in her bag, her jewelry in a small pouch including her wedding rings. Mildred had been right, Louisiana was much more concerned with her slave's collar than she was about her wedding rings. If Leon was her husband, then Jason was her god! It didn't matter what he said, what he wanted, or what he did, she was zealously devout to making him happy as long as he kept her properly submissive!

Louisiana felt very small compared to Heather. Her head rested on his left shoulder, while her shoulder was under his armpit. He could feel her soft rhythmic breathing and her much smaller C-cup breasts pressing into his chest. He felt her belly move against his side in time with her breathing and he could tell she had one thigh running down his left leg while her other thigh was thrown over him much the same way as Heather's was. He could feel that Louisiana had a death grip on his dick and she seemed to be consciously or subconsciously squeezing him while slowly masturbating him!

The sensations of his two lovely partners cuddled up against him almost made him forget his dream.

His dream...


July 25, 1983

Galdren Family Farm -

It had been of Charlene's confession of her love for him. His very first time having sex, with Claire first then Chastity, and later that night making love to Charlene, 'God, he needed to go visit them!'

His first time with Charlene had been in the bath, their second time in his bed. The next morning, Calvin and Benjamin snored through him quietly mounting Charlene missionary style and fucking her until she was mewling softly in his mouth, and then she had turned on her side and let him fuck her from behind as he massaged her small breasts and she reached through her thighs and squeezed his balls. For such a young little thing she had been a tigress in bed!

After he came in her while in their spooning position, she wanted him to fuck her doggy style next! With her head buried in his pillow, and her legs out to her sides he had been forced to smash her hips all the way down to his bed as he slammed his dick inside her, just in case his brothers should awaken!

Charlene moaned into his pillow as he came inside her once and kept on fucking her until he came twice before he finally got up and got dressed. Once he was dressed he pulled Charlene's dress from below his pillow, and he watched her stand up out of bed, she had his cum dribbling down her thighs as he stood between her and his sleeping brothers as she slipped into her rumpled green sundress. When she was dressed, she had neither panties or bra, he quietly led her back through the house to the bathroom and out through the mud room.

"Oh, you're up already," Janice called from behind him as she walked into the bathing room.

Jason stepped out of view of his mother and made as if knocking off his muddy boots as he gave Charlene a final quick kiss before she darted out the door, "Yeah, I went to bed early, so I woke up early too. I was just looking for my boots so I can start my chores…"

"Oh really," Janice said with a small secretive smile, "You sure are growing up fast son!"

Janice had crossed the bathing room while Jason knocked off his boots and kissed Charlene goodbye, and tousled his hair as she scanned the mud room looking for Charlene. Thankfully, she was long gone!

Smiling up into her son's eyes he noticed for the first time that her eyes were emerald green like Claire's eyes. She put her hands up on his shoulders, behind his neck and pulled him down to kiss her. His mother was tender and she smelled like soap and tasted of toothpaste. She was five feet nine inches tall, but his mother had always been larger than life to him. Now, she seemed small and feminine and…lonely!

His father had been gone for weeks now. It wasn't unusual for him to be gone as long as two to three weeks at a time, but he found he sympathized with Janice's loneliness now as he slipped his arms around her small waist and slid his hands down to her ass cheeks. She didn't reject his intimacy, rather she kissed him deeper and pushed her soft womanly body into him more aggressively. Which only made him respond by holding her tighter and tighter until he felt his dick start to stiffen between them and press into her lower belly!

"Take a bath with me," Janice moanfully begged into his mouth when she finally pulled away.

"Yes Ma'am," Jason whispered back.

"Don't call me that," Janice snapped, then sighed as she stepped back and began lifting her nightgown off, "Right now, while we are here… you with me like this… I want you to call me Janice."

"Yes Ma'... Janice," Jason corrected himself when her eyes turned suddenly sharp.

Jason wasn't wearing much to start with, just his underwear and a t-shirt. Janice helped him pull his shirt over his head and then she pushed his underwear to his ankles. Then she stood back up, caressing his inner thighs as she did and splaying her fingers over his dick with one hand as she grasped his testicles with the other. She smiled and lifted herself up on her toes to kiss him tenderly on the lips before she knelt back down, this time putting a hand on his hip as she guided his dick into her mouth!

His engorged mushroom shaped swollen purple head was pressed against her lips when she smelled sex on him. She knew the smell of sperm and lubrication better than anyone in her house, and now she knew Jason had been having sex as early as this morning.

Jason could sense that his mother knew he made love to Charlene this morning and he could face his mother. He was so embarrassed! He was probably in so much trouble! Unable to meet Janice's gaze, he looked up scrunching his eyes thinking he was done for!

Janice looked up her son's lean abdomen and saw his guilt and in every tense fiber of his body, and if that wasn't enough to give away his guilt, the obvious aversion of his eyes, looking up at the ceiling told her everything she needed to know. She was surprised at herself as a flash of jealousy turned her vision red and her breath hot! There was a part of her that thought seriously about calling him out on his activities, but then she wasn't absolutely sure whose garden he was working!




The Family Garden was his responsibility now! A duty she had given just yesterday! What right did she have to call him out for performing his duties as assigned! After all, even if it was that little girl down the street then she was family now too.

She sensed that she had to put Jason at ease, right now, despite her jealous desire to keep him all to herself. Otherwise, she would cripple his authority as the family gardener, and he would be constantly scared that what he was doing was wrong! Besides, that desire, to keep home as her own personal fuck toy, had flown the coupe as soon as she brought Claire with Jason into her room. Now, she must help him realize that whatever he did, whomever of the females of his Family Garden he decided to cultivate, he shouldn't feel embarrassed or afraid that he's done anything wrong. That from now on, whatever he decided to do was the right thing to do, and the Family Garden was his to cultivate as he wanted!

Jason felt his mother's lips part as she inhaled his slick still cum and lubricant covered dick. Surprised, he looked down at her and met her eyes staring back up at him lovingly! Smiling in relief, he watched her mouth consume his whole eight inch phallus as her top lip kissed his pubic mound and her bottom lip caressed his scrotum. Her eyes never left his as little veins popped out of her forehead, as she held her breath, as she massaged his dick in her mouth! He could feel his head in the back of her throat and he felt a fire in his balls foretelling his impending climax!

Janice's eyes began to water and Jason wiped her tears away from her cheek just before she began a slow withdrawal as she ran her teeth down the skin of his dick ending with licking his head. By the time his head was resting on her bottom lip, her mouth wide open, he couldn't hold back his orgasm any longer! Janice dug her nails into her son's ass cheeks and he moaned as cum blasted from his head into her mouth! His legs shook and his hips thrust but Janice held him in place, her mouth wide open, his swollen head resting on her bottom lip but jumping with every ejaculation slapping her top teeth and the roof of her mouth as he filled her up like a cup...full of creamy white seed!

Janice waited until he was completely finished spurting sperm and dribbled last viscous tendrils of lubrication. Her lips looked like she had a sugar glaze on them before she finally looked up at him, making sure he saw all of his seed in her mouth, before licked the glaze off her lips and she closed her mouth and swallowed everything! Finished, she looked back down at Jason's cockhead and gave it a kiss on the lips as she hefted his testicles, she smiled mischievously, and then she stood up and leaned into his body as she purred contentedly, "Remember this lesson son; a woman that loves you will want to take your seed into her body in any and every way she can!"

"Yes Ma'...Janice," Jason mumbled, as Janice pulled him down to nuzzle her small nose against his.

She smelled like his cum now as she turned away and left him, walking over to the shower and turning on the hot water. She motioned for him to follow her and she washed his whole body. When she was finished she handed the soap and rag to him, clearly expecting him to wash her whole body in return!

Feeling his mother's body under his hands was surreal, almost sacred, in comparison to Claire, Chastity, or Charlene. Her D-cup breasts were larger than any of the three girls he'd made love too so far and there was a marked difference in how his mother's breasts felt from his sister's or girlfriend's breasts. Janice's breasts were soft and squishy, more full but less dense. Their shape was perfect teardrops and they sagged a little further lending to a feeling of maturity...that was very distinguishable from Claire's, Chastity's, or Charlene's young, dense, and perky breasts.

Moving his hands between Janice's breasts he massaged her chest, down her sternum between her cleavage, and then rubbed back up across her pectorals above her breasts before massaging down her ribs and the outsides of her breasts.

"Mmm that feels good," Janice moaned in satisfaction, "I think I am going to make you my new bath buddy…"

Jason smiled at the compliment as he moved his thumbs down her ribs and followed the undercurve of her breasts. When his thumbs met again at her sternum, he followed the inner curves of her cleavage with his thumbs while using his hands to squeeze her breasts, massaging her soft squishy fatty glands as he caught her nipples with his knuckles on his way back up her chest.

"Mmm, when did you get so good at this," Janice moaned happily, "weren't you a virgin yesterday! Surely Claire and Chastity haven't taught you this already?!"

Jason smiled as he looked up from Janice's breasts to her eyes, "No… This is purely me trying to imagine what feels good to you. Using what I know feels good to me, and trying to mix the two together while hoping I don't mess up, or instantaneously cum all over you because this is as sensually arousing to me, or maybe even more so for me, as it is for you!"

"No, this is wonderful," Janice chuckled as she propped her hands on Jason's shoulders for support as he lowered himself to his knees and began washing and massaging her belly.

He could feel her taut abdominal muscles and obliques under a thin womanly layer of soft fat and her soft smooth white skin. He massaged her slowly as he noticed little things and wondered why her face, neck, shoulders, chest, breasts, arms, and legs were all covered in copper freckles, but her belly starting just below her breasts all the way down to her pussy had almost no freckles at all. Then he ran his fingers lightly across the old scars of her pregnancies and wondered which ones he gave her?

"You were my biggest baby," Janice mumbled as she ran her fingers through his golden hair, "Claire was so small, only six pounds three ounces. She felt twice as big as that though, I thought she was going to be a giantess! Then came Chastity two years later, she was small too, only six pounds seven ounces. I didn't have a single stretch mark then, not until you!"

Jason slowed his washing of his mother's belly letting his fingers linger in her thick thatch of auburn pubic hair as he leaned forward and kissed each tiger stripe. He moved one hand to her hip as he moved his other between her thighs, running his fingers through her wet hair as he pushed his fingers between her labia.

"I'm so sorry Mama," Jason whispered as he kissed Janice's belly all the way to her pubic mound.

Janice smiled happily and forgave him for calling her Mama. She ran her fingers through his hair as she widened her stance so he could get more of his hand between her thighs and shove more fingers up inside her as she continued her story, "I thought you would be tiny, like your sisters, but in the last month you grew so big! I thought I was having twins! When you were born there was so much water, and then you came and you weighed only eight pounds four ounces!"

"Mmm," Janice moaned as Jason's tongue found her clitoris!

She shifted slightly and giggled as Jason followed her. She used the shower head to wash the soap from her body just as Jason pushed two fingers inside her vagina and a third into her ass. He used his free hand to wash one hip and ass cheek as he massaged her heavily muscled buttocks. She moaned as her son explored her vagina with his fingers, feeling around inside her, touching her walls and probing her cervix. It was clear he had no idea what he was doing so she tried to give little moans when he touched something that felt good so he would stroke her sensitive parts as he used his mouth and tongue on her clitoris and vulva!

"Oh…Jason," Janice wailed as he drove his free hand that was massaging her ass between her fat cheeks plunging two more fingers inside her rectum before he began massaging her vaginal and anal walls against each other!

"Oh fuck," Jason heard his mother cuss explosively as she grabbed handfuls of his hair and pulled his face deeper into her thighs and pussy!

She began grinding her vagina and ass on his fingers aggressively while he found himself at a loss as to what to do next. Suddenly, Janice was pulling his head away by his hair and spinning around so that his fingers came out of her vagina and rectum! Spreading her feet wide apart, she bent over while grabbing the porcelain hot and cold shower knobs and she thrust her ass out! Looking back over her shoulder she commanded, "Fuck me Jason! Fuck me now!"

Jason felt a little overwhelmed as he stood up and walked behind his mother. Should he fuck her in the ass? Should he fuck her pussy? Should he cum inside his mother? What if she gets pregnant?

He must of hesitated too long because Janice whipped her long auburn hair as she glared back over her shoulder and growled menacingly this time, "Put that fucking dick inside me and fuck me now!"

"What about the rule that a mother shouldn't have her garden tended to by her son," Jason asked as he set his dick in the valley of her ass cheeks and waited patiently for an answer.

While he was waiting he began running the head of his dick over her tailbones before slyly pressing against the puckered pink lips of Janice's anus!

"Please! Please son," Janice begged as she pitched backwards and felt his head slip into her rectum.

"Ahhhhhh," She sighed lustily as she felt Jason lunge into her, his hips colliding against her ass cheeks at a maniacal pace!

It felt so good being inside his mother! It felt like it was where he was always supposed to be!

It felt so good, feeling Jason inside her! It had killed her to watch Claire take his virginity. She had waited so long for him to grow up and show an interest in girls and sex! But, Connor had made it plain that she was to teach him the rules only! Let his sister's be his field, his fertile Family Garden! Well, she had done that! She taught him the family tradition, she transmitted the rules, now she would teach her lovely son another lesson!

Fuck the rules!

Janice felt Jason's dick swell up and explode his seed deep inside her rectum! It felt so nice! So hot inside her, but it wasn't enough, after watching him plow Claire and seed Chastity, she needed an epic orgasm! She waited impatiently for Jason to finish ejaculating the last of his seed inside her ass, then she widened her stance, bent as low as she could while still holding the shower knobs, and thrust her ass out even more!

"Now! Fuck me properly in my pussy," Janice hissed insistently!

Jason pulled out of his mother's ass and watched as her anal mouth closed swallowing all his sperm, not allowing even a single dollop to escape her thirsty body! He didn't feel clean, so as Janice watched impatiently, he took a bar of soap and lathered up his hands before washing his dick off thoroughly. Once all clean, he turned to a happy smiling Janice that was wagging her ass happily like she had a tail!

He stepped behind his mother and found that she was naturally hairless from halfway down her fat pink labia majora all the way to her anus!

'Women were truly amazing,' Jason thought as he slid his big purple head between Janice's pussy-lips and rammed himself home! He truly was going home in the most intimate and absolute sense!

"Ohhhhhhh Jason," Janice moaned lustily as she wagged her ass happily, "Ohhhhhhh yes! Yes! Finally!"

Jason pounded her pussy and he slowly felt a fire light in his balls as they slapped her clitoris repeatedly, but having spent the day before fucking Claire, Chastity, and Charlene, and then cumming in Charlene again this morning three times before Janice blew his load all in her mouth and then in her ass, he was feeling like the tank was empty!

Janice's whole body began to shake and soon Jason tightened his grip on her hips and began slamming his dick inside her, feeling his head bash against her cervix she started wailing as she orgasmed!

When she settled down she looked back over her shoulder and asked breathily, "Have you cum yet?"

Jason smiled and shook his head no.

"Good," Janice gushed as she suddenly stood up straight and took a step forward pulling herself off of his cock, "I figured blowing you, and then having you cum in my ass would help you not blow off as soon as you got inside my pussy!"

Jason laughed, but his cheeks colored with embarrassment because that was exactly what happened with Claire.

"Remember this for later," Janice said as she turned to face him and washed her body off under the shower, "If you haven't cum in a while and your with one of us, your Family Garden, or with your wife and you don't want to prematurely ejaculate then let us suck you off, or if you want to cum on us or in our asses a few times before you fuck our pussies. Or, you can just masturbate a few times, but I am not a fan of that… it's no fun for us if we don't get to relieve your tension!"

Jason nodded that he understood as Janice turned off the shower, took his hand and led him to the soaking pool, before he asked, "So… do I get to cuss now too?"

Janice looked at him as if he had just asked something startling. Then as Jason watched, he could see her accessing her memory's of everything had happened in the last 30 minutes before she realized how many F-bombs she had dropped, and purred, "You can when you are with me…fucking my brains out of my head!"

Jason smiled and nodded that he understood. This was their private…intimate time together…and how they behaved in private was not license to behave unmannerly at any other time.

Janice stepped down into the bath and Jason was quick to follow. She had him sit down in the hot water and she sat down facing him, straddling his thighs as she grabbed his phallus and guided it back into her vagina. When she was settled, she sat a little higher than him and looked down smiling hungrily.

"So, what do you think," Janice purred in his ear before she moved to kiss his neck while simultaneously rocking her hips slowly.

The pressure of her pubic bone and clitoris grinding into the top of his dick as she slowly rubbed him along the back wall of her vagina did wonders for stimulating Jason's balls to produce more seed. He could even feel a knot of coolness in his lower belly below his navel, and it felt like he had a live wire creating a buzzing tingly feeling in his testicles.

It still took some time as Janice slowly rocked her hips and kissed his neck, his jawline, his mouth, across his shoulders, even nibbling his nipples. At the same time she used her hands to caress his chest and abdomen, his obliques, running her fingers down to the top of his ass cheeks then back up to his shoulders. Every touch, every caress, every shift of her hips grinding her pussy on him added little shocks that turned the coolness in his lower belly into an avalanche, while the buzzing tingling sensation in his balls turned into an extraordinary hum!

Janice suddenly sped up, slamming her hips down his shaft as she kissed him. Pulling away, she bit his bottom lip and suckled as she rotated her hips, whisking his dick inside her, hollowing her out!

"Ohhhhhhh Jason," Janice wailed and she slammed herself down on him as her whole body tightened around his cock as her orgasm burst within her!

The ice ball exploded and the humming in his balls boiled over, and before he knew it he had his arms wrapped around his mother's waist and he was thrusting his dick as high up inside her as hard as he could as he crushed her small body into his!

Seconds felt like an eternity as he seemed to not be able to stop cumming in his mother's pussy! When they were both thoroughly spent and satisfied, Janice and Jason sat in the bath just holding each other for a long time, until Claire and Chastity came in and joined them!