A Wild Chase


Oh god. With every step it takes the earth trembles. Its weight crushing twigs and rocks alike.

This creature is fucking massive and fast. In but a few seconds we are already pressured.

There are 5 of us. We have a relatively long distance to cover. Will be hard to make it to base alive.

We have an ice mage, the one that is currently chased by the creature. Two wind users, twins. A darkness user and finally me a flame mage. Well, we are all warriors first and foremost. At least our stamina is all pretty good.

So we run. And we keep running. Problem is the creature is already about to devour our companion. He's using ice magic to generate footholds under his feet while throwing icicle after icicle behind him.

I'm keeping close watch over the situation. I wait until the very last moment. Coordination and timing are everything here.

"B, wind blade."

Bullseye! The bear felt that for sure. It stops in its tracks and redirects itself toward this new opponent. Wind mages have an edge here. Speed is their strong suit. At this rate, he'll be able to directly have it follow until the mission is accomplished.

"RAWR!!!!" Our companion falls to the ground. That seems like a sound attack. Maybe spiritual one.

Of course, it wouldn't be that easy…. *sigh*

"C, distract it. Now."

The twin brother follows orders perfectly. While he's not as proficient in magic itself he's a master with his twin daggers and at buffing. His speed is unrivaled. He approaches the monster and slashes it. He doesn't even manage to draw blood, but he does seem like a significant enough threat.

The bear is now trying to maul him.

"C, stay in melee range this time. Use your speed advantage to dodge. Make it believe it has a chance. I don't want it using a ranged ability anymore."

Yep. He's good. Fast and skilled. He's toying with a creature that is way stronger than him. One that he can't even damage. All thanks to his slight speed advantage. That is what I call playing on your strengths.

So far so good.

We keep running. He's doing an awesome job.

Ah, the enemy realized that it won't manage to catch my colleague. It's about to use its special attack again. Time to switch again.

"A, you are up. Icicle now!"


This wind user of ours falls. Just as the bear is about to crunch him, it receives an icicle in the face. No damage is done but it is enough to make it change target again.

We keep going this way. Juggling that monster's anger. Banking on its low intelligence to keep tricking it into wasting its energy.

The more we practice it the better our timing becomes. Sadly all good things must come to an end at some point.

The creature finally realized what we are up to. I can see it in its eyes. A spark of inspiration. This was the last time we could use that strategy.

Fuck. I didn't want it to come to this, but fine.

At this point, we still have about half the distance to cover until home.

This is gonna be a royal pain in the ass.

I'm totally asking for a raise when I get there.


Alright. Let's get this insane plan down with.

"Let there be fire!" I condense lots of mana into a giant small condensed ball of fire that I throw directly at it.

For the first time, it whimpers in pain. I may not be the best at everything, but destruction is definitely my strong suit. For the first time, it is hurt. Albeit I believe it to be nothing serious.

Quite similar to when you stub your little toe. It hurts like hell, but you easily forget about it.

Well, this bear doesn't seem like he'll forget anytime soon.

Its speed is still extremely fast. It might not move its limbs that fast, but every step lets it cross a huge distance.

It is faster than me. By far.

But I've been observing it all along. I have figured out its attack pattern.

As it rushes at me I dodge with the most optimal movements possible.

I still have a lot of marge of error. Well, that is only because of how impeccable my technique is.

I'm not the fastest, I'm not the most skilled in fighting either, nor the strongest.

I'm quite weak actually. If there is one thing I know besides how to inflict damage it's how to survive.

Just need to predict the attacks that will come my way.

The creature does its best to reduce me into mush and I evade death.

I can feel my blood boiling. The same feeling I first got when I first learned to play with fire.

Hopefully, I won't burn myself this time. Well if I do it definitely won't ever happen ever again.

For I would be dead.

The creature is learning from its mistakes. Refining its movements. At this rate, it won't be long before it has adapted.

Until finally, I foresee an attack coming that I won't be able to avoid.

"A, ice field 5 meters in front."

I jump above the newly created ice. The bear is surprised and slides across it completely missing me.

And so continues our game of elf and huge ass bear. Until I'm about to face a bad end again.

"B wind gust on me." Just as the beast goes to reach me I get pushed sideways and survive.

And it continues.

Again I'm about to kick the bucket.

"C wind's blessing on me." The added speed allows me to barely avoid the incoming swipe of the claws.

This opponent has had enough is what I can see in its gaze.

It opens its mouth for that sound attack it has been using.

HAHAHAHA I've been waiting for this moment all along.

All the shit before was a cakewalk compared to what I'm about to do.

It's either I get the timing right and succeed or I die.


*BOOM, Whimpers*

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Just as it opens its mouth to use its special ability my fireball enters and completely nullifies the attack.

Its eyes are now even more bloodshot. If I had an anger meter it would explode at the moment.

I also keep throwing fireballs at him from time to time to keep it incensed.

It is using all its energy to end me.

And it almost succeeds many times.

Many, many times in fact. The thing is I very much enjoy being alive.

I also don't try anything if I don't believe in my odds.

Every time the shadow of death shows itself, I counter it.

"A, ice bindings. Left-back paw only. Use all your remaining mana."

Stalls it just enough for me to survive.

"C wind's blessing on the bear."

Ever seen a humongous creature ram itself in a nearby tree because its speed suddenly increased? It's hilarious.

"D, shadow doppelganger soon. Wait till its vision is blocked by a tree."

As I go around a tree the creature follows the humanoid shadow that exits right after. After obliterating it quickly it realizes it's been tricked and begins chasing me again.

Ah, this journey is almost over.

"B and C, we are almost there. Wind gust and wind's blessing. I'll name specific power ratios and targets. Make sure you follow my directives."

It doesn't take long for them to exhaust all their mana with the buffs and displacement effects.

But it keeps me alive.

That leaves only D with mana left. Myself too of course.

After all, my mana capacity is huge. I've been playing with fire for a long time.

I could ask him to use some doppelgangers again, but the effect would be limited.

There is also one more spell he can use. One that is extremely efficient, especially the first time used on a target.

I'd like to keep it as a trump card.

I can already see the area with the traps. Just a little more.

FUCK I'll die at this rate. I need to doge at least once more.

I really don't want to order D just yet.

I know how to get out of this.

This is gonna hurt.

I gather all my mana and I ….


…. Blow myself up.

Yep. I fucking blow myself up. And it hurts like hell.

I fucking use the propulsion to fly right above the remaining distance.

Also all the way on the other side of the danger zone.

The creature is almost in the designated area. Time for one last thing.

"D, consume all your mana. Blind. Full power."

A still angry and now extremely confused blind bear stumbles upon a land of death. Facing it is the leader himself as well as all the other warriors in our party. All gathering energy for an ultimate attack.

It is done. This creature is doomed.

But seriously…Stop fucking using me for shit like that! I never signed up for that! Actually, I never signed up for anything! My old man is the one that did!