Chapter 26

"If you hurt him any further I swear I won't let any of you go peacefully." Francesca told the men who were trying to keep Edward down.

It seemed that they truly feared her, so they let go of Edward and backed off.

"What gave us away?" Andres asked as he and Matteo approached with Dom.

"If someone really wanted to hurt me they would bring guns." Francesca said with a shrug as she fixed her clothes that had gotten a little dirty due to the fight.

"Little sister, dad still isn't happy about you leaving." Matteo said in a calm tone. "Come home."

"I already said no. How many languages do I have to say it in?" Francesca said as she walked over to help Edward up.

"Are you really engaged?" Andres asked his sister and his friend. "Edward we have known each other for years, I know you would never take something like marriage lightly."

"Andres, your sister is my light." Edward said after a long silence. "This is not some joke to me. As you said, I would never take something like this lightly."

"Dom!" Andres called out.

"Yes boss?" Dom asked as he faced Andres.

"From this moment onwards your loyalty will be to my sister, Francesca." Andres said, shocking everyone. "You will protect her even against the Rocci family."

"Brother -" Francesca tried to say something before her brother raised her hand to tell her not to talk.

"Dad isn't happy. We aren't happy either." Matteo told his younger sister. "But Dom is a capable man, we know that Edward won't let any harm come to you, we also know that Dom has always been more loyal to you than to us. So Dom, do you accept?"

"Yes sir. I will protect your sister even at the cost of my life." Dom said with a nod.

"Good." Andres said with a nod. "Take care of my sister, Edward." Andres said with a smile as he followed Matteo who had turned to leave without saying goodby to Francesca.

"Miss Francesca." Dom said as he bowed to her.

"I'll set you up with some lodgings near where Francesca lives." Edward told Dom in a kind tone.

"Edward, you don't have to do this." Francesca said. "This is too much. Dom is my responsibility, let me provide for him."

"And you are mine. We both know where this argument is heading Francesca." Edward said with a tender look in his eyes.

"Take me home." Francesca said with a sigh as she surrendered to Edward's plan.

"Dom do you have a ride?" Edward asked. Dom simply nodded and left, becoming invisible to them once more.

"Let's get you home." Edward said as he helped Francesca into his car.

On the drive home both Francesca and Edward remained silent, it seemed no one wanted to be the first to speak.

"Edward, about what you said earlier -" Francesca began to say.

"You don't need to say it back." Edward told her as he placed a hand on her's. "I just wanted you to know how I felt, I do hope that someday you feel the same was as how I feel about you."

"Edward, that's the thing." Francesca said as she rubbed her hands together. "You know how my family raised me. I'm sure you know that we are taught to keep people away, it's not easy for me to make friends. Just letting people in is already a struggle in itself."

"Francesca, I know." Edward said in a comforting tone. "That's why I'm telling you to take your time. I am willing to wait."

"Thank you Edward." Francesca said as she leaned over to plant a kiss on his cheek.

Francesca was happy to have someone like Edward caring about her.

They spent the rest of the drive to her and Edward's apartment in silence. She didn't know how to follow up such a heavy topic. She was sure that something was pushing her towards Edward, but she wasn't sure if she could trust her emotions.

When they finally reached the apartment, Edward parked his car next to hers. She had learned that the four spots were reserved for Edward and that he had planned to provide her with at least two more cars so that she could use her own freely without getting recognized.

The elevator ride and subsequent walk to the apartment door was awkwardly quiet. As they walked Edward took her hand in his and interlocked their fingers.

Francesca couldn't help but blush and smile. She liked the feeling she got whenever Edward was close, and a part of her wished that he would stay with her longer, but she knew that was impossible. It would cause scandal if people saw him leaving her apartment in the morning, add to that the fact that she wasn't ready for what could possibly come next.

When they finally reached the door they simply stood in silence looking like an odd pair.

"Edward." Francesca said as she looked up at the man.

"Yes Francesca?" Edward asked as he turned his head to look at her.

Francesca couldn't help but blush at how handsome he looked.

"What if in the end I don't fall for you as hard as you have fallen for me?" Francesca asked.

"Then it will still be time well spent." Edward said with a smile as he kissed her goodnight.