Oh God, This Thing Is Huge!

Father is back!

"Hello, little bean. All the preparations are underway to make the best traps possible."

"Oh! Good!"

At least bean thinks it's good.

Traps will make the elves safe right?

Bean hopes so.

"There is only one issue."

Oh, issues are bad.

At least bean thinks so.

"We need a way to make the bad monsters fall into the traps. How do you think we should go about it young one?"

Ah! Question again!

Sometimes bean wonders if Father is purposely asking bean questions.

Then again bean wants to help.

Hum, these are bad monsters.

Bad monsters that will try to eat anyone.

Bean feels like we could use that.

It might be dangerous.

Bean doesn't want the nice elves to be in danger.

But as long as bad monsters are there, elves will be in danger.

Is a lot of danger at once better than little danger for a long time?

Bean doesn't know.

Ah, but Bean is a responsible bean!

Bean will not procrastinate!

That is a difficult word that bean learned recently.

Procrastinate means to not do today what you can do tomorrow.

But then when tomorrow happens, you decide to do it the day after.

Then you end up never doing anything.

This is scary! Bean doesn't want to never do anything.

Bean wants to take long walks in the forest.

Bean wants to make many friends.

Bean wants to keep the elves safe.

Bean needs a plan.

Alright, the bad monsters want to eat the elves.

What if we show them tasty elves behind the traps?

They will try to eat them, but fall into the ambush.

Yes, but what if they are far away?

Elves will have to bait them. And run!

Run as fast as the wind.

Actually, the wind doesn't run.

Why do we say run as fast as the wind?

The wind goes *swoosh*.

Hum ….bean is confused.

Anyway time to share the plan.

"We can ask the elves to bait the bad monsters. Right into the traps. But elves will have to run really fast. Otherwise, elves will be eaten. Bean doesn't want the elves to be eaten!"

"Alright, that could work. But what if the bad monsters are really fast?"

Ah! Bean knows this one.

"Then elves should use the power of friendship! When one elf is about to be in danger another elf should help him! Bait rotation!"

"Oh, but that will take troops that are extremely well trained and used to working together."

"Oh…Bean sees …then Bean doesn't know. Can we train them? How long will training the kind elves take? Bean doesn't know."

"HAHA, I'm just kidding. Good thing your father already personally trained them all. You don't have to worry about it. They can definitely accomplish such a simple task!"

Ouf. Bean is relieved! Bean got scared. Wait Father trained all of them?

That is amazing! There are many elves! It must have taken a long time to train them all!

"Father is amazing!"


Ah, there it is. Father is laughing again.

I don't know why but Father is laughing a lot with Bean.

Laughter is good.

Bean is a good bean.

Father leaves the building while laughing.

What should bean do?

Bean feels like bean should think.

Think about various stuff.

This way bean can give even better advice the next time!

Bean is a wise bean after all.


Fuck that bean! No way I'm gonna be part of that insane plan!

You want me to go dangle myself as bait in front of potentially deadly monsters?

This Dragonoth is no pushover!

Just because the leader and the right-hand bitch can both single-handedly destroy me doesn't mean that I'm…..fuck.

I might be a pushover.

Sometimes I really wish I could just burn this whole world and be done with the bullshit.

No leadership to follow. Just me living my best life.

With fire I can defend myself, I can hunt, I can cook. I don't need the others!

Then again, there are some things that are hard to do with just flame magic.

Like building a shelter. Like getting clothes. Like scouting.

Wait, if flame magic isn't the best suited for scouting why the fuck did they send me alone out there just recently?

Fuck me. Now they want me to go anger some monster and bring it here.

Just because I'm good at angering mobs doesn't mean I should be the one doing it!

At first, I refuse categorically, but then they tell me I won't be alone out there.


But there is no way I'll be the one starting the ball.

After all, I'm really good at angering stuff.

As soon as I attack whatever is coming will want to kill me and only me.

Getting burned alive hurts like a motherfucker.

I know for I have done it many times by mistake.

In the beginning when I was experimenting with magic.

They say a good mage will make the flames look alive.

Let me tell you they love to devour.

That's why I love this element.

It's all about simple destruction. None of the hard stuff.

The coolest magic there is. You want to fit as much mana as possible in there without it blowing in your face.

There is some sort of satisfaction to be had knowing you are threading the very subtle line between controlled destruction and straight-up self-destruction.

Anyway. We slowly make our way toward one of the monster sightings.

The one I found actually. We are in for a tough fight. Just by the monster's size chances are it gained intelligence at least. Possibly will see the traps we dug.

I really hope not. After all, even I cannot discern the safe spots from the dangerous ones.

I did learn of all the emplacement carefully.

I can't even believe the number of times Cerdrok almost died since we built these.

It kinda is funny. That guy is still as lost as always. The leader had to assign him a chaperone to make sure he doesn't fall to his death by mistake.

It would be a huge loss if it happened after all. A huge loss of effort, for building these death thingies is hard work.

I wasn't talking about Cerdrok. He can die in a ditch for all I care. Just not the ditches I'll be relying on to survive the upcoming battle.

So we make her way toward the designated position.

That's when we see it. A humongous bear. 10 meters tall, extremely long, and large too.

This thing is gigantic! Oh god, I really don't want to anger it. As I'm thinking that one of my colleagues throws an icicle at it. Fast, with lots of magical power behind it. The creature turns toward us.

I can see smoke exiting its mouth. Huge claws that can rip any of us apart. Bloody red eyes. Fur that blocked almost if not all of the previous attack. Oh shit, we are screwed.