Chapter Fourteen: Blood

We checked out the room. With clothes I ran next door to purchase, we were relaxed. In tan khaki shorts and black collared shirt, I pulled out my phone. Beside me, Yui fixed her dark blue jeans around her waist, pulling her hair up and over her hood. Behind us, Jonathon kept his hands in his hands in his jacket pockets.

Pulling a slop of paper put of my pocket, I looked at the others, 'This is the place.'

Looking up at the orphanage, Yui rubbed Johnathon's back, 'Remember, don't reveal your powers. Villains are in power now,' her voice trailed off as we walked in.

'Hello,' the woman behind the counter greeted us.

'Hi, we're here to leave a child in you care,' I moved aside to let Johnathon walk up.

'Sorry sir, but you can leave your child at an orphanage like that because you do-'

'Not our kid. His parents had abandoned him recently after receiving a beating from his father. We found him hurt in the street so we cleaned him up and took him here.'

'Well either way, child services is who should be conta-'

'Miss, he needs friends and his school is failing to care for him. Other kids here can fulfill what he's missing,' I bit my lip, hoping the woman would listen to my reason.

'Johnathon was it? Do you have any other family?'

'They're all dead,' he looked down at the ground.

Of course we lied to the woman about Johnathon's origin. With little survivors of heros left, best let him live a "normal" life. He wasn't lying though, all his family down below was most likely slaughtered, leaving him alone.

'Come here,' the lady came from around the counter and opened her arms.

Going into her arms, he hugged her tightly while holding in tears.

'You two can go, I'll make sure he can stay.'

We nodded, 'Thank you,' I said as Yui and I left.

Now outside, I clenched my fist, 'Johnathon doesn't belong here,' I spoke with a pained expression.

'But you're doing your be-'

I smacked Yui's approaching hand, 'If only your fucking buddies never were born,' letting loose of my emotions, I came too and looked at the guilt filled Yui.

'And I thought you understood I was in no position to negotiate. I helped them to save my mom. I still want to save my mom,' she gave me a glare distasteful like pure cinnamon, 'And you're judging me when you killed your own friends for that girl!'

I opened my palms, 'I'm sorry.'

She then slapped me across my face, 'Now let's go see her, that ok?'

I nodded as we made departure.

Approaching the hospital, I heard a beeping noise.

'This is the place-'

'Shh,' I cut off Yui, 'Do you hear the beeping?'

Yui looked around then back at the door, 'Nope.'

My head started pounding. 'Must just be in my head,' I pretended I felt nothing.

'C'mon, let's head in, your friends waiting,' Yui grabbed my hand as she lead me to the nurse, 'Were here to see Anne Sullivan, room 101?'

'Elevator to my left Ms.Moon, also nice to see you again Mio.'

'Yup,' Yui pulled me along and we boarded the elevator. Going up, she wrapped herself around my arm.

'Mio? You didn't correct her?'

'Nah, makes it simpler. Though I will say, suprised Mio has visited as much as she has.'

We exited the elevator and turned down to the right and immediately hit the room, 101. Knocking, we heard a voice gesturing to us to come in. Entering, I saw Anne lying, face towards the window, arm missing.

Yui released me.

'Anne,' I said in a quiet manner. Soft and gentle did the words come put my mouth, yet like I was shocked about what I saw, enough to make me cry.

Rolling over to face me, Anne had tears racing down her face, 'You're alive.'

I could see her right arm was still gone, but I was glad she was still breathing. Hurrying over to her, she ripped out her IV strands and leapt out of the bed and into my arms.

'I've been waiting this whole time just to see you! I don't need the doctors, just you!'

I had kept her lifted upward spinning her like a kid as I looked into her eyes as if relight with a new purpose, a smile so innocent and sweet, I couldn't imagine why anyone would cause harm to a girl like this.

Then I saw it. Out the corner of my eye, I saw her face.

Yui did her best to hide her jealously, but I grew skilled at reading facial expressions.

Anne then wrapped her legs around my waist, 'Put me down, missing an arm.'

I stopped and sat Anne down, 'Anne can I ask a question?'


'What's Mio been talking to you about?'

'Ain't that her behind you?'

Glancing back, Yui ran up and grabbed my arm,'Nope, Yui's the name,' she bit my earlobe.

'Ah, sorry,' Anne blushed a little.

I had my guesses, but I learned not to pry into Anne's thoughts.

'Mio just felt guilty about what had conspired, the entire catastrophe.'

My head pounded again.

'Anne, do you love Zen?'



We both were caught off gaurd by Yui's question.

'What do you mean,' we said at the same time.

'You're both imbiciles.'

My head worsened.

'Well I mean, Zen and I were practically raised together! And I mean my parents may have wished us to marry! But is that even right!'

'You should hear yourself,' Yui started to laugh.

'Guys,' I placed my hand on my head, 'I need to step out.'


I heard a voice in my head, yet unfamiliar.

'Zen,' it grew louder and closer.

Freeing my arm from Yui's grasp, I left the room.

'Zen,' my head felt like it was constantly being hit by blunt objects.

'Go away,' I uttered to myself.

'Zen,' the demon in my head spoke.

'What the fuck do you want,' I held my hands on my head as I approached the bathroom, thinking to myself as means of conversing.

'I need to tell you more about me,' the demon sounded more empathetic than usual, but it didnt lessen the pain.

'Zen,' the voice sounded like it was directly on me.

'Speak demon,' I said out loud this time.

'As you know, I was the previous champion chosen before you to drain the blood of the living. My name is the demon of blood arts, my name is Blood.'