Chapter Thirteen: Yui and Zen

No matter how much I searched, or who ever I fought: There wasn't a single survivor amongst the heros. Some villains escaped, the rest I either killed or captured. These heros weren't just adults or elders, but these heros were kids in training too. Everywhere I looked, blood. Blood, blood, blood, it never seemed to end.

I felt defeated.

Giving up, I heard a scream. Running to the origin of the scream, I saw a young boy and a girl. Yui. On the other end a man raised his right arm with a large butcher's knife. Yui's left leg was injured and her mask was more damaged than before.


The man turned to me as did her.

Grabbing his attention I leapt into the mans face and knocked him out.

Approaching Yui, I held my hand out and she took it. 'Hey kid?'

He looked up at me, 'Y-yes?'

'C'mon, I'll take y'all out of here,' I helped Yui up on my back holding her legs as she wrapped her arms around me.

We started walking to the center of the ruined Utopia.

'Why'd you come back?'

Yui bit her lip.


'How did you know which twin I was?'

'I couldn't answer you to be honest. I sure knew you were, you. I guess, you have the same body as your sister but...but you seem very different in apparently still,' I glanced over at the kid.

He had his hands together looking down the whole time.

'So why'd you come back?'

'We got that girl help, but you showed me and my sister kindness after killing your friends. I thought you were heartless stone cold killer,' she put her head against my back, 'But you didn't kill us, so I want to know you more.'

'I couldn't tell you to be honest. Maybe sense of guilt, compassion, I couldn't tell you.'

'Hey mister?'

'Yeah kid?'

'Is there any other survivors?'

We came up to the elevator. Taking one last look around, I stepped in the barely operational elevator. 'No,' the elevator doors closed behind the kid. As we ascended upward, I thought it was funny. About a month or so ago, I had gotten powers, making me seen as an enemy of mankind. Then after saving Anne, we were taken from off coast Florida to inner state New York. Where we were presented the choice of death or to be a hero. It seemed great, but after the time I've been a hero I've gotten stronger but suffered. I sure wanted Anne to be protected, and now, now shes missing an arm. To add to it, I've left the oath of hero's, killing many, and only saving one future hero in New York.

'Hey kid?'

'Yeah mister?'

'What's your name?'

Yui's chest was rising and falling. She fell asleep.


'Johnathon, still want to be a hero?'

He went silent for sometime. After sometime, 'I want to make sure what happened today doesn't happen again....I want to be a hero!'

'That's good to hear.'

Hours have gone by. In a hotel room I rented, I got two rooms. One for Johnathon, another for Yui and I.

I placed Yui in the bed, and covered her with the blanket. I sat beside her, 'Does your sister have a place to stay?'

'Our hideout, I'd rather her there then out here where she can be targeted,' Yui was holding her kitsune mask before placing it on the night stand beside her. 'Hey, when will you show me your face, I know your name afterall,' she pouted.

'My face is all over the news along with Anne, we were bodyguards so we had to reveal our identities.'


'That and I'm not in costume right now, jad to shower and stuff you know.'

'Good point.'

Getting up, I made my way to the door.

'Hey,' Yuu threw her shoe at me, 'Where do you think your going?'

I tried to figure out how she threw her shoe at me from the position I put her down on. She was lying down, leg injured and wrapped, and she managed to toss a shoe at me. 'I was gonna sleep on the couch, since you and Johnathon need a bed.'

She extended out her arms and made a grabbing motion, 'No, join me.'

'Your funny.'


I looked at Yui's face. She was serious. 'I thought my cold hearted attitude made you weary of me,' I slightly mocked her.

'Just,' she tossed the blanket aside, 'Join me,' she patted the empty spot of the bed.

Sighing, I walked over to her. Taking off her remaining shoe I placed it down. Going to the other side of the bed, I kicked off my shoes, turned off the light, and slid beside her. Feeling warm arms sink around my exposed waist under my shirt, she pulled herself into my back.

'What are you doing?'

'In reality, I'm terrified,' she held me tighter.

I stayed quiet.

'My moms life is in trouble, I have to protect Mio from the dangers of people, and then theres individuals like you with tremendous strength. This world is unfair in ways...So can I ask for a favor back from you?'

Turning myself through her arms, I looked at the reflection of her pupils emitted from the moonlight bleeding through the window, 'All ears.'

'Could you help me?'

Next month I was gonna turn 19. As of now, Yui is older than me and is asking for my help. As a hero, I felt obligated too. That wasn't the driving force though. 'To protect Anne I have to get get stronger, I'll help you and your sister.'

'All you ever talk about is Anne,' Yui moved closer to my lips.

'And all you talk about is your family,' I placed mine forward against hers.

'Would it be wrong if we?'

Gently, I lifted Yui atop me, 'Do you?'

'Do I,' Yui went in kissed me.

Her lips tasted of blood. Thick, yet sweet from her lipstick. Her eyes, unlike her twin, were red. I didn't notice that before, nor did it matter to me. Keeping her injured leg in mind, I locked lips with Yui once more before pulling back.

'Shall we,' she moved her hand to my lower half.

Before I knew it, our clothes were on the ground, and we woke up with the sun in our eyes, naked under the sheets.