Chapter Eight: Bodyguards

'Starting today-'

Mrs.Mystic was giving her speech.

Dressed in a full black bodysuit, I wore a vest with gloves, made of titanium, attached to it with a coil running through, and black shades as well. I stood aside out of sight.

Across me and beside Mrs.Mystic, Anne wore a white formal dress shirt, black dress pants, leather gloves, black shades same as mine, and she had her hair up in a ponytail.

Mrs.Mystic was delivering a speech about the new invention based of one superhero's ability to control and manipulate electricity. The invention was able to allow workers, like those who fix powerlines, to freely touch electric currents and cause them change properties and protect the user from being shocked. Although it seemed impractical and expensive compared to just normal gloves that'd be worn, this was surprisingly easy to construct making it cheap, in sense. Along with that it proved useful to helping power line workers fix coils with much ease without having to spend money and resources to gain elevation to reach the powerlines. My only fear is that what if this invention is altered to purpose villainous deeds.

'-And so I present-'

That was my queue.

'-the Electrical Harness, or E.H for short-'

I came walking into view. Showing off the invention, Mrs.Mystic went on to explain its uses, but then I heard a alarming noise. Someone was loading a bolt rifle. With my powers inactive my hearing increases tenfold. Without notice, a shot was fired, small and quick and deadly accurate. Snapping my fingers the sounds waves from titanium on titanium threw the bullet of course making it miss Mrs.Mystic flying by her.

Not mentioned before, Mrs.Mystic's powers were telekinesis.

'Theres a sniper in the vegetation opposite side of us,' I spoke through her telepathy.

'You think you can take them, or it, out?'

'It would cause a panic,' Anne added.

'Cut the show short, get someone else up here.'

Mrs.Mystic sighed, 'Unfortunately everyone, that's all we have to show today, but don't worry-'

I began to walk off behind the curtains and off the stage.

Anne approached Mrs.Mystic.

'-we superheros will keep doing our all to help you all in anyway we can, ask your government, they trust me and so I hope you all trust me too,' She walked off waving with Anne.

Taking off the vest, I swapped to my suit, sword in hand. 'Anne?'

'Don't worry, we're entering the blockade right now.'

'Ok, I'll pursue the shooter.'

'My telekinesis has a limited range, you won't be able to call for help, be sa-'

'Yeah,' I soon past that limit. Traversing tree top to tree top, I looked for clues to see where the perpetrators went or is still. Stopping, I hopped down and saw the rifle. Examining it, it was but a bb gun.

'So you're Zen,' a mysterious voice came from behind me.

Spinning, a man slimmer than me and about the same height, held a bb gun aimed between my eyes.

'Why are you using bb's, you can't kill people with those.'

He turned his aim to my knee and pulled the trigger. At high speeds the bb pierced through my skin and bone. Not leaving a large wound but precise that if it hit a vital organ it'd be game over.

Placing my hand on the blood seeping out, I rubbed my fingers together. 'Scary,' I said mockingly.

'So why'd you protect Mrs.Mystic?'

'Why'd you shoot at her?'

'Because I-'

With the man distracted, I launched my self at him shoving my palm flat against his stomach.

With the sudden momentum the man got launched into the tree behind.

'Actually I,' I walked over and stepped on his chest, 'I don't care.'

He let out a pained groaned.

In a black t-shirt and darkened jeans, I entered the interrogation room with the detective of the local NYPD. The detective and I took seats across from the man from earlier. Cuffed to the table he furrowed his brows.

'What's your motivation,' The detective and I agreed on good cop/bad cop.

'I wanted to do just because-'

I slammed my fist on the table, 'Just because you can?!'

He cowered in his seat.

'Ok, ok!! I was gonna get paid to off her,' He instinctively pulled his arms up getting tanked by the cuffs.

'By who you prick!!'

I watched the detective slam his chair next to the man. 'I want awnsers before I make you feel true pain.'

The man cowarded in his seat.

Grabbing him by his shirt, the detective pulled him close, 'Talk!'

Scared, sweat raced down his face, 'Ok ok, put me down!'

The detective slammed him down and huffed. Going against the one-way glass, I approached the man.


'He didn't directly give me his name, but I can give you the area code of the phone call.'

As he said, he provided. Giving a copy to the detective, I recognized the area. It was the special number used for the heros. Knowing this, the person who hired the hitman was a mole. Troubling news, I contacted Mrs.Mystic immediately to inform her. If Mrs.Mystic were to be killed, the hero world would plummet into full chaos.