Laeroth’s Lofty Ambition


I need to win this at all costs. I, Laeroth, will hide so well I will never be found!

There is a lot on the line. It seems the others haven't realized it yet, but there is a huge opportunity on the line. What could the reward be? Usually, it would be increased free time or a monetary reward. Could be a new weapon, armor, or any kind of utility magical item.

However! Right now we are stranded here. Even getting free time would be kind of pointless. Anything to do with resources has a low chance to happen too since we are rationing everything.

My guess is there is a chance the reward could be something better than all of the above. What if we can make a request? I already know what mine will be!

I want to spend quality time with Bean. I mean, have you seen how cute it is!

Sadly I wasn't able to even approach the cute thing. I would have done as usual and pet my cat or something, but it was left behind when we fled here.


I still can't believe the leader, Rhinnase and even that research freak, were all able to interact with her but I wasn't. This is discrimination!

Cute things should be cared for and protected! It is a way to heal the soul from the ugliness of this world. I really am lacking this right now. I am even starting to find Teralith statues cute. Yes, the incredibly detailed ones that more often than not are about monsters she's seen.

To put things into perspective she likes to do sculptures of stuff like a thousand eyes giant spider, or an abyss worm, or …you get it.

To make my current dream come true I need to stay hidden. I do have a plan. We are dark elves, historically are close relatives of forest elves, thus hiding in a tree should be a given. There are really high trees here too. Who really cares about making a distinction and having pride as a nation and whatnot? Cuteness is justice, nothing else.

I use my wind magic to propel myself upward. Then I grab a relatively low-hanging branch and keep climbing. I can see my twin-brother, Lewell, leaving the area where I am. Extremely fast at that with his buffing wind magic. I may not have his speed, nor his proficiency with a blade, but all that is pointless now. It is all about staying still and being extremely patient. I can do it!

Thus passes the time away it has already been slightly more than an hour. I wonder how many days I need to stay here. I need to win this. Let's start with ….

"Laeroth I see you! You are extremely visible in that fucking tree! Are you retarded? How is that hiding!"

How?! I am properly hidden in the foliage of the tree. No, Rhinnase is probably bluffing to try and sound me out. She knows I have no magic especially suited for hiding that is all.

"If you don't come out this instant I will beat you up until there is more blood outside of your body than inside."

As she says so she looks straight at my hiding spot. Fuck how is that possible?! I reluctantly climb down. But I have to know.


"Scouting magic, you didn't take any precaution against that. What were you even thinking?"

Ah…I see. I got excited and kinda forgot about that. More like I didn't even know she could use that magic. I know the leader can. Guess he taught her along the way. Nooo my dreams of meeting Bean. This is the worst.

"Don't tell me I am the only one you found?"

I guess I should have gone further away instead of hiding right near the starting area.

"No, I found someone else before you…"

I knew it I'm not that bad at hiding!

"I found Dragonoth, I just followed the flames."

Or not, I am the first one she truly finds. I'd ask why he is playing with flames now of all times, but then again that's just his style. He probably had another surge of inspiration and decided to put it into practice. Say what you will about the guy, he is extremely hardworking.

If there is one thing that is an issue with him is that he's a little too flammable. You cannot have him near the cute things for his fire burn all. I have learned that the hard way. The really hard way.

I reluctantly follow her around as she finds elf after elf. They all have their unique hiding methods, but she easily cracks all of them. It seems I'm not the only one that will have to up his game. Then again, some like Teralith get found for really silly reasons.

She used her earth magic to dig herself an underground house. Even managed to make it blend so perfectly with the surroundings that we would never have known she was there. She got bored in there and started making sculptures as she always does in her free time. From a table and chair to a fireplace and a huge sofa this new hideout of hers had it all. Well, it was made to be temporary magic that would return to dirt after a while too making the whole process even easier.

That's when she figured out that her new apartment was only lacking one thing. Light. So she casually dug a window leading outside forgetting about the whole hiding thing.

That's when we just happened to pass by. Dumb way to lose, to be honest, but not surprising.

Teralith is that kind of gal. She is incredibly talented, but the ways she uses her power are concerning at times. All the statues of weird monsters she crafts, all of it she saw with her own eyes. That sometimes means her going out exploring on her own, surviving extremely deadly areas, god knows how just to go see these exotic abominations. Then she comes back home and blows our mind with her art. The look on Travan's face every time she discovers a new species by mistake while just doing her art.

This game keeps going on. At the end of the day, everyone is found. All except Gaeleath. He just comes out from who knows where once he is the last one standing. I have no idea how someone with no particular magic and as old as him even manages that. Like seriously?!

The leader is about to announce the prize the winner gets, but he interrupts him politely. He requests a meeting with Bean instead. It is granted.

OH MY GOD! Gaeleath is a member of the cuteness faction too!

I never knew. This is huge news!

I'm so jealous!

I'll have to make friends with him for sure. I can't wait to have him tell me about everything they talk about in there. I need to make preparations.

I'll be the one to win the next times. For sure!