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During his parent's time staying at his house, they got to interact with Jarvis and Alice. It freaked them out a little bit when they realized that he created a body for an AI. They watched quite a few movies about AIs taking over the world. It required John to spend about several hours to calm them down.

"Son, is it really okay for him to have a body?" his father asked again

"Yes" John sighed, tired from repeating the same answer over and over again

Although still skeptical, he decided to trust his son.

His parents stayed for one and a half months before returning to the UK. Alice would occasionally help out here and there whenever he or Viviane is busy with the children. Jarvis and his clones continued his research of creating a Winter Prowler with the help of space technologies. It was a subject John didn't like as it just gives him a headache. His clones popped every few days just from their brains being overloaded, causing him to pass out as the knowledge assimilated into his head.

"Boss, why can't you just make a regular fighter jet and be done with it" one of his clones complained "We're literally going through all the sci-fi movies and researching their space tech"

"Shut up and do your work" John groaned as it happens on a daily basis. "You're lucky I didn't make you research how to make a sublight engine, quit whining and get your ass back to work so we can get it over with"

"I'd like to see you create thrusters that could turn invisible and stuff" the clone grumbled

"You know what? forget it" John popped the clone and replaced it with another "Finish what he started" He then passed out from all the knowledge that was being dumped into his brain.

John woke up 20 minutes later and this would continue for the next four months until all the parts of the ship are ready to be assembled.

As the ship was being assembled, his communicator lit up. "We have detected another two Cybertronians arriving on Earth"

John furrowed his brows, "How many times has it happened this month?"

"This is the third wave" Alice replied

"Strange, I don't remember so many coming to Earth during this time" John frowned

Sadly they couldn't track where they would go afterward as they don't have satellites up in space. Current satellites don't have the ability to track them as they would just go into hiding the moment they arrive.

Deciding that he should go and try to find out about what's going on, John walked towards the hanger in the lower level. "Alice, tell Viviane that I will be back in a while"


He opened the hatch and immediately took off. The nearest one located by Energon detectors was located in France. It didn't take him long to arrive and started searching for that Decepticon. He believed that it was a Decepticon as Autobots usually land in America, causing Decepticons to avoid that place.

He eventually located the Decepticon, taking the form of a fuel truck, 5km away from the crash site near an airport. John crashed into the Decepticon before it could make it to a nearby city, causing it to transform as they fell from the highway into the forest below.

"aaarhh" The Decepticon roared and attacked John with an arm cannon.

John immediately dodged to the side and used an arm blade to pierce into its hips.

The Decepticon pushed John away and fire two more shots. John managed to dodge one but the other hit him in the shoulder, causing him to stagger a little. There is a little dent on his shoulder from the force but otherwise, it's completely fine.

'I've grown a bit rusty' John thought to himself as he took out a pistol from the side of his leg to end it

John fired four shots, nearly ending the Decepticon's life.

John walked towards the Decepticon, seconds away from ending its life.

"The fallen shall rise again" was all John heard before he ended the Decepticon's life. Those five words were all he needed as he knows that he wasn't far away from the second event. His men arrived just in time to take the body away before the authorities came. His influence hasn't reached the middle east just yet as he is currently stuck trying to extend his influence into Shanghai. China is a bit more complicated due to them being communists, but it was a matter of time before he takes down that wall by taking advantage of the corruption within their government.

"Seems like I have to speed up my plans," John said to himself

He is going to need more transformium to create his second mech. He also wants to expand his influence further west towards Africa and India. A good thing about having political and military power in a country is that he could technically mobilize their forces and say it was a military drill. The government would also turn a blind eye towards his actions, which is a good thing for him.

Due to him buying a lot of materials and minerals from the market, the price started to rise a bit. Deciding that it wasn't worth paying for the overpriced ores and minerals in the market, he decided to just mine it from Africa. His people weren't miners and he doesn't feel like employing more people just to mine so he decided to just take over a region in Africa. Africa is a complicated place with mercenaries, government spies, terrorists, soldiers, and others from different organizations roaming everywhere.

Firefights are very common, but it is also a very good investment if you play your cards correctly. If he takes over a government of a certain region, he could reform it and slowly develop as well as take over the rich resources there. Not only would he be able to get manpower but also resources. That is unless the CIA decided to make a mess in his region, which would be a headache.

Once he takes over a region in Africa and stabilizes it, his next step is to send people into space. He could mine resources and find new elements or minerals from the nearby planets. John knows that it would be difficult to actually stabilize a region with the constant interference of the CIA but it is worth it in the long run.

Meanwhile, in a place far away, the Autobots are getting ready to take down their 5th Decepticon of the year.