Chapter Nine: The Mole(s)

lockers were slammed shut. Kids and teenagers filled the halls. Running from point A to point B, Anne and Zen stood from the side. Blending in with the crowd I knew they were looking for the mole. In fact, I know who he is.

'Anne,' I tugged at her arm.

She stood there as if she was brainwashed. Coming back to me, she shook her head. 'Sorry, I'm just finding it hard to believe theres a mole amongst us.

'Well we've been tasked to catch him or her-'

'-or them,' she added followed by a silence between us.

Afterwards, the bell rung and the halls were empty.

'Well,' Anne clenched her fist, 'Let's get to it then,' she started and I followed from behind.

Pulling out the phone number, I kept it on me incase we get the ability to search their phones. In reality we do, but we can't have possible suspects know where on their trail. The first room we entered, was hero naming. With keys to everyone room in the entire building, we were practically hired by Mrs.Mystic. A shame in my opinion, I would've preferred to live out the rest of my teenage years going through highschool. Anne is 16 ,and I recently turned 17. Though I made sure to not tell her, didn't want her to worry more than she is now. Looking at the class learning to create names to act as a beacon of hope, they were sophomores. Freshman weren't allowed to do any heroic activities, and sophomores can only under the guidance of a pro. Juniors same story, but seniors practically become pros 2nd semester. From what Mrs.Mystic said to me.

The teacher turned to me, 'Aren't you two suppose to be in class? And how'd you get keys to the room?'

His outfit was very bland, but best not to underestimate him. His powers remained unknown to Anne and I, but to be a teacher he must wield unyielding strength.

'We're under the orders of Principle Mystic to investigate something for her.'

'How come I was not informed of such an inspection?'

'We're not obligated to answer that,' Anne chimed in. Holding a serious tone, dilluded by a stone cold face. She would've made a good actor.

Not capable of fooling me, I knew Anne didn't feel comfortable questioning heros on who'd betrayed us, but she was hiding those feelings away to do what she believed was right.

'And how do I know you're not lying and just stole those keys, you two are no older than these students and I doubt you both,' his voice was vile, if he wasn't the mole than he was just a rude old man, maybe a retired hero.

Tired of the teacher being awfully loquacious and refusing to let us question his students, I decided to use an....unruly method. I licked my lips and widened my eyes.

Anne walked back to the door as I moved center room, face to face with the man.

'What's your name,' I spoke in a low tone, trying to imitant a devil from books.

'Mr.Grey, or as what I used to be called-'

'-Gray Matter,' my sword formed in my left hand and I began to unsheath it, unleashing an dark aura around it.

'Wait you're the-' his body along with the other students began to shake in fear, 'The demon.'


Anne came up behind me and tapped my shoulder.

Sheathing my blade, I fixed my neck tie and my blade disappeared. 'So, care to cooperate?'

'Y-y-yeah,' Mr.Grey went to the side while Anne and I got to work.

Ten classes down, no leads.

Going to the eleventh room, I spotted two familiar faces. Lilly and Jack.

Approaching the teacher, Anne stood to my side. 'We're investigating a case under Mrs.Mystic's go ahead.'

The teacher was younger than some of the others. Lower her shades, she turned her face to me. Her eyes were a deep dark blue, like sapphire. Going from head to hips, she had a clean, bright, blonde hair with blue highlights. Her outfit was an formal dress shirt, what I was wearing, but the top two buttons were left open. Her choice of pants were a light blue pair of jeans, and she also wore tan sandals.

'Wanna fight,' she said.

'I'm sorry, miss-'

'Ms.Hiesnburg, or what you might see me as, Madam Strongarm.'

At those words, I wanted to fangirl infront of her. Madam Strongarm was one of my childhood idols. Of the youngest heros in history to be made a professional, I'd seen her on TV take out many villains. Even dismantle a criminal empire, finding evidence to get them all imprisoned for life.

'I'm sorry Ms.Hiesnburg, but we need to take care of these business.'

'And I don't think I'll let you interrogate my students.'

We stood, staring at one another. I thought to release my powers like I did in all the other rooms, but she seemed to have no fear of that kind of opposition. Instead, I decided to let someone more capable of getting her to cooperate.

Anne fixed her hair, 'You can fight Zen afterwards,' she said quick and simple.

I couldn't began to think about what she just said. 'I'm sorry,' I turned towards Anne, 'I'm going to fight her,' I pointed at Ms.Hiensburg who just smiled and waved.

'Afterwards, yeah, why not?'


Ms.Hiensburg slammed her hand hard intonjer desk to make noise, but not hard enough to break it, 'It's a deal!'

I sighed.

We went on to pull people out of class to ask questions without revealing anything about the crime, but just about their ideals and goals. When came Jack, Anne and I stood opposite of him in the hall.

'Why did you become a hero,' Anne was recording their responses on her notepad and a recorder hidden on her.

'To use my power for good,' Jack looked away.

He just lied to us.

'Your thoughts on following orders,' I could hear the pencil on paper from Anne beside me.

'Don't always do what you're told,' he didn't look anywhere else nor loose posuree.

He told the truth. He told the truth.

'Anne, why are we even interrogating Jack, we've known him since youth. We know him,' I pushed myself and walked over to Jack. 'Buddy, I know you may not like me, but I miss you and Lilly a lot, we should exchange numbers.'

Anne caught wiff to my plan, 'I mean, I was just following orders,' she now mocked him.

'Um, alright then,' he pulled out his phone.

Pulling out my phone, I went to my notepad rather than my contacts. 'Ready.'

Jack went to read out Lilly's number first, than his. Than his.

His number matched the number of the mole. Jack's smart. He connected his phone to a payphone to call from afar, but assumed who ever hired the hitman did that, I just had to figure out how it worked, and who would've. Jack must've meet a villain in a clash since he's a junior, meaning he'd be able to fight actual threats. His hero name, Icicle fights his murderous thoughts. Most might not know about it, but when we were kids, he'd never show mercy to nature and when we dueled he wanted Anne and I dead. Seeing how young and gullible he is, it made sense that he was a possible suspect. Tracing the call from the payphone yo his number, it confirms it. He's the traitor. That being the case, him and Lilly were always, and still are, close.

'Anne,' I said softly. My hand then clenched in a fist, 'Capture Lilly,' With great speed, I got yo to Jack's face grasping it with my palm and slammed it into the wall.

'What the hell,' Jack screamed in pain

Sensing danger, I backed away just in time.

Jack leaned forward, blood dripping from his head, ice all around him and icicles piercing the space where I just was.

Pulling out a strange device, I thumbed a button on the side and hide it once more on my person, 'You're gonna pay for your betrayal,' I gave him a cold glare.

'Come kill me then,' He lunged at me with his ice following him.

Moments earlier, Anne walked in the classroom.

'What the hell's going on out there,' Ms.Hiensburg pointed at the door around when a loud bang was made followed by some screams of agony.

Anne took a deep breathe and straightened her tie, 'Lilly Rogers,' she gave Lilly a serious, stern, glare.


'Are you igno-'

Anne summoned her staff, slamming it on against the ground by its butt and yelled, 'This is your one and only warning, you're to surrender for you crimes you've committed or I'll use lethal force!'

Ms.Hiensburg lost all spunk now. Her face was that of someone who was fixated on what something, and a fine guess is by the announcement made, that was lost. That being lost trust. She seemed disgusted.

'Heros turning on heros? What the fuck have we come to?'

Lilly stood from her desk, 'Guess you've discovered me,' she began to flood the room. Thinking she had the advantage, she snickered.

Without waste, Anne sprouted wings l, flew up to her face, slammed Lilly into the wall, knocking her unconscious. At that, the water spilled out the room.

Ms.Hiensburg watched in horror, 'Without hesitation.'

The class began to whisper. Traitor they said. Monster they called her. Rude names, distasteful comments, discriminatory words. Anne ignored it all. None of the students were gonna stop her from protecting them, but If they attacked her, she'd be in trouble and unable to fight.

Anne hauled Lilly over her shoulder. Upon leaving the room, I had special issue "anti-power" gloves that restrained Jack.

'Let's go, we found our moles,' I walked off with Anne as security and Mrs.Mystic came around the corner, armed and ready.