Chapter Fifteenth: The Past Shapes the Future

My names Blood. Humans know very little about us demons and angels. Most don't even know we exist. In this superhuman society, people never questioned "where did powers come from," but rather they just accepted them.

'Lord Satan,' Blood bowed before Hell's ruler.

Satan stood from his throne, tall enough to tower over a 7ft human, skin dark then the blood in our veins, horns sharp enough to create a hole through a frail mans chest, he beamed down at Blood with his darkened pupils. Since male demons only wore cloth to hide their crouch, female demons wore cloth skirts instead, Satans muscles stood out. 'Ah,' he licked a liquid substance off his lips with his long, reptile like, tongue, 'Blood, to whom I owe to seeing you?'

'My lord, I accept the gracious compliment you bestow me, but I'm a mere servant for you, oh great devil of darkness,' Blood stood, not even 5ft.

Sitting back, Satan grasped his crystal chalice and sipped from it, 'Nevertheless, I admire your devotion.'

Blood nodded, 'In serious matters, we've received reports angels are conspiring with humans to create a false about us.'

'Those ingrates,' Satan tapped his large talons on the arm of his throne, 'Gather the troops and make way to Harbinger forest. If we release the seal, we can reclaim the powers of our fallen champion.'

'With all do respect sir, but won't we be releasing more than that?'

'Those angels want chaos,' he snarled, 'Then so be it.'

I remember Satans orders so clearly. That day, it was early 15th century in England. I had sent my scouts out to locate the seal and possible enemy locations. Earnestly, we tried to befriend humans, but do to angels belief in their previous championed ideals, Jesue Christ, they've grown to hate and distrust us demons. We've been depicted in human stories as monsters who will kill for fun and torture those who deem to be guilty. Now they wanted to eradicate us. At first I didn't blame angels, our previous champion, Hades, had reeked havoc over all, us included. Sealing away the power if the champions, we demons have grown weaker in comparison to angels.


'Yes sir Blood,' Cecile rested his war hammer, head on the ground, then raised his hooves foot on it. Bottom half, that of a goat, upper half like the rest of us, he brushed his sides.

Waving a piece of paper, discoloured and worn, ink print shown, 'The scouts letter came through. In accordance to their word, thy enemy lays ahead, but do not know of the seal.'

'Thy? You ought to be pulling at me now! You spending time with humans again?'

'Yes, they're simple creatures, nothing special about them-'

'You got that right!'

Angrily, Blood approached Cecile and smacked him across the face. Cecile was 2ft taller than Blood, but Blood had an higher rank than him for his extraordinary combative knowledge, 'Don't disown our enemies. They were once allies to our race. We have none other to blame for our situation than Hades himself.'

'S-s-sorry sir,' Cecile rubbed his check.

At that, a bunch of more demons emerge from the woods behind them. Turning to confront them, Blood smirked.

'Ah! You've made it!'

The captain of the unit smirked right back, 'Wouldn't miss it for a single hell cycle!'

Hell cycles are just like day and nighttime on the surface realm, just in hell it's determined night and day by the heat of the lava and fire.

Blood approached the man, than extended his arm out like if they were too arm wrestle, 'Ay, this battle is surely won now.'

The man took his arm, 'Indeed!'

'Sir Blood, with all respect, but aren't you stronger than Malcolm?'

'I love the compliment, but in reality, I'm a strategist. You both however, are exceptional warriors,' Blood humbly gestured.

'Speaking of being a strategist, what's our plan of action?'

The sun set and we moved.

There were ten of us in total.

Blood heard muffle screams as Cecile, Malcolm, and him crouched through the bushes past angel soldiers, patrolling the woods.

The plan was simple; the three of us would sneak past the scouts and many, get to the seal, smash it, and while having our other seven troops dispose of the many soldiers.

As planned, we saw it, the seal.

A large protruding rock, weathered away at sides, it looked as if it could collapse at any moment. Standing out of the bushes, Malcolm ordered Cecile to break it.

'Simple, smash it,' he said as he readied his hammer and approached it.

Of course, plans can't always go smoothly.

'Blood,' as loud as he could be without alerting a third party, Malcolm caught my attention.


'My troops have been slaughtered,' Malcoms face wore a worried woman's eyes.

'Your telepathy hasn't failed us before, doubt it'll fail us now,' then Blood felt a pain in my right arm. Looking down at it, an arrow pierced right through it, 'MALCOM, PROTEXT CECILE,' grabbing the arrow, Blood ripped it right out. Watching his flesh quickly heal the wound, Blood leapt back towards Cecile, 'Protect him with your life.'

Cecile raised his hammer and hit the stone and he repeated the process multiple times.

'Ay, sir,' as an arrow raced towards Cecile's face, Malcolm grabbed the arrow and threw it back from where it came.

The scream was human.

'Humans! Reveal yourselves and surrender, we wish to not kill thy pe-' as an arrow raced to Blood's face, catching and breaking it, a man with a golden sword ran at him.

'Follow Sir Arthur's will,' humans began to pour out the forest on all sides.

Extending my talons, Blood ran to the man they called, Sir Arthur.

As Cecile kept at it, the rock began to dwindle.

Many screams were created behind Blood, all produced from those Malcolm layed waste to.

Countering Arthur's attacks, his defense was tough, but his attacks were weaker than the skin on his bones.

'Call off your remaining troops! And you won't have to die!'

He grabbed Bloods throat and gripped it tightly.

'Shush devil-'

Blood spoke with the little breathe available, in a raspy tone, 'demon-'

'SILENCE! You lot have brought terror amongst my people for far to long! I'll start the end of your race today!'

He spoke high and mighty.

Tossing him at the ground, Blood eyes boiled in anger, 'I love humans, but I find you ever so annoying,' yet what he said didn't matter, and loud noise came from where Cecile stood.

'SEALS BROKEN,' raising his hammer high, Cecile made one last smash into the soul of the Earth, causing everyone to loose their balance and stumble over.

'Let's retreat,' Malcolm scooped me up and jumped onto Cecile's shoulder.

Grasping his hammer with both hands, Cecile grinded his hooves on the soil and charged off into the woods.

Going high speeds, Malcolm grasped onto Cecile's right horn and held tightly on Blood.

Eventually, we reached far enough distance. Putting Blood down onto his two feet, he opened a gate to Hell, 'Let's report our success men,' the three entered in as the gate closed behind them.

Entering the throne room, Blood bowed to Satan.

'Raise child.'

He stood.

'I assume all went well?'

Blood nodded, 'All went as you wish my liege.'

'Good to hear, you're free to go.'

'If I may, my liege?'

Satan raised a brow, 'Hm?'

Thinking back, he told me nothing of the seal, I just did as ordered.

'What's the seal purpose? To be exposed, old, unprotected, and yet important.'

That's when Satan went on to tell me: to tell me about how the seals were only capable of being destroyed by demons might for an odd reason, and how they'll release the champions powers of the demons and angels back into the world. What he and I didn't know, is there would be....side effects.

Weeks later, I went to carry news to Satan.

'My liege,' Blood exclaimed in panic.

'What is it Blood!'

'My body has been able to conjure up strength and powers that I hadn't had never before!'

'I see,' he exited his throne, 'You are the champions chosen one!'

'Me? my liege it must be a mistake!'

'None of it!'

'And other than that, humans have been seen with extraordinary powers!'

'What is that suppose to mean,' he walked past Blood towards his war room.

'Some have been shooting ice out their hands, others fire, some with unique powers to manipulate blood!'

Bursting into the war room with Blood following behind, Satan grabbed the crystal ball on the table and peered through it. What he saw is what was just told.

'This is an....unpredicted outcome.'

Yet with these powers given to humanity, as well as the lies spread by Jesus Christ, people saw us demons as only monsters and used those powers to fight us. Even entering our domain in different means, we eventually had to make a desperate choice. To wage war on the angels. Losing, I had one more idea.