Bean’s New Idea

Father is here to visit Bean again!"

"Hello there little Bean."

Bean just loves the way he greets Bean.

With a deep and reassuring voice.

Bean thinks Bean should try to imitate it.

This way Bean could look more like a Boss Bean.

After all, Bean is supposed to be a good leader.

Bean's current voice is light and cute.

This might be a problem.

Bean will have to practice sometime alone.

Why alone?

Because Bean is shy.

Also this way Bean will be able to look cool.

Bean will surprise people too!

You expected tiny Bean, but I was me cool Bean all along!

Anyway, he wants to know what Bean has been up to.

Bean tells him Bean has helped the elf with the long robe and glasses.

At least Bean thinks Bean has been helpful?

Father says something about having to train people.

Something about hiding in the forest.

Bean knows that one!

Bean has been thinking all night about cool things.

Bean has an amazing idea!

So amazing it will change the elves' lives forever!

Here is Bean's idea: make people learn while having fun.

Bean calls it Hide and Seek.

Bean is a smart Bean.

With Bean's game, every elf will learn about the forest while having fun.

At first, Father is confused.

He asked what is special about it.

Bean tells him about something amazing.

There will be many rounds.

Every time people hiding will get points.

The longer you stay hidden without getting found the more the points.

After a few games, we decide on the winners with whoever has the most.

And then …and then they get something nice!

A reward.

Apparently, father did something like that in the past, but never as a game.

"I truly enjoy this idea little Bean. I'll try it out and see how it goes!"

Wow. Praised again!

Bean is on a roll!

Father looks pleased.

He leaves, leaving Bean to contemplate ways to improve this game.


Making a training exercise into a game? The idea may seem ludicrous at first, but then again it might create a sense of rivalry and make the troops push themselves even further.

For some, it is definitely not needed, but for the lazier ones like Dragonoth, an incentive will help for sure.

I might have designated my daughter as our group's leader, but it is my duty to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Let me see Travan is busy researching, as usual.

Myrdin is still packing and processing all the meat.

How he does it with our little supplies is a mystery, but I can trust him. He's been with me since I found him in the slums. I trust anyone that managed to survive there to be perfectly fine in an abundant thriving forest.

A little too abundant with predators perhaps. There are traces of many dangerous ones in the area. The good thing is we should be fine for now, but magic beasts sometimes move around.

That leaves 18 of them available for training. Thus only 17 can effectively hide. Keeping 7 as an active watch should do well considering I'll be personally assuring the safety of your base too.

Alright, let's get this party started. I take a deep inspiration and shout.

"Everyone gather!"

Of course, I used magic to limit the traveling range of the sound. Not that useful in most circumstances, but a magic I learned for cover ops. Way harder to use than one would expect, especially considering what it does.

A few seconds later, my soldiers pop out of nowhere and are lining up in front of me.

I know every one of them, some more than they know themselves. We have been through fire and flames together.

"Starting today we shall start training!"

Most of them remain silent but I can hear a few disgruntled sighs.

"We will play a game called hide and seek!"

I see them looking at each other's fairly confused. Most of our previous training was me determining a training regimen and them following it to the letter.


"Yes, my king! At your service my king!"

Ah, I'm no king. At all. Not ever, especially not anymore. Still, I guess what she calls me doesn't matter much. All that is important is that she will follow my wishes. She will be a loyal ally of Bean and that is enough.

"Ten of you will do their best to hide nearby the base. The maximum distance you cover away from the base is 500 hundred elven paces. Use whatever method available to you to make yourself inconspicuous. Rhinnase will wait an hour and go searching for you guys. The longer you manage to stay hidden the more points you are getting. Whoever has the most point at the end will earn a reward."

They look unsure about this whole thing. Good thing I do not care.

I randomly pick 10 people to go hide. By that, I mean Dragonoth and 9 others. If left to his own devices, he would only practice his flame magic and nothing else.

"My king. Can I use any method to look for them?"

"Of course. Don't maim any of them, however."

"I would never my king!"

Yes, as if I'd believe that.

Both of my hands are insufficient to count the number of dark elves that had to retire from duty after she became too enthusiastic about training.

Well, that was the old her. The current her is way scarier as she learned to be patient and ways to hurt people without leaving lasting scars. She is a good soldier.

We patiently wait an hour. Then she goes on a hunt.

"I will be going my king, I will be back shortly."

I nod. I don't doubt it. She's a hard worker.

As she pounces deep into the forest I can barely hear her voice in the distance.

"I'll fucking beat all of you fuckers. Think you can hide from me?!"

Yeah, my troops are still not aware of how better my hearing got after learning that sound magic.

Yes, the one I used earlier. Well, let's just act like I didn't hear anything.

Hopefully, they will all come back alive.
