Chapter 25

"I heard you successfully fended off Gabriella Forrest." Alvin said with a laugh as Francesca arrived.

"How did you know? It just happened?" Francesca asked with a surprised look on her face.

"News travels fast." Alvin said with a laugh. "A lot of people don't like her, but she's the top artist so everyone feels like they have to treat her well." Alvin said with a shrug.

"It seems Gabriella Forest has just met an artist she can't bully." Karen said with a laugh as she arrived with coffee for Alvin and Francesca.

"What did she want with the boss anyway?" Alvin asked.

"She wanted an explanation for lunch." Francesca said with a shrug.

"She's so shallow. She thinks all resources should be channeled to her." Alvin said, shaking his head. "She's even tried spreading rumors that she and Rich are dating."

"She's crazy." Karen said as she left the room.

"Anyway, the reason I wanted to talk to you is because I have your schedule already." Alvin said as he handed her a planner. "I'm slightly old fashioned." Alvin said with a grin.

"The commercial shoot is tomorrow." Alvin explained. "Then the drama shoot will start in a week. So you have to be ready."

"Got it. Anything else?" Francesca asked.

"No, that's it. I'll pick you up at 6am tomorrow. Ok?" Alvin told her.

"Alright. I'll get going now." Francesca said with a nod as she left the Ver Industries building.

When she got home she rested for a bit before getting ready for her dinner with Edward. She chose a simple black dress and fixed her hair.

At 6:30pm her phone began to ring, it was Edward.

"Are you ready?" Edward asked.

"Yup, I'm all dressed." Francesca said happily over the phone.

"Okay, come down. I'm waiting out front." Edward said as he dropped the call.

Francesca smiled as she looked at her phone. She couldn't help but feel happy whenever she spoke to Edward, she hoped that their relationship would continue on the path it was headed.

When Francesca got to the driveway of her apartment, she found Edward leaning against his car and smiling at her.

"You look gorgeous as always." Edward said as he walked her to the front seat and opened the door for her.

Francesca got in as she hid the blush that was already creeping up on her face.

Edward drove them over to a fancy restaurant, it was quite exclusive, they didn't let just anyone reserve a table, and if you ever got the chance to do so it had a very long wait.

"Wow, how did you get a reservation here?" Francesca asked as Edward held her hand as they walked in the door.

"Reservation for Mr. Vernon." Edward said to a waiter who led them to a table.

"I have a friend who pulled a few strings for me." Edward said with a smile as he pulled out a seat for Francesca.

"Thank you." Francesca said with a nod. "So what's with the sudden invitation to dinner?" Francesca asked.

"Can't I take my beautiful fiance out for a date?" Edward asked.

"Fake fiance." Francesca corrected.

"Fake or not, you're still the most beautiful to me." Edward said with a wink.

"If you're too sweet like this you will ruin our appetite." Francesca teased, she was diverting the topic.

"I plan to treat you properly Francesca. You've already given up your family for your dream, I'll be your family now." Edward said as he reached out and held her hand in his.

Edward's words surprised Francesca, she didn't know how to respond. In her awkwardness she simply decided to smile and call over a waiter and order her dinner.

The couple ate in silence as Francesca was too flustered by Edward's words earlier.

"Did I make you uncomfortable?" Edward asked as he looked up from his plate.

Francesca made the mistake of looking up as well and into his eyes.

"No, well, a little." Francesca confessed. "It's just, I'm afraid."

"Afraid of what?" Edward asked in a soothing tone.

"Afraid of thinking this is real." Francesca said as he hid her face once more and focused on her meal.

"Francesca, what's wrong with this becoming real?" Edward asked. "Is it so bad if we fall in love?"

"Edward, there is nothing wrong with love. But it might be wrong for you to love me." Francesca knew the dangers that Edward could face if they really got together and got married. Her family would not so easily accept him.

"What is wrong with loving such an amazing woman?" Edward asked her.

"Edward, don't." Francesca said, ending the conversation.

There were several times during their meal that Edward wanted to reach out and hold her. He liked her, he wanted to fall for her, he wasn't sure if he already had. All he knew was he was happy when she was around.

After dinner Edward held her hand once more as they walked out of the restaurant to his parked car.

"Francesca, I'm not some fragile businessman." Edward said as they approached his car.

"Edward that's not what I meant." Francesca said as she took a step closer to him.

"Then what did you mean?" Edward asked as he looked her in the eyes.

"I just don't think I can stand seeing you in danger or hurt. You know how the Roccis can get, you also know how many enemies my family has." Francesca said as she placed a hand on his chest. "My heart would break if I saw you in danger or hurt."

"Francesca, I think I'm falling for you." Edward confessed as he pulled her to him.

"Edward, no." Francesca said as she struggled to calm her heart. At that moment she knew she felt the same way, she knew that in the short amount of time she had spent with him her heart was starting to become his.

"Please, give us a chance. Tell me you feel the same." Edward pleaded with her.

"Edward, I -" As Francesca began to speak a man suddenly came out of nowhere and attacked Edward and her.

Edward shielded her, placing her between him and his car, protecting her. Suddenly, while Edward was fending off an assailant, another man came from behind and attempted to stab Francesca.

Francesca quickly acted and disarmed the man and knocked him out.

"Francesca!" Edward called out as he saw another man coming at her.

Francesca took the knife and threw it at the attacker, she heard him cry out in pain as the knife embedded itself on his leg.

Out of nowhere several men came after Edward and tackled him, forcing him on the ground while Francesca tried to fight off the men that had come for her. When she had successfully dealt with them she went after the men that were struggling with Edward. They couldn't completely keep him down as he continued to fight them.

Suddenly, Francesca stopped fighting.

"Andres stop this now!" She shouted angrily.