Chapter Sixteen: To The Future...

'Lord Satan! I have an proposal!'

The year was 1840, a year into the Opium War. With Europeaners fighting the Chinese, I decided this would be the perfect chance to plan against them.

'Some humans have powers to manipulate time and space, perhaps if I could acquire that, I could go into the future, and save our race,' Blood stood, waiting for a response.

'How would that save us,' Satan questioned him.

'You see, if I can go into the future, I can bestow the champion status to a human-'

'WE WERE FRIENDS ONCE WITH THEM,' flames had erupted out of Satans body, raising the temperature in the room by tenfold, 'And look how they treat us,' he picked Blood up with his massive palm and took him out the castle. Peering at the destroyed Hell; houses demolished, blood everywhere, fire to the livestock and more, 'You wish to give our salvation to one who did this?'

'Yes,' Blood said nervously.

'Why do you hate us demons?'

'I don't.'

'Master strategist and you plan to give our only fighting force to those who wish us death.'

'By doing so, I can influence him to unite the three tribes.'


'I'll die in the process, but by giving my powers to another, I can guide them to a path that leads to the three tribes to live in peace.'

'What if were gone in the future,' Satan put Blood back down.

'Then I'll off myself for being an utter failure to thy lord.'

'Then go see it through, I'll trust you.'

Exiting the Gates of Hell, I ran into a girl.

'Oops, sorry,' looking up, Blood saw it was a human. In response, Blood took a huge leap back.

'Oh, Hello,' she gave a warm smile.

'You're not attacking me? Why aren't you?'

'Should I,' she said sarcastically with a giggle, 'I'd rather continue picking these flowers and make friends.'

Looking around, Blood couldn't sense any others nearby. 'Do you have any powers?'

'Whys it matter? I'm just a girl picking flowers for her flower shop,' she bent down, her dress nearly hiding her feet. Upon closer examination, Blood saw the girl had bruises on her feet. She, a red-head hair going past her hips, with a smile that displaced any evil she may have committed, or felt, she simply picked flowers and put them in her handmade basket.

'What happened to your feet,' Blood crouched down beside her, placing his hand-retracting his talons-on her foot.

She ignored him.

Blood knew he was on an important mission, but....'Let me help,' he too started picking flowers with her.

In suprise, she placed her hand over his, 'I just don't get it.'

Blood kept picking flowers.

'How can we believe demons are a threat to humanity? Why won't anyone listen to me...I've been alive for almost 400 years....and I have nothing to show it.'

'What do you mean 400 years?'

'I do have powers,' she now looked Blood in his eyes, 'My names Annabelle Rosemary, and my power,' she grabbed a flower and raised to my eye level, 'Is being able to manipulate time,' the flower then began to shrivel up in her hand before breaking apart. Laying there, the once alive flower, was now a remnant of nothing.

'Can I ask for your help?'

After that, Blood manage to get the help of Anabelle. Before he knew it, he wasn't in England 1840 anymore, but England in the future.


Turning around, I saw a nurse standing before me. Looking at my hands, I pushed myself off the cold tile of the ground. What I had just saw, was not my own memories, yet rather the demon in me.


'Sorry,' I nervously scratched the back of my neck, ' Was I just asleep there?'

'Sir, is everything alright?'

'Y-yeah, I was just really tired from the previous night.'

'If you say so,' although the nurse didn't sound too sure, she clutched her clipboard and continued walking on.

Blood. He chose me to unite the three groups yet how would I start?'

'Look out!'

I heard Blood's voice boom in my head. Leaping backwards, a figure crashed through the roof before me. Goat like legs, tall enough to touch the roof, his dark red skin was familiar, yet unknown to me.


The creature lunged his right arm out to me.

Moving at tremendous speed, he wrapped his arm around my waist.

'Somethings off,' Blood casually stated as Cecile pounded me into the ground.

'You,' he slammed my face against the wall, 'Think,' blood spilled out Blood's mouth before Cecile released me, letting me fly down the hallway. 'Motherfuc-' I felt a heavy weight put itself on me. Looking up, I saw a crazed beast.

'Humans. Need. Judgement,' he uttered.

In immense pain, I saw into Bloods eye's once more.

'Zen, unleash myself in you.'

Running out the room, Anne and Yui watched in horror, 'ZEN,' they yelled while running over.

'NO! Stand ba-'

Cecile slammed his hooves even harder l, smashing my ribes, crushing my lung, and paining my stomach. Letting my head fall back, I could see Anne and Yui running towards death.

Raising his hoove, Cecile slammed his hoove beside my head, readying a charge to them.

'ZEN! If you can't figure it out..Then give me your body!'

I wanted to save them. I didn't want Blood to take the glory. I knew better than anyone else though, 'Blood,' Cecile halted when he heard me spoke, 'Do it.'

Yui and Anne looked in amazement.

From that point on, everything was just a blur....