Chapter 83 - KenShinka

Ryan ran forward, Cero clenching his fists before throwing a right straight. Ryan immediately got low, running below Cero's punch and wrapping his arms around Cero's waist. Without a moment of hesitation, Ryan picked Cero up, pivoted on his heel before slamming Cero onto the ground. Ryan wasted no time, getting between Cero's legs before picking him up once more.

Zenzo: Dear lord! Show the man some mercy!

Zachary: Ryan has turned this into a wrestling match!

Ryan immediately slammed Cero's back into the ground, the crash audible all over the ring. Cero's legs kicked out, pushing Ryan flying back. Ryan regained his ground, watching as Cero got back to his feet. Blood dripped from the top of Cero's head, his expression as serious as ever.

Cero's thoughts: His techniques are impressive. I was only aware of his usage of Krav Maga, but I wasn't aware he used wrestling moves as well. Ryan is truly proving himself to be a powerful opponent. But his reign ends here.

Cero and Ryan both run forward, pulling their fists back before having them collide. Entirely disregarding the damage from the punches, the men continue their swings, landing blows all over one another's body. Their determination burns through as Ryan starts to slowly push forward, Cero's feet being slid back.

Bodin and the nurses stared in shock, Daymond keeping his hands crossed as he watched the monitor closely.

Bodin: He's pushing him back! Ryan's won the battle of strength!

Daymond: Not just yet…

Cero's thoughts: Limit Removed 50%

Cero's blows suddenly bursted with power and speed, more punches landing across Ryan's body as he began to raise his defense.

Zachary: In just a moment, Cero manages to turn this around! These men are nothing short of beasts!

Cero throws both fists out, opening the distance just enough for him to widen his stance.

Cero's thoughts: KenShinka Style: Void Form - Axis of the Blue Sky

Cero's left foot shoots off the ground, slamming across Ryan's face. Before his leg fully reaches the ground, Cero pulls it back, the heel connecting with Ryan's face once more as blood shoots out of Ryan's mouth. Ryan staggers back, Cero slamming both feet on the ground before moving in close, throwing out his left fist with great power.

Cero's thoughts: KenShinka Style: Demon Form - Devil Trigger

Cero's index and middle finger pointed out just barely, aiming directly for one of Ryan's vital points before his fist shot out at full power, connecting with Ryan's torso. Cero's eyes opened wide as he noticed the sudden density of Ryan's muscles.

Cero's thoughts: He's tightened his muscles to reduce the power of the impact!

Ryan's hands grab the side of Cero's head, his forehead connecting with Cero's face. Instead of letting go, Ryan pulls his head back once more before slamming it into Cero's face several more times. Before Ryan could swing his head once more, Cero's hand appears through the gap between them, latching onto Ryan's face as Cero does a powerful sweep to Ryan's legs.

Cero's thoughts: KenShinka Style: Earth Form - Falling Sky & Limit Removed 30%

With great force, Cero pushed Ryan off of him before slamming his head into the ground. As Ryan begins to fall, his arms shoot out around Cero, pulling him down as well as his back slams into the ground.

Ryan's thoughts: I've started to get a handle on your techniques, Cero. I won't be overcome! I am the pinnacle of physical strength.

Ryan's eyes opened wide as he heard Cero take a heavy breath. A breath so deep, it felt as if he was trying to breathe in all the air of the stadium at once.

Cero's thoughts: KenShinka Style: Life Form - Days of Grace

Cero exploded with a sudden burst of power, breaking out of Ryan's hold and immediately pushing himself back up to his feet. Ryan could feel his arms shaking, Cero's sudden burst of power was nothing like his other bursts.

Ryan's thoughts: What are the limits of this style?

The KenShinka Style is a style made up of four forms with a fifth secret form. The phrase "KenShinka" refers to "Fist Evolution," a name that Cero's father picked out to refer to how the style can further evolve to respond to any situation. The style was made by Cero's father studying and incorporating principles and elements of other martial arts into his own. Cero eventually came to learn this style himself. The style requires extreme training of the physical and mental level, as the style can truly bring the most out of the user's body. Only when one masters all four forms of the KenShinka Style can they unlock the fifth form. And currently, there is only one true known practitioner of the KenShinka Style…

Lorisian: Squire! Just how powerful is yond sir?

Jason: From what I know of Cero, he's definitely worked to get that number two spot. He used to be part of the most powerful and influential group the Eclipse has ever known. Despite being the right hand man to the leader, a lot of people said he was too powerful to play second to anyone else. And it looks like they were right.

Xavier: Do you mean…?

Jason: Yeah, the old head, Deacon Desperado.

Cero's thoughts: I've only mastered this style due to how I trained every day against Deacon. Despite never overcoming him, it was because of that training that allowed me to come this far.

Ryan got back up to his feet, Cero letting out a deep huff of air before dashing forward.

Cero's thoughts: KenShinka Style: Life Form - X Garden

Ryan placed both hands out, preparing for Cero's right hook, only to take a heavy blow to his solar plexus.

Ryan's thoughts: I couldn't read him?

The blow to the solar plexus was heavy, entirely outside of Ryan's expectations, causing his body to hesitate for the slightest moment. The moment Cero had been waiting for.

Cero's thoughts: Limit Removed 80%

Cero threw out a left straight directly to Ryan's chest, sending the giant flying across the ring. Ryan's back hits the ring wall before he collapses to the ground. Steam rose off of Cero's body as he holds his fist out. The audience looked in shock.

Midori and Moll watch on from a monitor outside of the infirmary. Midori with a slight look of shock, Moll wearing a full smirk on his face.

Midori: This man, he's truly powerful.

Moll: He sure is. He's just like us when we were younger.

The Arachna members in Bodin's infirmary watched on in horror, Shizu pushing up her glasses.

Magnus: So that's the true power of Cero? I need to write that down.

Shun: I can't see what happened, but I can feel it through the ground itself. These guys are shaking the whole damn building!

Yussuf: This is the guy that wants to kill the boss? Do we have a chance?

Shizu: We need to.

Cero let out a sigh, watching Ryan slump over at the wall before turning his back. The sounds of a few rocks falling made Cero's eyes shoot open before he quickly turned back around. Ryan placed one hand on the wall, pushing himself back up, a smile being found behind that bloody beard.

Ryan: You thought I was out?

Cero's thoughts: Ryan… I will not hold back against anyone that intends to get in my way.

The two men made their way to one another, blood and bruises accompanying their bodies. They both came to a stop in front of one another, Ryan staring down at Cero, and Cero staring back.

Zachary: What an intense match! How could Ryan get back up after such a blow?!

Zenzo: These two are freaks of nature! Have we finally come to the final stretch of the match?!

Cero's thoughts: I'll end the match…

Ryan's thoughts: … with my own two hands!