During these nine years, technology advanced quickly due to John's interference. All sorts of fields saw a new golden age as people began to slowly reverse engineer his tech. Of course, John's country was the leading country in the new era. Also, during this time he had peacefully annexed half of Africa and introduced terraforming technology to transform the sandy deserts into grasslands, savanna, forests, and etc.
However, most areas where places are less populated would be left alone in their natural state. The UN and the EU had no excuse to stop John's expansions as the countries being annexed had done so peacefully. Though, even if they tried to make an excuse, the technological advantage Jogn had over them was not small and he could easily wipe the floor with them.
Now, not only is John the richest and most influential person in the world, his country surpassed America by a large margin in every way. The people are happy and John made sure to take care of any corruption through a special department he founded. He renamed the new country Arcania.
When he felt like the country is safe and could run corrupt-free for the next two decades, he stepped away from the political scene and threw the job of running the country to the parliament. He had carefully selected them and with an AI loyal to him watching them 24/7 he felt more than enough at rest to spend the next decade peacefully with his children.
Speaking of which, the children grew up quite well. They were intelligent at a young age and picked things up faster than others. Vivianne had felt that skipping grade levels is bad for them and chose to let them play with children of their age. Vivianne and John were careful to not expose them early to the darkness of society yet. They want their children to find the true love and friendship of a normal person. John's parents have also moved into the place where they stayed. Together, they lived a very peaceful life.
Zero, on the other hand, helped hunt down Decepticons with the Autobots. Ever since the fallen had exposed the existence of Cybertronians or Transformers, what humans called them, to the world, governments had been paying special attention to them. Bodies of Decepticons and Autobots who had fallen would go missing every now and then. Zero, Ironhide, and Bumblebee were upset with the humans for using their fallen comrades as experiments. Optimus was hurt by the humans for what they had done but he did swear to not hurt humans. The rest of the Autobots felt conflicted or were completely ignorant of the situation.
During these times, the relationship between the Autobots and NEST forces gradually became strained. Lenox was close to retirement by this time. Because of Lenox and many of the old NEST members, the Autobots were willing to continue working with them. Though as those familiar faces gradually disappeared when they became KIA or Retired, the Autobot's patience waned. As much as Lenox wanted to reverse the situation, he knew it was a matter of time before the Autobot-Human Alliance became null because of the bloodthirsty Politicians and Capitalists.
There were times when America sent the Autobots to attack enemy countries. This worsened the relationships between countries as the countries attacked wouldn't know who did it. The Autobots became weary of the humans, though they still maintained their alliance in helping the humans. It, however, did not help the situation as countries began arming themselves and small skirmishes occur monthly on the borders of dozens of countries. Not to mention, Arcania was being more and more militarized. Every country with an enemy next to them became tense in fear of war breaking out.
The main protagonist, Sam Witwicky, had broken up with Mikaela a year after the war in Egypt. Their relationship had already worsened before Megatron was revived. The war in Egypt had helped them mend the relationship slightly but in the end, Mikaela found another boyfriend as Sam was getting more and more annoying. She also felt the stress of being hunted by Decepticons and felt that it just wasn't the life for her. Therefore, after a year, their relationship completely fell apart. Bumblebee had also moved away from him as Sam was a normal person in his eyes and the danger had passed with all known remaining shards of the All Spark gone.