Chapter 82 - The Strongest Men

Jason had his arms crossed, watching the match closely.

Jason: These meatheads sure are going at it. If they don't calm down with their strength, there's no doubt that they'll destroy the ring before I get to fight. I hope neither of them get to the semifinals, I've had enough experience with brutes.

Lorisian: Squire!

Jason turned around, Lorisian walking up to him with his full armor back on, dents as visible as day.

Lorisian: Those two art like wild animals out thither!

Xavier walked up from behind Lorisian, Jason giving him a quick wave.

Xavier: He recovered better than I thought.

Jason: Well, he isn't a metal head for nothing. But he isn't joking, these two are insane out there.

Xavier: Ranks two and five. So this is what the damage of the physically strongest men of the Eclipse has to offer.

Lorisian: Terrifying indeed!

Ryan and Cero stepped towards one another, spitting out blood before getting in range of each other once more. Both of them pull back their punches before slamming them into each other's faces. Both staggered back before charging in once more. Ryan swings with a right hook, Cero dodging before slamming his elbow into the face of Ryan, Ryan staggering back before Cero follows up with a backhand punch to the back of Ryan's head.

Cero's thoughts: KenShinka Style: Demon Form - Hellbreaker

Ryan slams one foot on the ground, steadying his balance. His head whips around, throwing a left hook. Cero raises his forearms, taking the brunt of Ryan's punch before flying back.

Zachary: These men's strikes are unmatched!

Zenzo: Can such power really exist?!

Ryan charges in, Cero slamming both feet into the ground as he prepares for another strike as Ryan raises one foot up, Cero immediately preparing for a front kick. Cero's hands reach into the air in front of him, Ryan quickly responds by spinning around and slamming Cero with a spinning heel kick as Cero goes crashing to the ground, placing both of his hands to the sides of his head, attempting to push himself back up. Ryan reaches down, grabbing onto Cero's hair before yanking him upward. One swift punch sends Cero back up to his feet. Ryan grabs onto Cero's leg once more, swinging Cero behind his shoulder before aiming directly at one portion of the audience. The audience immediately ran from their seats, Ryan chucking Cero with full force, sending the 143 kilogram man flying into the air and slamming into the seats of the audience. Cero struggled to pick himself up, leaving large portions of the audience in shock.

Ziyad, Theodore, and Daniel watch the match with wide eyes. Ziyad dropped his pipe as he looked at the utter destruction in front of him.

Ziyad: Are these two military weapons in human form?

Theodore: These are the two physically strongest men of the Eclipse, to expect any less would be foolish.

Ziyad: And yet you will eventually have to face one of them… That is a horrifying thought…

Daniel: Crazy monsters…

Cero looked up, his eyes wide as he watched Ryan jump into the air and crash down in front of him. Cero leaps forward, grabbing onto Ryan's forearms and holding them tightly. Ryan pulls his head back before slamming his forehead into Cero's face.

Zachary: They've taken the fight to the audience!

Zenzo: This has got to be some sort of crime!

Cero's thoughts: Then let me fix this… Limit Removed 40%

Cero picks one of his legs up before slamming it into Ryan's stomach, sending Ryan crashing back into the ring floor. Cero jumps from the stands and into the ring, blood dripping from his mouth and nose. Ryan picks himself back up, one hand firmly on the ground.

Zenzo: Even after crashing into the ring ground, Ryan still gets back up!

Zachary: What are these two even made of?!

Ryan gets back onto his feet, holding both of his hands out in the fighting stance once more. Masked continued to ignore the man standing behind him, watching the match closely.

Masked's thoughts: He's grown… Could he even be on "their'' level now?

On the opposing side of the ring, two people stand in the darkness, a tall man with long red hair and a woman with short white hair.

Tall man: So this is the power of the old head's second hand.

White hair woman: He's extremely powerful. Do you think you could beat him?

Tall man: Most definitely. But if his power is like that, then that makes me realize the horrors of the previous head and the current head, the only men known to have beaten him.

White hair woman: Cero is truly on the route to being a Dragon's candidate.

Tall man: Definitely.

Cero and Ryan huffed heavily, their bodies feeling the brunt of all the damage they have taken.

Cero's thoughts: You are truly powerful, Ryan. But I cannot show you mercy.

Ryan's thoughts: I will not allow you to best me in physical ability, Cero. For we have both taken our own routes to power.

At the young age of eight years old, Ryan Magni was always a large fan of wrestlers. Men of overwhelming power going at each other, using props and moves that would sometimes cause the ring to collapse. The first moment he could, he trained. Trained day and night. Trained against every opportunity he could. He desired to be like his idol, the legendary wrestler Eddie Roussimoff. Eddie was known as the largest wrestler at the time. And due to his size, he was unmatched in endurance and power.

One day during Ryan's training, his father, Roger Magni, entered his son's room. Unlike the average man, both Ryan and his father were extremely tall. A gene of theirs that had been passed down for a long time.

Roger: Ryan, you've been training for the longest time. It's been ten years since you've started your journey. I want you to experience something.

Ryan: Dad? What's this all about?

Roger led his son outside, where they both took a car and drove off until they reached an unnamed building. As both entered, Ryan immediately recognized what it was. It was a wrestling ring, the same ones that Ryan had long since dreamt of.

Roger: The truth is, outside of my usual job, I am also a famous wrestler. I know your idol is Eddie. But I'll have you know my true identity.

The lights flickered on, blinding Ryan. His eyes slowly adjusted, his eyes opening wide in shock.

Ryan: Dad… You're "The Sasquatch"?!

Roger: I sure am, son. I'm Eddie's largest rival and the only man to have ever beaten the "Unstoppable Eddie." It is our destiny to be the strongest, to stand at the pinnacle of strength. So show me what you've learned. Fight me to your heart's content!

Ryan smiles, running to his father as he winded up his fist. It ended with both Ryan and Roger bloodied, but with smiles on their faces. Roger looks to his son, a proud look on his face.

Roger: You have truly adopted the strength I was born with. But I can tell, you will surpass me. You will surpass Eddie. You will make your own name.

Ryan: I'll become the strongest wrestler that's ever lived!

Roger: No, Ryan. Don't become a wrestler. Your talent shouldn't be held back by the public eye. Find a place that you can truly call your own. Become the pinnacle in a world untouched by me or anyone else in our family.

Ryan nods, hugging his father before immediately running outside. He screams to the sky.

Ryan: I'll reach a plane of my own. I'll become a god of strength. My natural born body was made for this, so I'll work until I am truly the pinnacle!