
Honestly, John felt that the politicians involved are dumb after listening to that idiot talk about how it's their planet and that the Autobots came uninvited. 'I mean who the fuck had this guy be their National Security Advisor anyways?' He thought as he arm-wrestled with Ironhide


"You lost" Ironhide spoke as he slammed John's arm down

Massaging his hand, John sighed "I will beat you one day"

John glanced at the dumbass of a National Security Advisor leave the base and wanted to shoot him out of the sky with a rocket. There are so many things wrong with his logic. Other countries would fight amongst themselves to have battle-hardened robots fight with them. Besides, he can't represent Earth and the fact that aliens started to arrive on earth meant that without their protection, there would be other aliens that could kill them off.

Personally, he doesn't understand how they don't see this simple logic.

"Boss, we have a Cybertronian arriving at your position" Alice spoke

"got it" John yawned in boredom

He didn't notify anyone as he felt that he shouldn't do anything unnecessary yet. If he stopped Megatron's revival, wouldn't he be missing out on energy that's more powerful than Energon? Plus, he would also like to test himself against the likes of Megatron and The Fallen. The arrival of more Decepticons would also lead to more transformium. Although this (movie) would be the shittiest out of the 3 originals, it is also the most important. More Decepticons would arrive and the revival of Megatron meant an endless stream of transformium entering Earth every day.

He heard the rather large splash in the ocean but just sat there listening and doing nothing. Screams, explosions, and gunshots rang in the distance moments later. The Autobots arrived a little late as the small skirmish had already ended. Tens of NEST soldiers have been killed and the All spark shard had been stolen.

John got up and left for home as there was nothing interesting to do. He'd rather go and watch the kids than babysit the soldiers who would probably be his enemies years later. Besides, he hasn't slept for two days and wanted nothing other than to cuddle with his wife back home.

He did exactly that and cuddled with Viviane in bed. The next day, John and Viviane started kissing one another.



They got a little carried away and started stripping, forgetting the fact that there were two little ones just sleeping next door. That is... until they were rudely interrupted by the two troublemakers, ruining the mood.



'God fucking damn it, I was about to spend some time with your mother you little shits' John thought gloomily as Viviane straightened her clothes and walked out of the room.

His mood became better later on as the two spoke their first word



John held Alex up with excitement "Say dada"

"aguuuu" was all he got

He could hear Viviane laughing in the background

"Alex is not as smart as his sister," John said with absolute certainty

"mama" Alex started to reach out to Viviane instead

John's face became dark

"Sure" Viviane giggled

Within a day or two, John was notified of Sam Witwicky's kidnapping and the attack on the University of Oregon.

John got into his mech and rushed over but it was already too late as when he arrived, Megatron stabbed his fusion cannon and shot Optimus's spark. John fired his pistol and knocked Starscream away. Megatron responded with a shot from his fusion cannon. John dodged and engaged in close combat with his arm blades. Very quickly, he damaged both Starscream and Megatron by ripping an arm off of both of them. Taking this chance, Megatron shot his fusion cannon once more at point-blank range, knocking John off his feet. The two quickly retreated as soon as the Autobots arrived as reinforcements.

John had his left arm damaged from the battle due to the shot from the fusion cannon hitting it at an extremely close range. It could be completely repaired within a day. He brought Optimus's body back to the base as he didn't trust the army with handling a body as big as Optimus's. John respected the guy as Optimus is both a great fighter and friend. The two trained and sparred with each other. Although John would be weaker, they respected each other's strengths. John is a smart and talented human who could put up a fight against him and Ironhide. Optimus is a strong leader who believes in freedom as well as a good soldier on the battlefield. Optimus would always be the one to lead the charge in a fight and is fearless despite the odds against him. It was a pity but John wasn't worried since he knew that Optimus would eventually be revived

Soon reports came in as a dozen different Decepticons landed in Paris, causing hundreds to be injured and about 80 deaths in the process. John stopped his men from engaging in a fight with the Decepticons and only told them to wait for his orders.

"And so it begins" John muttered to himself