Chapter Fifty One

Rina pushed through the racks of clothes in her closet. Everything was new and taken from the vast collection provided by Tomas when she originally picked out her dress for her family dinner.

Thoughts of the dinner and her mother's reaction still left a bitter taste in Rina's mouth. She couldn't be mad at her mothers words but she wanted her to accept the decision she chose to make. It was her life and she had a say in it and no one else. 

The bond between Damien and her continued to grow as each day passed. Nathaniel was now officially settled in and the joyous reaction to his father's smallest praise had her heart soaring. Her baby was happy and she could say the same for herself.

Rina pulled out a pair of knee high boots paired with black leggings and a black peplum top. She added a thick band necklace decorated in assorted jewels. The outfit was muted yet flashy at the same time. The colorful necklace pulled the outfit together.