Chapter Twenty-Two: Vegas's Finest

'My ability may seem rather straight forward,' he sprawled out his cards on the table. 'I like to call my power "Gamblers Luck." '

'Seemed pretty powerful than lucky.'

'That's just how good I am kid,' he grabbed a Ten of Hearts, 'You see, my power gives me a set amount of years I'm guaranteed to live for.'

'How long,' Anne scooted her chair closer to me.

'200 years.'

'That's incredible! You could be a hero for so long and save so many people,' Anne had clasped her hands together.

'Sounds good..but because of how powerful my ability can be, if I guess the wrong'll backfire.'

'How so?'

'Depending on the card, I lose a certain amount of years off my life. For say I use a Joker card. It's the only Joker card in the whole deck. With that, I can use it for tremendous abilities, such as,' he looked directly at me, his eyes pierced mine-no-my soul, 'Kill someone without a fight.'

The man knew about what crimes I've committed, 'How many yeats have you lost?'


'And how old are you?'

'I'm thirty-five years of age.'

'Wow,' Anne and I said in unison.

'What,' he raised a brow, 'Am I that old?'

'We're both twenty, Zens older though by a couple of months.'

I brushed my hand through my hair. Ever since I've gotten these powers, my lifes been hell, my body has changed, my pain is unimaginable. Pulling out a strand of my hair, it was black: when I was born my hair was brown.

'Now that's all aside,' I pushed my hair back, 'When will we meet the finest?'

'Now,' at those words, the door behind The Gambler swung open.

First to walk in was a man who looked to be in his early twenties. His hair was put up in a ponytail that was darker than the night sky. He had bags under his dark-blue eyes. His skin was pale, and his muscle build would be considered average. To compliment his dead appearance, he dressed as if he were attending a funeral.

'Champions, meet Psycho.'

'He doesn't seem very hero like,' Anne murmured.

'Or motivated,' I added.

'I can hear you two,' he sunk to his knees, 'But then again, you're not wrong.'

"He gave up," I thought.

'Nah, ignore them. You are one of Vegas's finest afterall.'

'You're right! Listen here,' he thumbed his chest, 'My power is Veil! With Veil, I can manipulate time and space around me!'

'That's remarkable,' Anne said in amazement.

'Up next-'

A woman came bursting from the adjacent room, pushing Psycho aside, 'IS THIS WHO WERE HELPING,' her voice was booming as we all covered our ears.

'This is Diana Strongest,' The Gambler said weakly.


'WHY ARE YOU SO LOUD,' I yelled back at her.

'Oops, sorry,' she said apologetically.

Everyone in the room sighed in relief.

Getting a better look at her, her hair was let loose and went long down past her waist. It was a dirty blonde colour. Her costume was more like a swimwear, exposing her arms and legs, it was a mixture of red and gold. Her boots were indeed leather and a black and red colour. Assuming her power had something to do with strength, she also wore gauntlets a similar fashion to her costume.

'And let's not forget our favorite ally,' Diana walked into the room and came back with a woman who looked quite young and sad.

'Diana,' she slightly whined.

'What? Gotta meet those new dudes we'll be working with!'

Looking at the girl, her sky blue hair was put in a splendid braid that trailed her back. In a simple outfit, an oversized hoodie and skinny leggings, she dangled from Diana's hand. Looking at me, her face began to have a leak: she was now crying.

'Are you crying,' I asked.

'Why are you crying,' Anne offered a hand.

'Oh no,' Psycho added.

'Here it comes,' The Gambler included.

'What's coming?'

The woman bursted into tears, 'I don't want to be one of Vegas's Finest! I just wanna,' she rubbed her nose and whipped her tears which came back, 'I just wanna be hoooome right now!'

'C'mon T, it ain't all that bad,' Diana lowered the girl, now confirmed as T, onto her feet.

She whipped her tears and used Psycho's sleeve to blow her nose.

'HEY,' Psycho ripped his arm away.


Diana smiled at T, 'Of course.'

T snuggled herself into Diana's arms, 'You're the best.'

In true honesty, I couldn't wrap my head around what had just occurred.

'And that there,' The Gambler came up behind Anne and I, wrapping his arms around our shoulders, 'Is Vegas's finest,' he smirked.

Three days since I meet those people-


-It was only three days, and yet such an unforeseen outcome has became reality-

'-No, no, no, no, no, no-'

-and the cause to it all was-

'-Zen, you bastard!'
