
The next four months were constantly full of bloody battles. John chose to develop Niger. Niger has a large amount of Urainuim deposits as well as other minerals like iron, tin, and silver. The downside is that Niger is considered to be one of the poorest countries in the world. John had someone take over the government. It was fairly easy due to the political conflicts. Within a week, the entire government is under his control.

Once he completely controlled the government, he started reconstructing the entire government system. As that happened, he started to buy back all the oil deposits from oil companies. Some just sold theirs while others started to show signs of greed towards the oil deposits he bought. Mercenaries started flocking over to the country as news gone out about a job opportunity. They were paid to create chaos. Some were even paid to take out the current president.

The first month was an utter mess as large-scale battles and destruction occurred across the country. The CIA got involved and gave weapons to rebels as well as denouncing the current government. In retaliation, John had his men hunt down CIA agents across the country as the military became restructured. After the first month, the chaos in the capital started to settle down as they pushed all the enemies and trouble makers out of the city. The nearby garrison of troops was the first to be retrained. He had a few of his men train them. The city also went and had its buildings and roads rebuilt.

John's spec ops were still spread across the globe, hunting down Decepticons, so he had to use his regular members. Even though they were only regular members, there were over a thousand of them, and every one of them are elites within their respective fields. John had one of his clones watch over the development as he relayed orders and watched from the big screen at home.

Within the next two months, their first and second batch of retrained troops are ready to be deployed. They would start their campaign to stabilize the country as John pass out his plans to reconstruct the education system.

CIA field agents also started to pull out of the country once they recognized his emblem on some of the soldiers. Their superiors have realized that his Nirvana security group had grown into something way bigger than what their field agents could handle after dozens of them were captured or killed. In an attempt to minimalize losses, they started to pull out their agents as fast as they can. But how could John simply let them run after causing so much chaos? Within a night, three-fourths of their remaining agents were killed or captured. Corrupt officials and any bad apples like the rebels or terrorist organizations were quickly captured. Their job wasn't finished just yet as there were still thousands of mercenaries, rebels, and terrorists left.

News quickly spread that any rebels that surrender themselves would only be punished through imprisonment. It took some time but slowly, one by one, the remaining rebels came out surrendering themselves after seeing that they have lost the support of the CIA. Once deeming it safe to surrender themselves, they started to surrender in doves.


"Blyat, those fuckers from Nirvana is coming" A man cursed in Russian

"Get your shit together Dimitri, we got to get out of here quickly"

"If we get out of here alive, I swear I will kill those fucking bastards that abandoned us in this mess"

A flash-bang was suddenly thrown into the room, blinding the ten guys hiding inside the building.


[Diego Garcia]

After several missions together, John was allowed to join the Autobots in his mech. Much to his amusement, the Autobots had caused a huge mess in Shanghai. There were about forty to fifty civilian casualties by Demolishor. He wanted to help them initially but the Chinese government deemed his involvement as unnecessary. Honestly, their mess helped him a lot with taking over the Chinese troops garrisoned in Shanghai after the Chinese Government got a lot of complaints from the people. NEST also got a lot of backlash from both the American and Chinese governments.

He was sitting in his mech with popcorn while listening to Bumblebee talking about the booms here and there and the big ass Demolishor in robot mode until that man with no brain cells entered the base. Soundwave had already hacked into their servers while John sat there and watched that annoying piece of shit giving out free intel. John honestly didn't give a shit about the government at this point. John fell asleep halfway through and told Alice to notify him when it ended.

"They're here to hunt you" the Annoying man spoke "What's there on earth to hunt for besides that? The fallen?"

John: ZZZZzzzzzz


"Who is that?" the annoying man asked as he pointed at the giant robot that looked like it's dozing off

"Ding Ding. Boss, that man is talking about you" Alice woke him up with the sound of bells ringing in his ears

John looked up and stretched "Are we done?" he asked

"No" Optimus replied

"oh, I going back to sleep then," John said disinterestedly

"Excuse me, who the hell are you?" said the annoying man who John clearly didn't remember existing

"oh, I'm just a bystander" John replied

(A/N: For those who are confused, John is still inside the mech)

"If you don't mind I might as well just sleep, I highly doubt that you possess any brain cells," John muttered at the end

"I can hear you," the annoying man said once more

"Can I kill this guy?" John asked

The entire base became silent

Lennox stood there silently agreeing yet said "nope not happening"

"suit yourself, a lot of problems could be solved by ending him right now" John yawned

"Excuse me, you want to kill the National Security Advisor in an American Naval base?" the man asked

"Why can I?" John asked as he played with one of his pistols "Would save us a lot of trouble than hearing all that crap out of your mouth"

Ignoring the so-called National Security Advisor who doesn't know shit, he turned towards the Autobots "Yo, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Ironhide, wanna play poker?"