Sorry for not uploading for about a month. Second-semester grades and finals are really getting to me. I won't upload for another two weeks in order to finish the school year. 😅😅😅 School is pain.
A few days later, John took off and left for home when he felt like he was no longer needed. Zero would need to train with Ironhide and Jarvis would supervise.
The moment he opened the door, he felt a soft body hugging him. "You're finally back," Viviane said with relief and exhaustion. Taking care of the children is quite tiring especially when she would burn herself out with her training.
John kissed her on the forehead and grabbed her hand. "I won't be leaving any time soon"
Viviane nodded and the two stared at each other's eyes, lost within their own world.
While a month can be considered short, a human's lifespan is only 79 years. Four weeks is already very long. They missed hugging each other in bed when they slept. For some, a month away from your lover can change many things, but to them, their bond became stronger. It was a sense of longing for each other. The only face time calls they get, are really short as they both knew that John had big projects and he needed a lot of time to get those projects done.
A child's cry came from inside the house, causing the two to break away and smile. Viviane grabbed John's hand and led him upstairs.
They carried the children into the kitchen where they had lunch. After lunch, Viviane brought their children into the living room where they would play with their toys. Viviane rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.
"You've got yourself quite the muscles dear" John chuckled to which Viviane opened her eyes and asked
"I'm not ugly am I?"
"no, You're still the beauty I remember" John ginned
"cheesy" Viviane rolled her eyes "I worked hard for this"
"I know" John kissed her before saying "sorry"
"what?" Viviane asked
"Sorry for having you taking care of the children by yourself for an entire month" John apologized "It must've been hard"
"Now you apologize for it" Viviane rolled her eyes
John's hand laid on her shoulder and gently massaged it
"hm" Viviane moaned
As John was massaging Viviane's shoulders, Alex and Alina who was standing there looking up at them suddenly walked. The pair was shocked as they were only around 8 months old. Viviane hurriedly picked up Alex and Alina who were about to fall. "They...can already walk" John heard her murmur with a slight trace of excitement in her voice
She looked up at John and spoke "They actually took their first steps right when you came home"
John ticked the two children and smooched Viviane on the cheeks
"That's great" he chuckled
"The two can already say sentences of 5 words" Viviane spoke excitedly "They are geniuses"
John nearly choked when he heard that as he had started reading books at six months old.
John coughed "Ahem, no need to be so excited dear-"
Viviane interrupted "They will be university professors when they grow up and-"
"Now, now" John quickly stopped her "Our children can be anything they want, don't force them to be anything they don't want to be. You want them to be happy, no?"
Viviane quickly stopped herself and nodded "You're right, I was too excited"
Taking a step back and think for a moment, she realized she might've been too over the top with making unnecessary requests. She had thought about it but she wasn't stupid. The only reason why she went out of line was because she herself wanted to become a professor once.
Viviane looked down, slightly angry with herself for trying to control her children's future. John noticed and patted her back "It's alright, I understand why you became like that earlier, you just wanted your dreams to be achieved and wanted the best for our children"
She nodded slightly.
"I tell you what, after a little while, when things calm down, why don't you try and find a job as a professor?" John asked
"really?" Viviane asked
John nodded "go ahead, it's your dreams I won't stop you and will do my best to support you"
She let go of the children and hugged him and whispered "thank you"
Alex and Alina went back to playing with their dolls and toys.
John told Viviane to sleep on his lap as he watched the news.
"Another shootout with police in Florida today involving a 47 year old male..."
'Always Florida man" John chucked and continued listening.
For an entire three months, John lived with Viviane and their children at home peacefully. John gave Viviane a small dose of the diluted version of the Super Soldier Serum each week for an entire month. It was a gradual change but Viviane became stronger. The serum did not have any side effects but it made Viviane's combat ability and survivability to be stronger. John planned on giving them to his children when they become 5 or 7 years old.
He also celebrated his children's first birthday with his parents who immediately took a plane over. They stayed for a week before going back to the UK. Zero came to his house 4 months later after meeting the Autobots. John then introduced him to Viviane. She wasn't weirded out by a talking robot but became curious about his abilities. After a month of getting to know each other, Zero became the little brother Viviane never had. It was also during that time when Viviane decided to go and pursue her dream of being a professor as Alex and Alina already had potty training and don't require for her to look after them with John all the time. Their lives were going peacefully and John knew that. He loved the peace at home and swore to protect it.