Chapter 12 - Bellthorne vs Aqueous (2)

Akuma stared at Jason, analyzing his stance before taking his next step. As he walked forward, Jason immediately lashed his blade out, Akuma immediately taking a step back from Jason's range.

Akuma's thoughts: He's getting desperate, making a move that sloppy-

Akuma's eyes shot open in shock as the front of his shirt was torn open, with hints of red appearing from his body. Akuma put a hand over his stomach, bringing it up to see his hand covered in blood.

Jason: Bellthorne Swordplay Style, fourth form: Haven's Touch

Akuma looked up at Jason, noticing his handling of the blade. By holding the very tip of the sword's handle, Jason was able to extend the blade's reach by a few more inches. While Akuma had assumed he had fully escaped Jason's strike, he was caught on the short end of it nonetheless.

Akuma's thoughts: Bellthorne is a more dangerous foe than I had expected. His speed is already commendable, but his adaptability is top notch as well. I truly feel honored to be able to face such a foe.

Akuma raised his blade once more, still only holding it with one hand on the hilt. Jason kept his stance tight, his eyes not having moved from Akuma once.

Rinsel: Wha… What the hell, Akuma?! Aren't you supposed to kill him?

Akuma: I simply wished to test if he truly is as formidable as I was told. I see I have no reason to hold back against him.

Akuma charged forward, Jason's blade flying into action. Both blades slid past each other as sparks flew into the air. Thong followed along as Akuma and Jason continued to slash at each other, their swords moving as blurs in the air.

Thong's thoughts: They're moving so fast… It's almost as if they're creating a draft of air in here.

Akuma and Jason possessed an aura to them that Thong had not sensed in any fighter he had met up to that point. The aura of a true warrior. Akuma's blade slipped from his hand, Jason immediately aiming for another strike at Akuma's torso. As Jason's blade reached closer and closer, Akuma's other hand swiftly snatched the sword from midair, quickly bringing the slash down, craving slightly into Jason's mask. Jason jumped back, avoiding the majority of the blow, but the effect was still present. Akuma had exceeded Jason's expectations.

Akuma: Allow me to face you with my all, Bellthorne. I hope you meet me with your own.

Jason charged at Akuma, thrusting his sword as Akuma curved his blow, aiming directly for Jason's head. Akuma's expression changed to shock as Jason's entire body swerved back, as Jason's hind leg shot off the ground in a curving motion.

Jason: Bellthorne Swordplay Style, fifth form: Viscaria

Jason's foot threw a roundhouse kick, his heel impacting the side of Akuma's abdomen. Akuma went flying back as he felt the pain shooting through his liver. Akuma crashed into a nearby desk, Thong seeing the desk tip over as a loud thud followed suit.

Rinsel: A-Akuma…

Rinsel looked in fear as Akuma flew across the room and landed through the desk.

Thong's thoughts: Similar to Jason, Akuma had a much lighter build, likely to not hinder his speed. While Jason may be much weaker, a fast enough kick would be able to send a man like Akuma flying. Jason likely knew that from the start, there's no way he didn't…

Jason turned his attention to Rinsel, Rinsel staring into the yellow slits in utter fear.

Rinsel: Th-This wasn't meant to happen! Akuma was meant to be a high level assassin!

Jason: He was powerful I'll ensure that, but he was defeated, so there is no more time to waste. Tho-

Thong: Jason, look out!

Jason immediately changed his attention as a desk came flying at him, Jason immediately tightening his grip on his blade as he cut the table down. Jason's body immediately leaned back as Akuma charged forward with a quick thrust forward, skimming the side of Jason's body, a cut appearing on his shirt. Jason jumped back, changing his focus onto Akuma once more.

Akuma: I ain't done yet…

Thong could see it in Akuma's eyes. While his body was in pain from that kick to the liver, he had the eyes of a man that was determined to win.

Jason: I see I had taken you too lightly.

Akuma charged forward, placing both hands on his blade for the first time, Thong seeing the arms tense up before Akuma unleashed what almost looked like a solid wall of slashes.

Akuma: Aqueous Style, Secret Technique: Poseidon's Rage

As if a wall was formed in front of him, Jason's cape flew back as Akuma's flurry of slashes seemed to form an impenetrable wall. Jason noticed his blade was knocked away immediately as Akuma pushed him further back, Jason's back nearing one of the office walls.

Jason: I guess I have no choice, do I?

Jason took a firm stance before taking one step forward.

Jason: Bellthorne Swordplay Style, Secret Form: Radius

Jason's blade seemingly disappeared as his arms moved in a blur. Thong had barely caught a glimpse of it through the air waves being made from Jason and Akuma's exchange. Jason was moving his arms at such high speeds that it seemingly created an area around Jason where anything would be immediately cut down. Akuma and Jason had entered a stalemate.

Thong stared mesmerized as Jason and Akuma continued their fight with straight faces, neither giving up as their blades moved nearly invisible to the human eye. Rinsel collapsed to the ground, crawling backwards as his back hit a wall. Looking to his right, he noticed a briefcase, a smile creeping on his face. Rinsel opened his case as he pulled out a desert eagle, the size of the gun nearly like that of a canon. Rinsel, with shaky hands, turned his pistol towards Jason, aiming it directly at Jason's head.

Rinsel's thoughts: Goodbye, asshole! I'll be free of your torment from here out!

As Rinsel pulled the trigger, Thong's foot shot up, making the gun point upward as it blasted a hole into the roof. Jason and Akuma made notice of the sound, but continued with their exchange.

Thong's thoughts: I was barely able to catch Rinsel from the corner of my eye. He forgot I was here, or didn't think I was a big enough threat.

Rinsel held his hand tightly, Thong's kick having heavily bruised the side of his forearm. Rinsel immediately changed the target of the gun to Thong, for Thong to immediately kick the gun out of Rinsel's hand as Rinsel felt his fingers break.

Rinsel's thoughts: These kicks aren't normal!

Thong stared down at Rinsel, his breathing getting heavier, sweat forming on his face.

Rinsel: Ohoho… I see! You're a coward! After Akuma kills that red masked asshole, he'll butcher you, and I'll make sure your family pays for it! Your bloodline ends here, kid!

Thong shut his eyes, gritting his teeth under his mask as Rinsel's words filled him. As the world weighed down on him, Thong's mind turned white. Rinsel stared up at Thong, a nervous look on his face as he held his broken fingers. Rinsel's nervous smile turned to fear as Thong's eyes lost their fear. Thong's hands reached around Rinsel's head, as Rinsel's realization filled with an incredible fear.

Rinsel: N-No! Don't kill m-

As Rinsel pleaded for his life, a loud crack filled the room. Jason and Akuma's exchange came to a halt as they both brought down their weapons, looking over at Rinsel and Thong. Rinsel laid on the floor, his head facing an unnatural angle. Thong towered over his body, Akuma staring at him.

Akuma's thoughts: That kid… What is he...?

Thong's body immediately shook up, Jason walking forward as he grabbed Thong's shoulder.

Jason: Thong…?

Thong turned around, seeing the reflection of his pale face on Jason's eye slits. In a dash, Thong pushed Jason to the side, running outside of the office and from the dark halls.

Akuma: Who is that man? Why was he…

Jason: I don't know, but more importantly why did you stop?

Akuma: While I would like to continue to fight you, I could tell my loss was assured. My objective failed once Rinsel died, so I have no further reason to fight currently.

Jason: And your information? Where did you get it?

Akuma: ...I cannot tell you. I was sworn to keep it hidden.

Jason: Very well, then. None of the other guards are dead, it was only Rinsel we came for, so be sure to tell everyone that you failed.

Jason walked out of the room as Akuma let out a sigh. Blood dripped from his lips as he looked down the hall.

Akuma: Bellthorne, you are truly a monster.

Jason ran outside of the basement and around the mansion, noticing the shutters rise.

Jason's thoughts: Likely Akuma's doing.

Jason entered the room that he and Thong initially entered, noticing the first door was wide open. Stepping out, he saw Thong on the ground, his fingers digging into the dirt. Jason headed over to Thong, putting his hand out. Thong turned his head around, tears streaming out.

Thong: Jason… What did I do?