The truth


Kazuo paced in and out of Qwezyl's home and was Impatient for him to wake up and tell him what happened.

He hasn't slept a wink in the whole night and searched again for her everywhere, he asked everyone whether they had seen her and since everyone was busy making Pizza last night, nobody had seen them.

He kicked pebbles and punched walls all night, his hands were bruised.

"You should get some sleep," Shirly told him.

"Where is she?" he asked her

"Seriously Kazie, you're losing it, I promise I'll wake you up when Qwez wakes up, I'll wake you up" Shirly reassured him and dragged him to her home, which was opposite to Qwez's

As soon as she dropped him to the bed, he fell asleep within no time.

She felt so sorry for that poor guy, who loved Aura more than himself, even she had someone who cared for her in the same way, who loved her more than himself before this disaster and he was gone. She ensured herself that she wouldn't let Kaz feel the pain like she did.

She smiled at how he looked so innocent in sleep, she missed her love so much, but she knew she wasn't the only one who was facing a loss.

She continued to stare at her friend before she realised she had to check on Qwez, she stood up and left her home.

"He's fine now, you can ask him questions, but please be kind, he's a nice kid, "Yekci told her.

"Sure, Yekci and wake up Kaz, I assure you, he'll behave"Shirley smiled at her and entered the room.

"Where's Fred?" he asked as soon as he saw her.

"Relax, tell me what happened," she asked him, sitting beside her holding his hands.

"I'm scared," he told her.

"It's okay, everyone is just outside and nothing's gonna happen to you," she said and she noticed Kaz behind her. She didn't know where he had arrived.

"I tried to save Aura, I really did" and he started crying and Kaz clenched his fists.

"What happened to her?" it was Kaz this time

"I don't know, we were having a stroll, and then someone just started grabbing her, I kicked him I swear, he threw something powerful on me and It's a blackout, please save Aura, is she fine, is she home?" he pleaded, crying his eyeballs out.

"Why would someone grab Aura? have you seen him before?"Shirly asked him kindly, gripping his hand and patting it.

"No, it was so weird, he was sophisticatedly dressed, wait I have something" he reached out to his pocket and gave them a small piece of clothing which he told, that he had torn this from his clothing while trying to save Aura

Vizyl it read, and they both gasped in horror

"Do you know it?" he asked them, in some innocence, and Kaz looked at him sorrily, he had been so rude to this guy earlier.

"Why would someone who launched the bomb kidnap Aura?"Shirly looked at him

"What? .......did they launch it?...... is she... fine? ...I'm so sorry .......I couldn't help" he started sobbing more continuously and Fred rushed inside worrying something had happened, when he saw that Qwezyl was safe, he gave a confused look.

"I think something has gone terribly wrong" Kazuo announced.