Chapter 23

Due to K2D's popularity they couldn't dine at any restaurant, they eventually settled for a Japanese restaurant down the road from Ver Industries. Jordan and Alvin decided to use this as a way of making some noise on the internet. So they had the boys and Francesca walk from the office to the restaurant.

"I can just imagine the comments that the fans will say when the photos are posted online." Jon said as they approached the entrance of Ver Industries.

"I bet they'll try to guess which one of us Francesca is dating." CJ teased.

"Wait, don't go out yet." Their manager Paolo said as they were about to step out.

"Are we waiting for someone?" Rich asked.

"Yeah, Mr. Edward said he would join us. He even wanted to tag along in the publicity stunt." Paolo said with a laugh.

"I'll never understand that man." Alvin said with a sigh as he checked his phone.

"Well, Mr. Edward is still a genius. If it weren't for him we wouldn't be where we are." Rich said with a shrug. If it weren't for their young boss Ver Industries might have disappeared when Lights Entertainment gained traction.

"I see you're making friends." Edward said to Francesca as he approached the group, he was followed by an assistant who was carrying his coat for him. "Rich don't be so tough on her." Edward warned as he smiled at the leader of K2D.

"I wasn't Edward." Rich said in an emotionless tone.

"I know you, you always keep the newbies at arm's length. She's different." Edward warned.

"Edward, it's alright, I understand." Francesca said meekly as she placed a hand on Edward's arm. "It's normal for them to be cautious of newcomers."

Everyone was surprised that Francesca spoke so directly at Edward and even placed a hand on his arm. Edward simply smiled and nodded at Francesca.

"Let's go." Edward said as he led the group out through the office doors.

At first it was quiet and peaceful, when they made their way from the facade of the building and to the sidewalk all of a sudden several fans and members of the paparazzi appeared.

Francesca was a little bit shocked by the screaming girls. The boys noticed this and slowed their pace to match hers.

"Ignore them." Ron said as he walked on Francesca's left.

"That's your style cause you're the bad boy." CJ teased, he was standing on Francesca's right. "Ignore them but smile." CJ said with a wink making Francesca smile.

"Why are you walking on the streets?" A member of the paparazzi asked the boys.

"We're out to have lunch with our boss and a new member of Ver Industries." Rich said with a charming smile, his cold aura from earlier was nowhere to be found in front of the fans.

Francesca looked up and saw the jealousy in the eyes of the fans.

"Miss, miss, what's your name?" A member of the paparazzi asked.

"Francesca R- Vernon." Francesca quickly corrected herself as soon as she realized that she was about to give the wrong name.

The boys suddenly threw Francesca a puzzled look, they knew that Edward's last name was Vernon, so how was Francesca related to him?

"If you don't mind, we're quite hungry." CJ was the first to recover and flashed the reporters and fans a smile, they all let the group pass but they continued to walk beside or behind them snapping photos.

"So how are you related to the boss?" Ron asked in a low voice as he kept his happy exterior.

"I'm not." Francesca said. She too kept smiling for the cameras.

"I don't believe it." Jon, who was walking behind Francesca said. "We all saw what you did at the building. There was clearly a connection."

"If you're so confident, ask him." Francesca said with a grin. She didn't mind telling the K2D boys about her and Edward, they seemed like people she could trust and also seemed like Edward himself trusted them.

When they finally arrived at the restaurant, they were surprised to find out that Edward had actually booked the whole place for them. Despite being the only patrons they still didn't have complete privacy, many fans watched them take a seat through the glass walls.

"Do you ever get used to it?" Francesca asked the boy.

"Nope, we aren't answering your question until you answer ours." Ron said, shaking his head.

"I told you to ask Edward, so go ask him." Francesca said as she pointed to Edward who was seated next to her.

"Ask me what?" Edward asked in his cool demeanor.

"Are the two of you related?" Rich asked, among the boys he was the closest to Edward and he wasn't afraid to ask questions.

"We are. I won't tell you how." Edward said. "You don't need to give Francesca any preferential treatment on my account, she's just another artist."

"Another artist who is somehow related to our boss, of course we can't bully her now." Jordan complained, making everyone on the table laugh.

"Don't worry, Francesca has talent." CJ said with a smile. "If she didn't Mr. Jakob would have thrown her out of the rehearsal studio earlier."

"Thank you." Francesca said with a smile.

"I'm starving! Let's eat." Jon said as their food arrived.

When the group was done eating Paolo let some lucky fans come in and take photos with the K2D boys, Francesca and the others sat to the side as the fans gushed over their idols. Of course the young women and girls couldn't help but glance at the people waiting by the side.

One was a gorgeous new artist from Ver Industries who seemed quite close with the boys in K2D, they suspected a deeper relationship between the new artist and the idol group. It was only normal that their first reaction would be jealousy, they all wanted to spend more time and be closer to their idols.

The other person they kept glancing at was the boss of Ver Industries. They only knew him as Mr. Edward, he was young, handsome, and rich. At the beginning many fans even thought that Mr. Edward was a member of K2D. They were all shocked to find out that he was the boss and founder of the group.

"The fans are looking at us." Francesca whispered to Edward.

"Don't worry, relax, this is good for you." Edward said as he tried to give her a boost of confidence.

Edward glanced around to see if anyone was within earshot. Alvin was a few tables down talking on his phone while Karen was helping Ching out with the boys. Only Edward's assistant was near enough to hear anything said between them.

"I was thinking, I could pick you up tonight, and we could go out for dinner." Edward said in a sweet tone.

"You mean like a date?" Francesca asked as she tried to hide her blush.

"Yes, a date." Edward said as he grinned.

"Okay. But you don't have to do this. The engagement is fake." Francesca was worried that Edward would be putting in too much effort in trying to make something that wasn't real work.

"You're wearing our engagement ring." Edward said with a smile as he looked at the diamond ring on her finger.

"Do you want me to take it off?" Francesca asked, she wasn't sure what Edward meant. Did he not like her wearing the ring?

"No, I like that you're wearing it." Edward said with a smile. "I'll pick you up at seven."

"Okay." Francesca said with a nod.