Chapter Thirty One

"Damien…" she whispered against his lips. He dragged his large hand from her breast to slip around her neck, his thumb pressed against her chin.

"Do not speak," he bit her bottom lip. "If you continue I will take you here and now."

Rina whimpered but didn't say anything else. She tried to lean in but he had her locked in place. Her head tipped back against the tree, every panting breath that left her pushed against Damien's chest.

She closed her eyes and licked her lips trying to contain the tingling sensation running up and down her body. The moment his fangs pierced her skin she felt a pinch of pain that quickly roared to an overwhelming flow of pleasure.

The hand around her neck pulled away, sharp claws grazed her delicate skin.

"I...need to move back and gain control of my beast." he growled.

Rina nodded she didn't dare say another word.

Damien's hands slid down her thighs and unhooked her legs from his waist. She winced as she stood on her own. Her legs had numbed from the previous position. Taking a deep breath she sat on one of the large roots at the end of the tree. Damien faced away from her and walked a few feet to further the distance between them.

Rina slid her hands over her flushed skin, she tried to understand what possessed her to push Damien's limits. She winced as she licked her lips, the slight sting on her inner bottom lip took her attention away from the rigid demon Lord.

The mixture of pain and pleasure had sent an explosion of familiar pleasure her body had longed for since their first coupling. Rina's eyes slid shut as she tried to steady her breathing. She needed to get a hold of herself before they headed back to their cabin.

"I'm sorry," Rina whispered.

Damien had yet to face her but she heard the subtle growl that left him. Another few minutes passed by. She waited in bated breath wondering if she had pushed him too far. Rina bit her bottom lip and winced, she had already forgotten about the small wound.

"There is nothing to apologize for, it is your right to take you pleasure from your mate. No matter how unconvention our union was." Damien's thick voice lightened at the end, his hands clenched at his side.

Rina's face flushed at his words. That was not the response she was expecting, she looked away from his back and glanced around her. She looked at anything but her, a court of embarrassment came forwards. She covered her eyes then rubbed her cheeks. She could not believe she initiated the kiss and he was accepting her advance without a second thought.

She sighed. "I'm not sure I'll get used to this." she admitted.

He finally turned around.

"You are the Lady of my lands, you may do as you wish as long as it isn't against me."

Heat curled in her core, she shifted her thighs back and forth unsure how to respond. Damien was basically giving her freedom to do anything she wanted and do anything to him.

"Rina." he growled.

She jolted at his rumbling voice. Damien's eyes were focused downwards, towards her thighs. Her eyes widened in realization, she pressed them together as hard as she could.

"Maybe," she swallowed before she spoke again. "Maybe I should go ahead and you take your time to come back."

Damien stood frozen for a moment then nodded.

"Leave quickly," he said.

Rina leaped over the large roots and sped down the dirt road. Once she created enough distance she stopped and panted.

"What the hell is wrong with me?"

She rubbed her arms as a trail of goosebumps appeared. She quickly made it back to their small cabin. Once she made it inside she was greeted by her friends only for it to be muted by Tristen's snarl.

He was staring right at her, his eyes darkened as a flash of disgust passed over his face.

"Are you fucking kiding me?"

It took Rina a moment to register what caused his aggressive response. Tristen's nose scrunched up before he stomped past her and left the cabin.

Nathaniel sat by the small fire munching on a freshly grilled fish. His wide eyes stared at his mother then the door not quite understanding what just happened.

"What's his problem now?" Sarah asked.

Rina sighed and shook her head. A wave of exhaustion passed over her as she looked at her friends.

"I don't want to talk about that right now. But I do have something to tell you guys." Rina sat by the fire pit and pulled her son onto her lap.

"Whats up?" Michael said.

"So now that you two understand my situation, I will eventually have to move in with Damien." Rina said as her fingers sank into Nathaniel's hair. He let out a small purr as she combed them through his thick locks.

"What, are you sure?" Michael asked.

"I thought he might.." Sarah glanced at Nathaniel before she continued. "I thought maybe you wanted it to not change, you know live where you were before?" she carefully chose her words as Nathaniel took in their words.

"Yeah, it's not as easy as it sounds. Plus Nathaniel needs to know his father, he needs to understand where he came from and what might be expected of him when he gets older."

"But can't you do that away from the palace?" Sarah asked.

Rina smoothed her hands over her son's sensitive ears. "No, Damien wants to make sure we are protected. Nobody knows about us and he wants to be sure there are no hidden enemies or hidden motives from others.

Michael sighed. "It makes sense, but doesn't mean we have to like it."

Sarah nodded.

Rina slid her hands away from Nathaniel's ears. He just sat in his mothers lap and happily munched on his meal and sipped his water.

"Any possible issues will be eliminated before we are presented to the public."

"So when do you have to go?" Sarah asked.

Rina hesitated.

"Rina?" Sarah asked.

"Tomorrow." Rina winced.

Michael's eyes widened.

"Are you serious? Don't you think that's a bit too fast?" Sarah asked.

Damien entered the small cabin before Rina could answer.

"Dad!" Nathaniel ran and leaped onto his father.

Damien caught him mid air and held Nathaniel to his chest.

"Mom said we're going to your house tomorrow!"

"Yes, are you excited?"


Rina couldn't fight the blush creeping up her chest to her cheeks. Not even ten minutes ago were they locked in a heated kiss and now here he was totally unaffected. His calm demeanor reflected nothing of their early passionate exchange.

Damien noticed her staring and focused his gaze on her. His eyes darkened at what he saw but she couldn't help but stare right back at him.

Someone cleared their throat breaking their attention.

"Lord Damien, how nice to see you again." Michael greeted.

Damien did not bother to answer him.

Ever since the demon Lord threatened his jewels , Michael tried to stay in his good grace and speak with the utmost respect. Fear did wonders to a person's attitude.

Damien shifted Nathaniel on one side and came forward. He stood in front of Rina, Nathaniel rubbed his forehead under his father's chin then leaned towards his mother. Rina took her son and tried to ignore the barest feeling of Damien's skin against hers.

"We leave tomorrow at dawn," Damien said.

"Okay," Rina whispered.

"So soon?" Sarah asked.

"We have much to do once we reach my home." Damien said.

"Nathaniel, I need to gather some things, just stay here with your dad, okay?"

"Okay, mom."

"You know what? Stay with Sarah for a second I just need to tell your dad something real quick."

Rina tilted her head towards the entrance, Damien followed her outside. Once out of earshot Rina huffed and faced Damien.

"Something wrong?" the demon Lord asked.

"No, I'm fine. But I do need to get some things together and also talk to Tristen." her sentence ended in a whisper.

His inner beast lifted its head in attention.

'Why would mate want to see that mongrel?'

'Silence.' Damien commanded, though the question rang through him as well.

"I just need to clear something up with him." Rina answered before he said anything else.

"I'm not sure if you know but me and Tristen were kind of dating before you happened."

There was a small pause before she continued. Damien had yet to show any emotions or reactions through the conversation.

"With that being said he deserves to hear it directly from me."

"And what would that be."

There was an edge to his voice, Rina narrowed her eyes, maybe she had imagined it. The great demon Lord would never react to a simple conversation with an ex.

Rina hesitated then sighed.

"I not sure exactly what he thinks of our past relationship right now but I need to make it clear there can be nothing between us."

His beast growled in the background, they turned into soft purrs. Damien's lips dipped.

"Is this out of duty to your new position?"

"What? No," she was taken back from the question. "I just don't feel the same way anymore."

"Do you need me to accompany you?"

"No it's okay, I think that would just make everything awkward."
