

He prepared the oven and lit up the fire. Everyone around him had ingredients and they were all so happy that they were going to have fancy food after so many months, but not everyone shared Kaz's happiness, he loved what he felt, he loved her and couldn't wait for her to come.

Everyone gathered the cheese they had made just enough for everyone there, and lot's of other fresh vegetables. the whole place was gathered here anticipating for the pizza and offering help since this has to be made for everyone here.

Except for Qwezyl and Aurora.

He assured himself it was just a mere confusing coincidence and, she would be here soon, chiming about the pizza and grabbing raw cheeses for herself, he smiled and when he realised there were so many people around him, he held himself uptight into the serious mode.


"Mom told me I can't have pizza for a while," Aurora sat crying before Kaz's door once he was visiting her.

"Why?" Kaz asked her, cupping both her cheeks and looking into her eyes, her eyelashes were wet with tears.

"Because I've been a bad girl this week, "She told and ran into her room, slipping on the stairs twice. He sat there sadly, wondering what he should do to make her happy

He looked at his watch and realised it was only 7 in the evening and he still had time to buy her whatever she needs

But he realised that it was month-end and he didn't have much money and he was expecting his pocket money only tomorrow, he opened his suitcase and pulled out his book, where he used to keep the change.

He had enough money to buy her a small pizza and a bottle of coke. He slipped into trousers and ran to the nearby pizza shop and bought her favourite pizza and a small bottle of coke.

He rushed to Aurora's home, hiding the pizza inside his shirt since he knew her parents would be home by now and they would scold him if they knew he was disobeying something.

They eyed him curiously when they saw him dash into the house and run directly into Aurora's room, they exchanged glances. He leaned only his face out of the door and gave an Awkward laugh and they giggled, without suspecting anything.

"Restless kids," Aurora's mom stated and Kaz sighed in relief when he heard it when keeping his ears to the door to listen to their conversation.

"What?" Aura asked and that is when he revealed the surprise.

"You bought this for me?" she asked, snatching the pizza from his hands. She gleamed in happiness

"Nah, leftover food from the party," he said and walked away.

"Whatever, "He heard her say after he left the room.


"I know" Shirly winked, who had been there to listen to him, about how he felt for Aurora, she was the only person who knew about her more than Lily.

"I'm super excited Shirly" he laughed and Shirly scratched her pixie head and shook her head in disbelief.

"I'm happy, though, never saw my friend this excited" she laughed and when she saw people struggling with big cheese blocks, she ran to help.

He searched for Aura among the crowd and examined for her face in everyone present in it, he jumped and looked around, but still no sign of Aurora or Qwez.

He remained patient and searched for her every minute that had been passing and he became more upset and upset with it.

Everyone was arranging the cheese and topics in their flour dough, and their coven's dough was done by Lily and Daisy. he smiled looking at Daisy, who was also excited. he quit searching and he rushed to help them

Daisy took the flour powder in her little hands and kept a dot on Lily's and Kazie's nose.

"Why did you do that," Lily asked her laughing, while she was kneading the dough.

"This dot is for the people I love" she winked and smiled at Kazie, who was awed by her.

The sky had already turned orange and there still was no sign of Aura, Kaz was impatient now, she had promised to help, and now she was not around.

7:00 PM

Everyone was busy in preparing their pizza, and for some time even Kaz had forgotten about Aura to be in peace and to help everyone else, Shirly was giving worried looks at him time to time, which he pretended not to notice. and soon as he merged with his own coven, he was so busy that he stopped searching for Aura

"Umm Kaz?" it was Fred who called him.

"Huh?" Kaz turned and looked at him

"We're out of firewood, this batch won't last long, we have to go get some," he said

"Sure bud," Kaz told and informed his people to come along him to gather more and once again he thought about Aura, and this time he was worried about it. he knew how much she liked pizza and how she placed pizza above everything else, and he suspected something wrong could've happened

And maybe Qwez did something to her, he decided he'd check it out after he had gathered enough firewood. he absentmindedly gathered every piece of wood he had cut.

"KAZ!!!!" he heard Shirly screaming from a mile away and he sprang towards her, querying what happened and what had made a girl so strong like her yell so ailing.

When he reached the spot, he noticed everyone who had heard her scream was there and eyeing at something so shockingly.

"What happened" he saw her from behind and saw what she was looking at. he gasped at the horror.

It was Qwezly, with blood in his hand and knees, Fred was trying to wake him up

He ran towards him as he realised he was the only person who Aurora could be with since everyone else had been near the oven, he tried to neglect the fact he had blood, what had happened to Aura?

"Shirly!! Aura was with him!!" he roared as she looked him In a bewildered reaction.

"But where's she? and the blood on his hands it mi-" she looked at him

"No don't even think about it, he must've tried to do something to her, she must've escaped, she would be safe" he tod restlessly as he looked around the shrubs and bushes and he ran towards every other possible direction she could've gone, while Shirly followed behind him.

And he ran back to Fred and clutched his collar and fumed at him

"What has he done to her?" he raged and he was being pulled by two other people who had come to help him.

"He's hurt, don't you see? and Qwez ain't that type of guy, I've known him since I was a kid!!!!" he shouted back at him and wriggled of Kaz's grip

"Let's get him to the doctor Kaz, let's ask him what happened before assuming anything" she pleaded him and calmed him. he seemed to be calm

Fred lifted him and heard him moaning with pain

"It's okay, we got you, you're okay" Fred whispered to him and he seemed not to react.

All Kaz could think was how careless he had been, leaving Aura like that, he knew she was hurt too by the blood in Qwez's hands, he wondered whether she was still in the forest, but he knew she knows her way back very well, and there was no reason to stay in the forest.

He looked into more hollows and every other area with the rest of his crew members. if she had gone home, then she was safe, he needn't worry but if she was here, it means she was badly hurt and lying unconscious somewhere, maybe even whimpering in pain.

He had tears in his eyes when he couldn't find her anywhere, he and everyone had searched every possible way she could've gone.

She wouldn't have chosen to go inside the forest when reaching the civilized ground was easier, so there would've been no point running deeper into the forest when she could've found him easily.

He desperately hoped her to be in hope, he would hug her, tell her how much she meant to her . and he knew she would be because there were no other possible places for her to be.

As soon as he finished searching, Shirly and he ran to his home, hoping she'd be there.

The door was already open and he could see Daisy drawing on a piece of rough paper, that he had given her last night.

When she saw Kaz coming in she rushed to hug him and she looked worried.

"Where have you been, I saved pizza for you and Aura!!! where's she" Daisy said.

And Kaz couldn't understand what's going around, he felt dizzy. he ran outside and kept his both the hands and cupping his face, he felt terrible regret for leaving her alone like that, he should've brought her with him.

Shirly hugged him and as soon as she hugged, Kaz burst into tears.

"Where is she Shirly?"