no title

AHAHA I finally found a way to introduce our new character without making it awkward after a few days of brainstorming. Sorry for the delay, will do my best to pump out more chapters after this one is finished.



It came to life as John jumped off of its chest. Its eyes had a purplish-blue hue to them, though they look more of a dark blue than purple.

It looked at its own hands and asked "What...who am I?"

"You are... Zero" John paused mid-way to think about it but he decided to name him Zero in the end.

"Zero...." Zero paused and thought for a moment. After all, he was just born and is just like a toddler trying to get used to the world.

"Yes" John smiled seeing Zero partially accepting the name "You are me, the other me yet completely different"

"I am... you?" Zero said with visible confusion " I?"

"You are me, I am you. Together we make a whole yet we are separate beings" John explained "You are Zero while I am John but together we make a team"

"Zero...John...a Team..."

"Yes...a team, Zero" John nodded

"What... is a team?" Zero asked

And so, John spent the next two days without any rest teaching Zero.

After Zero had enough knowledge, John helped him get used to his weapon systems.

"Show me your arm" John stood on top of two shipping containers that had Zero's weapons inside.

Zero held out his arm and John climbed on top of it. Pressing several buttons, Zero's body shrank several dozen feet. John jumped off the moment Zero's body shrank.


John landed on the ground on his feet. Besides a little bit of adrenaline and the numb feeling from the fall, John was perfectly fine.

Zero checked on his own body with surprise and confusion "I....what happened?"

"Pym particles" John answered "The Pym particles can change your size down to the subatomic level, however, it's highly recommended to just stick with this"

"Pym particles...." Zero whispered "It doesn't make sense with current technology and the science of this world"

"There are lots of things that don't make sense Zero" John walked over "Do you think science can actually explain everything? Science is just a way for humans to describe things they don't understand until they can fully understand them. Don't limit yourself to that of the internet."

John had helped Zero connect to the internet and allowed him to browse and learn.

"Oh! Also, Zero your strength does not change meaning even if you are the size of an ant, your strength has not been lowered, you're still as strong as before" John added, "You can revert back to your original size if you just press the little plus sign on your arm."

Zero then reverted back to his original size. "This"

"I'm sure you will get used to all the different sizes, we can take it slow" John nodded "Now, weapon systems"

Zero began to pay attention.

"You have a massive arm blade, I'm sure you've noticed by now, and a sword on your back" John pointed at the massive blade "I don't have any control over what your body would become, but so far, it's pretty neat"

"But" John added, "I asked Ratchet and he said he would come and check for you. He should be here any minute now"

Suddenly, the doors opened and Ratchet strode in with Ironhide. They were led by Javis who had parked the aircraft that transported them in the elevator.

"Ah, there you are" John nodded "Ratchet, Ironhide, meet Zero"

Ironhide stared at Zero's huge arm blades with excitement "I'm going to have lots of fun with you, punk"

"Easy Ironhide, he was just born" Ratchet patted his friend on the shoulder "Let me check up on him first"

Ratchet strode towards Zero and began his checkup. Seeing that he is not going to have fun any time soon, Ironhide looked at John "Come lets fight"

John rolled his eyes and jumped into his mech. "Jarvis, move the suff away and make spack for the two of us"

"As you wish, sir"



Ironhide punched John in the face. John then grabbed Ironhide's arm and applied pressure. Ironhide then followed up with a kick. John removed one arm to block the knee. Finding an opening, Ironhide then freed his arm from John's grasp and tried to punch John in the stomach. John dodged and pushed Ironhide away. They distanced themselves from one another, they both didn't want to make the first move as the other person would be able to react in time to counter or dodge.

An intense staredown went on for 4 minutes. John then moved and ran forwards, gaining momentum. Ironhide, getting read to counter John bent his knee. However, John suddenly fell onto the floor and slid to Ironhide's legs. Having little to no time to react, Ironhide fell over. Surprise was written on Ironhide's face as he never expected such a move. John didn't stop there however, after knocking down Ironhide with his surprise attack, he rolled and landed right next to Ironhide. Using his legs, John tried to do a triangle choke. Ironhide immediately saw this coming and blocked John's foot. Ironhide then grabbed John's leg and threw him towards the wall.


The room shook as John crashed into the wall.



Short. I know, but my brain is legit dead atm.

Why? I spent 3-4 days just writing 900 words. 😔😔😔😔😔