Chapter 24

The whole way back to Ver Industries the K2D fans and the paparazzi followed the group. As as they walked back the boys and Francesca entertained some questions.

"So what projects are you in?" A reporter asked.

"None yet. But I'm hoping to start soon." Francesca said with a smile.

"Among the K2D boys who would you date?" Someone asked.

Francesca stole a glance at Edward, he kept a straight face as they continued to walk.

"I see the boys as my brothers. We are like a family at Ver Industries." Francesca responded professionally.

"That's true. We will guide our little sister well." CJ said as he winked at the reporter.

"Mr. Edward, Miss Francesca seems to be quite an attractive and refined woman. Would you date her?" A reporter dared to ask. The boys wanted to laugh, they thought Francesca was probably a cousin of Edward so it would be illegal for the two of them to date.

Francesca on the other hand looked at Edward, when their eyes met Francesca saw a cold glare, something she had never seen before from Edward.

"I never date my artists." Edward said as he turned back to focus on where he was walking.

For some reason Francesca felt a little hurt by what Edward had said, a part of her wanted their engagement to be real. It suddenly worried her that she was developing feelings for Edward, someone who she was simply using.

"Miss Francesca?" A reporter called out.

"I'm sorry, I was distracted. What did you ask?" Francesca said with a smile. She tried her best to seem calm and collected.

"I asked if you're just an actress or if you were planning to perform with K2D as well." The reporter said, repeating his question.

"Oh, right now I'm just focused on acting." Francesca said with a smile. She looked up and noticed that they were almost at the office.

Several guards stopped the fans and the paparazzi from coming closer to the building as the group entered the building.

"How was your first encounter with the paparazzi and our fans?" Jon asked her with a concerned look. "I hope they weren't too much."

"No, it was different, but not a bad different." Francesca said with a weak smile.

"Good. I was worried our fans would hate on you." Jon said as patted her head.

"Francesca, a word?" Edward said as he signaled to the elevator. "I want to speak to you in my office."

Francesca nodded and followed Edward.

"Come to my office once you're done." Alvin called out. "I want to discuss your schedule with you."

"Alright." Francesca said as the elevator doors closed.

"I hope you're not mad." Edward suddenly said.

"Edward, I think we should have this conversation in private." Francesca said as she eyed Edward's assistant who was suddenly thrust into an awkward position.

"If Marcus makes it awkward for you, I promise he won't say a word to others." Edward said as he took Francesca's hand in his.

"It's not that." Francesca said as she removed her hand from Edward's. "People might see us and I'm not comfortable."

Edward didn't say a word as the elevator doors opened once again and they walked toward Edward's office.

Edward closed the door behind them to give them some privacy.

Francesca was surprised when Edward suddenly pulled her into his arms and held her tightly.

"Please don't be mad." Edward whispered into her ear.

"Why would I be mad?" Francesca asked as she tried to control her heart. It wanted to do backflips when Edward held her.

"With my answer to the paparazzi." Edward explained. "I told you, I like you. And I have every intention of making our engagement work." Edward confessed.

"Edward, you don't need to do this for me." Francesca said as she looked up into his eyes.

"I want to Francesca." Edward said with a serious look on his face. "I'm willing to burn bridges with your brother for you."

"My brothers, my father, they are dangerous people. Please don't go against them for me." Francesca knew what her family did to people who crossed them. She might be protected because she was a Rocci, but there was no telling what they would do to Edward.

"I'll be fine. I promise." Edward said he leaned forward.

Suddenly a knock came from the door and Francesca pushed Edward off her, the force making her sit on the couch.

Edward laughed and called for the person to come in.

"Mr. Edward. She insisted." Edward's assistant said as Gabriella Forest charged into Edward's office.

"Why would you have lunch with a newbie and K2D? Why wasn't I invited?" Gabriella was clearly angry. She was so angry that she failed to notice that Francesca was seated on the couch in the same room.

Edward raised an eyebrow at Gabriella. "I am not obliged to explain my actions to you." Edward said in a cold tone. It seemed that he could turn to a typical CEO if he didn't particularly like the person. "And secondly I have every right to give opportunity to any artist I deem deserving."

"Deserving? Deserving? What has that little bitch ever done for this company?" Gabriella asked.

"Miss Gabriella, what have I done to deserve such an insult from you?" Francesca asked as she stood from the couch, she was not about to take all of these insults from some actress. She was Francesca Rocci after all, she was taught to deal with moments like these.

Gabriella was, for a moment, shocked to see Francesca in the office, but she quickly regained her composure and seemed angrier than when she first walked in.

"What right do you have to walk alongside K2D?" Gabriella asked as she moved closer to Francesca. "You're probably some dirty old man's kept woman -"

"Watch your words." Edward suddenly threatened.

"Mr. Edward, have you forgotten that I am one of your biggest artists. I can walk out of that door at any moment." Gabriella threatened. She wasn't used to the boss stopping her.

"Can you afford the penalty?" Edward asked coldly.

Gabriella said nothing and stormed out of the office.

"It seems I don't need to be worried about you." Edward said as he walked over and patted Francesca on the head.

"Don't." Francesca said as she caught his hand. "I don't want to cause rumors."

Edward simply nodded and placed his hand back down.

"I'll go now. Alvin wanted to talk to me about something." Francesca told Edward as she walked out his office.