Chapter 11 - Bellthorne vs Aqueous (1)

Jason searched through Pablo's and Pedro's pockets as Thong sat on the floor, seeing the two opponents on the floor.

Jason: It looks like they have nothing of importance, but it seems they dealt with all the other guards for some reason. I guess they planned on causing a large scene, but for being two popular guards, they didn't stand up that good against a rookie.

Thong: They were world famous, huh? No wonder their attacks were so fast and powerful. If I got hit one more time, I'm certain my bones would've broken.

Jason stood up, looking at the hall that Pedro and Pablo appeared from.

Jason: We know where they are now.

Thong watched as Jason moved forward, heading down the dark hall without any hesitation in his steps.

Thong's thoughts: I bet he feels great since he didn't have to face those two, but he's a top ten, right? He probably could have dealt with them…

Jason: Keep on moving, we have no time to waste.

Thong stood up, rubbing his arms as he followed after Jason. They walked down several glass corridors, all light shut out by the shutters. They came to a stop as they faced a shutter in the ground.

Jason: If they needed to shut this off, they're likely down there. I got this.

For the first time, Thong watched as Jason unsheathed his blade. The blade was nothing special from its appearance, but Thong could tell that the blade was one of the deadliest weapons he'd ever seen, especially once accompanied by Jason's speed. Jason placed both hands on the sword's hilt, his arms seemed to stand still, but in just mere moments, the shutter fell apart. As the shutter pieces fell in, a staircase was revealed.

Jason: They're down here, they no longer have anywhere to run.

Jason and Thong descended down the staircase and walked through a silent hall, only to be met with a large door at the end of the dark hall. Jason raised his sword into the air and with one step forward, he lowered his sword to the ground. He pushed against the door, causing it to collapse apart as it revealed an office with a fearful man pushing up against a desk.

Jason: You're cornered, Charlie. You have nowhere to run.

Thong: His name is Charlie?

???: No, you goddamn idiot! I'm Rinsel Acosta! And I swear I'm making you bastards sleep with the fishes!

Jason stepped forward, raising his sword upward, only for a hand to appear in his way.

???: Not so fast there.

Jason turned to face the man that stood in his way. The man wore shoulder length, wavy blue hair with a stone cold expression on his face. He wore a matching grey shirt and pants, with a bright orange coat hanging from his shoulders.

Jason's thoughts: I didn't even notice his existence, who is he?

???: I am simply known as Akuma, one of the last Aqueous users in the world.

Rinsel: Why the hell are you revealing your style here?

Akuma: He doesn't know what the Aqueous style entails, but his Bellthorne style is much more dangerous.

Thong: Jason… Why does he know about your style?

Jason: That's what I want to know myself. How much about me do you know, Akuma?

Akuma: I paid a good amount for this information, so I won't spill it anytime soon.

Jason: I guess I have to get it out of you, huh? That would be an issue.

Jason aimed his blade at Akuma who raised his arms in what seemed to be a surrender. Thong noticed it right away as Akuma's right hand reached behind him and pulled out a curved katana, holding it between himself and Jason.

Akuma: Your Bellthorne style is rather interesting, so how about you show me its core.

Jason's body seemed to move forward, only for Jason to jump back. Thong looked in surprised as he was barely able to catch the glimpse of it. In that slight moment, Jason had attempted to slash at Akuma, only for Akuma to push the strike away.

Jason's thoughts: This guy is impressive. He uses the Aqueous style, doesn't he? I don't know what that style does or specializes in, but from what I've seen so far, I know it's a speed based one. I'll need to play it safe and see what else I can learn from him.

Rinsel: Akuma, if you kill him and bring me his head, I'll make sure you get a raise! I swear on it!

Akuma: You promised the same to Pablo and Pedro and look at how they turned out. I do plan on taking this man out on my own terms. His style seems similar yet different to mine.

Jason's thoughts: He's one of the last users of this style, meaning there is no other way to get information on this style. I feel like I've heard of it before, but I can't remember where right now.

Jason tightened the grip on his hilt, focusing his gaze on Akuma. Akuma's body was relaxed, Jason widening his stance.

Jason's thoughts: His form is too loose, I can't get a proper read on his next move. Guys like these are a pain.

Akuma's stance was entirely neutral, with no signs of him moving forward or backwards. Thong knew that Akuma's stance was a lie, seeing how Jason's actions seemed so out of the ordinary. Jason stepped forward brandishing his blade as entered Akuma's range. Akuma stared down at Jason as the following moment, they stood a standstill, their blades barely budging against the other.

Jason's thoughts: His blade is slightly curved, so he has slightly higher control in standstills like this. Is this his usual weapon or did I really get information leaked on me?

Akuma: You seem quite lost, so allow me to assist you.

Akuma kicked the side of Jason's right leg. As Jason reacted, Akuma pushed Jason's sword upward before moving his own blade downward. Jason clenched his blade as he let out a huff of air.

Jason: Bellthorne Swordplay Style, first form: Autumn Dance.

Akuma's eyes immediately darted upward, seeing as Jason's blade seemed to multiply. Akuma immediately backstepped, several cuts appearing on his coat before Jason's hand came to a stop.

Akuma's thoughts: The Bellthorne style was just as dangerous as I thought. I knew that if I didn't dodge at that moment, I would be bleeding out on the floor. Jason truly is a dangerous foe.

Akuma looked at Jason, seeing him as a beast in man's attire. Akuma widened his stance as he glared at Jason.

Jason: No point in wasting time now.

Jason charged forward, Thong watching as he closed the distance between himself and Akuma immediately.

Jason: Bellthorne Swordplay Style, second form: Venus Snare.

Akuma watched as Jason ran towards him, a flurry of blades making a circular shape as they came from several directions. Akuma squinted as he loosened his body once again. Thong looked in shock as the next moment, orange and red flew into the air. As Jason's blade cut through Akuma's coat, Akuma's blade shaved off a piece of Jason's left shoulder piece.

Jason's thoughts: He was able to keep up with that? I don't want to say I am the fastest alive right now, but no one should be able to get away from each of these strikes so easily. Akuma's only damage is on his clothing, so he's fast and hard to read. Isn't this getting fun?

Thong watched as Akuma placed his blade over his shoulder, confidence radiating from him.

Thong's thoughts: No way Jason can lose here, right? He's a top ten member of the Eclipse, so him losing here is impossible, right?

Rinsel giggled as he hid behind a desk, watching as Akuma stood in front of Jason.

Rinsel's thoughts: Get him, Akuma. Get him then get that coward with the mask! Once you do that, we'll have achieved victory!

Jason held his blade tightly, the slits of his mask staring Akuma down. Akuma brought his sword down from his shoulder before holding it up in front of his face.

Akuma: You're a practitioner of the Bellthorne style, one that is so rare and advanced, and now I finally get to face you. The one I got this information from says you are truly a dangerous foe, so show me the truth behind your style.

Jason widened his stance as he moved his arms back a bit, the tip of his blade pointing at Akuma.

Jason: I'm just getting warmed up, and I wouldn't go around asking for too much now.