Chapter Thirty

Rina willed herself to stay calm as she stepped out of the bubbling water. She grabbed her clothes and towel and ran behind a tree. Drying herself off she pulled on a pair of black leggings and a baggy light gray sweater on. She pressed the towel against the ends of her hair as she stepped away from the tree.

Damien's back remained faced away from her as Rina walked back to the edge and gathered the rest of her things.

"You can turn around now." she whispered.

"If I frighten you I apologize...sometimes I cannot control the urge to touch you however brief it may be."

His words brought back memories of last night.

Rina's eyes remained downcast. "It's okay, it's not that I'm scared." She looked up to meet his gaze. "It's strange to say but I'm more scared of how I will react than you. Does that make sense?"

She shook her head. "Sorry, its just that before you I never had sex so I don't know why I'm feeling this way."

"It's not your fault." Damien said, he took a small step forward closing the gap between them. "You may have had an attraction for me from the very beginning. The mating mark has latched on to that infatuation or whatever it may be and brought it forward. The mark longs to be completed."

"That sort of makes sense." she nodded, her lips set into a firm line.

She now faced another dilemma. Based on what Damien said it meant she held some sort of interest in him from the very beginning. She could not deny his attractiveness, she would have to be blind and even then just tracing his features would let her know his beauty. Thoughts of his naked body laying over her invaded her mind. The foriegn pleasure he brought forward, she never felt anything like that sensation in her life.

Rina blinked a few times and realized Damien was waiting for her. She had been in a daze with Damien patiently standing in front of her. His nostrils flared as he took a deep breath.

"Sorry," she mumbled and brushed by him.

Damien silently walked beside her as they made their way back to the village.

"I'm not sure how to tell everyone that I'm going back with you." Rina said.

She didn't have anyone else to talk to and he was the only one that would understand the position she was in. Both of them were going to make huge changes in their life that would help their son understand his heritage and protect him. The idea of being someone's mate was strange, but being in the spotlight and having the whole world know who her mate was set an uncomfortable feeling within.

"It's your life, they are your friends but they cannot tell you how to live it. Once we reach the palace and have everything in order we can discuss what you will require."

"I honestly haven't really thought about what I might need there…" she trailed off.

"You can think about it later, it's not important right now. Just know whatever it is shall be done."

Rina shot him a side glance not knowing how to feel about it. Damien seemed so forth coming yet she still hesitated to believe it. She barely knew him enough to really understand how his mind worked.

"I just don't know what to expect and if I'll be accepted."

Damien came to a halt, Rina turned to see why.

"You were chosen for a reason, there is nothing anyone can say that will change that. The beginning of this union is not conventional but I will not have others question my choice. This I can guarantee." Damien raised a clawed hand and swept a loose strand of hair to the side. "I am Lord and you are the Lady, no one has the right to show you anything but respect."

He pulled his hand back lightly grazing the side of Rina's cheek. The tingling sensation from his touch spread. Her core clenched as the sensation warmed her body. The small touch lit a bonfire inside.

A low growl rolled out. "Whatever you're thinking, stop." Damien clamped his teeth together.


His nose flared as he inhaled her scent. He took a step closer only for Rina to move back. This continued until her back hit the tree. Her breath hitched.

"Damien," she whispered.

His nose grazed her cheek. A low rumble left his chest, the vibration traveled through her. An unexpected moan left her lips, they immediately clamped shut. Damiens claws sank into the rough bark on either side of her head. He hissed as he pressed his body against her, Rina raised her hands and placed them on his chest.

"Your scent." another small growl trickled out.

Rina heard a sizzling sound as his claws sank further into the tree. He held himself against her body but did not remove his hands from the tree.

"You need to stop thinking whatever it is...your arousal is making it hard to control myself."

His inner beast awakened and raised its head to take a deep inhale. It growled and paced within its cage biding its time.

Rina shifted only to receive another growl, her breaths quickened as she looked into Damien's face. The wood splintered next to her head, but she wasn't afraid. Heat rushed through her mark forcing her to gasp. The physical closeness with Damien coupled with the marks reaction flushed her body in arousal.

"Rina?!" he growled.

The warning did nothing but increase the flushed response her body was having. She could feel his heart rate pick up, the heavy beats thumped against her hand.

It was like a switch flipped on, her body roared to life. The past memories came rushing forward and Rina felt the need to experience one thing she had yet to do with Damien. She couldn't understand this want and at the moment she didn't have a wish to figure it out.

Her hands slid up his chest and curved over his collarbone. Damien's hands remained in the tree, the splintering wood only increased with every move she made. Rina trailed her hands up his neck and grazed his strong jaw. A low gurgling growl pressed into her hands. She shuddered at the sensation.

Rina smoothed one hand behind the base of Damien's neck and spread her fingers across his jaw with the other. Damien thrust his hips forward, a small moan left Rina as she tightened her hold at the base of his neck. The demon Lord snarled and pressed his forehead against hers. He panted as he struggled to control his instincts, their breaths mingled as they came out in pants.

"Let…" Rina licked her lips. "Let me try something." she whispered.

Damien's growls turned into a low purr, he retracted his claws from the tree scraping them down the rough bark and gripped her hips. He clenched his teeth as he rotated into her. Gold irises slid shut.

"Rina, I don't know if I can control-"

"Just… let me do this okay? I trust you."

Her arousal wrapped around him, he trailed his hands up to her ribcage then back down past her hips to her backside. Her breath hitched when he pressed her against him and squeezed her generous bottom. His loins tightened, he pushed her back against the tree unsure of what he should do, what she wanted to do.

Rina held down a gasp as she felt his thick shaft press against her core. Heat flushed her nether region at the memory of it powling into her. Damien let out a vicious growl and pushed her against the tree, the bark bit into her back. But she ignored the pain.

She tightened her hold on him and arched. Rina slid her fingers from his clenching jaw to slip around his chin. Panting, she stretched upwards lining her lips a hair's width away from his. A low growl trickled out.

Pouty lips sealed over his, Damiens control snapped. He sank his fingers into her wet locks and dominated the kiss then pulled her back. Rina let out a breathy moan, her eyes cracked open to gaze at him. Rina hissed as Damien tightened his hold on her hair, the mixture of pain and pleasure surged, she rotated her hips against his.

He dragged his tongue over her bottom lip and sucked on it before he lightly pressed his dangerous fangs into them. She whimpered but didn't dare move. Once he let go their kiss blended into a coppery taste. Damien continued to dominate the kiss until she felt she couldn't breath then he would pull back.

Gold irises flashed red, his kisses dipped down her neck. A stream of moan let loose as he paid homage to her mark. An explosion of heat spread through her followed by a trembling shake. She could not contain her moans any longer.

Damien purred as he dragged his tongue across her mark. All Rina could do was clutch on to him and revel through the pleasure. His eyes flashed red again, his lips pulled back his small fangs pressed against her mark. Rina raked her fingers through his hair, the feeling of his fangs had her yanking at the silver strands.

The demon Lord growled and sank into her neck . Rina's yelp turned into panting moans, she gripped and grabbed what she could. The amount of pleasure rocking through her was unbearable, she wanted more.

"Da.." she cleared her throat. "Damien!"

Her throaty moan sent a rippling arousal through him.

He did that.

The demon Lord pulled back and lapped at her neck before diving to meet her lips. Rina's legs tightened around his waist, her thighs shook against him. He smoothed his hand over the swell of her breast and gripped them. He continued the bloody kiss until he felt his beast claw forward.

"Damien…" she whispered against his lips. He dragged his large hand from her breast to slip around her neck, his thumb pressed against her chin.

"Do not speak," he bit her bottom lip. "If you continue I will take you here and now."

Rina whimpered but didn't say anything else.