Like title implied, major time skip from the last chapter, Ima do some changes to the timeline so :P
{Half a year later}
The cries of two babies rang through the hospital ward. Viviane was extremely weak after giving birth to a pair of twins. John named the boy Alex while Viviane named the girl Alina.
After filling out the paperwork, they were allowed to leave the hospital. The twins have already fallen asleep. As they went back home, Viviane stared at the twins with eyes full of maternal love. It took a long time for John to convince her to put the children in their cradles and sleep.
He made sure that the soundproofing was working before closing the door. John had the children sleep in a separate room as he had heard that babies would be quite the demons during the night. John grabbed a cup of coffee as he moved his paperwork and blueprint designs into the room with his children.
John is designing his second mech. During the past six months, John threw himself into training again as well as intercepting two more Decepticons. He hired multiple cold weapon specialists across the world and learned the basics from them. After that, he would spar with Optimus or Ironhide.
He couldn't beat the two veterans, especially Ironhide. He would get his ass handed to him every time they fought. Optimus also improved himself during this time and would become more and more powerful in CQC (close quarter combat). Optimus's speed of growth far surpasses John's. They aren't even on the same level.
Ironhide on the other hand is the captain of the Cybertronian Defence Force and is older and more experienced than Optimus.
As he practiced his fighting skills with the mech, he found that it was full of flaws. Although he is taller than the average Cybertronian, he can't transform nor can he suffer too many injuries. Compared to older and more capable Cybertronian warriors, he is still like a fragile child trying to beat a fully grown adult in their peak condition.
His goal for his second mech is to be able to transform. Theoretically, it should be able to work but it would require the mech to have much weaker armor and more complicated technology. He is considering to use transformium for the entire body except for the cockpit. It made him excited just thinking about it. He also needs to consider what kind of vehicle he is using.
John ended up choosing the form of a Black Winter Prowler (Halo) for his mech's vehicle form. The armaments would temporarily stay the same until he determines what kind of shape the mech should be in robot mode. The reactor core should also be changed too. Although the current reactor core is much more stable than before, it still has a large number of flaws that needed to be fixed. Alternative energy sources like a Mark 4 ARC Reactor or an Energon Spark are a much safer option.
While downgraded, the power supply should be more than enough to power the mech's core functions. If he adds one or two more, it would be enough to power it for several decades. As this is all in theory, John still needs to do some elaborate testing and creating newer technology.
While he thought of these newer ideas and how they worked, he was interrupted by the cry of a baby.
John moved toward their cradles and picked them up. "Alex you woke up your sister" The two children fell asleep after a little while and he put them back into their cradles.
His shirt is covered with saliva which caused John to sigh. "What am I going to do with the two of you"
John didn't bother to change his shirt as he knew that they would wake up again later. He shrugs off the uncomfortableness of having wet patches on his shirt as it was nothing compared to getting himself dirty after training himself in the game. The realism was up to 100% so he could smell the disgusting smell in the cities and feeling the blood and guts that were spattered all over him.
As he continued drawing blueprints and designing different technologies, Alex and Alina woke up several times in the night and he even had to change their diapers once.
John could tell why babies were the worst at night. It was because they wake up every 40 to 50 minutes and would need an additional 5 to 20 minutes to put them to sleep. Normal parents wouldn't be able to handle that as they would barely be able to get some sleep.
The next morning, he heard Viviane opening the door. With Internal Energy helping him, he doesn't need to sleep for several days. With the help of coffee, he could stay at his peak condition without sleep for 4 days straight.
"Sorry" She apologized
"You were quite tired yesterday so I didn't want to wake you up" John smiled, "Jarvis said breakfast will be ready in 5 minutes"
At 10 AM, they had two unexpected visitors.
Ding Dong
John opened the door and he was surprised "Mom? Dad?"
"Viviane!" his mother directly ignored him and hugged Viviane "These are my two must be my grandchildren"
His father only patted his shoulder with a trace of pity in his eyes "Good luck, son"
John became confused by the look his dad was giving him
It didn't take him long to find out.
"John, sweetheart" his mother gave him a smile "I haven't heard from you and Viviane for quite some time now, dear"
"mom, I- I can explain..."
"You haven't invited us to your wedding, sweetheart" She came closer and pulled his ear "I wouldn't have gotten it if your friends haven't had told us last night"
John winced and looked a little guilty, knowing that it was his fault, but tried to talk it out. "Mom the children will be scared-"
He was interrupted by his children's little laughter
'You don't need to pit your father like this, you two' John now felt like it was a bad idea to have a child
"What were you saying?" His mother asked
Like that, he spent the next two hours listening to his mother's rants and curses.