Chapter Twenty-Six: Desperation

Leading with T and Anne behind me, I felt though I had just kicked some lump. Anne pointing her flashlight to my feet, it was the man who had entered me and took over me.

'Who's that,' T pointed at the corpse.

'The man who took over my brain,' think about it, when I had flung into rage he must've used my emotions against me.

'Glad he's dead,' Anne whispered.

'You can say that again,' a voice echoed around them.

Before everyone could react, we all got wrapped up in vines that sprouted below us: we were entangled by it in seconds.

Then, I heard it, giggling.

'Mocking us now?!'

'You look so adorable when you struggle,' emerging from the darkness of the room, a woman came into sight. Holding one hand on her skirt, her other on her lower teeth, she softly bit it, 'Seeing you struggle, makes me feel ALIVE.'

'Are you going to hurt us,' T was about to ball her eyes out.

'But this won't do,' moving her arms, you could tell her hoodie was to big for her, unlike the black leggings that she wore with her black boots. Pulling her hood down, she revealed her face. Her dirty blonde hair, put into pigtails, her sky blue eyes, piercing the darkness, her perky lips, with red lip stick stronger than a rose red, all to complete her face.

'Fuck off,' Anne added before the vines covered her mouth.

In a quick second, she was up before me, grinding her blacks nails against my cheek, 'Maybe I should just,' she yanked at her choker with a silver rose on it, 'Make you my pet,' her petite nose was distracting from her vile scent.

'Leave him alone,' T seeped through the vines and charged at the girl, 'He's better than you!'

'Don't get in the way of me and cute things,' the girls face turned cold like her tone before she flicked a finger.

Looking at T stand there, I was shocked.

'Oh,' T placed her hand on the vine that piledrived through her chest, 'I guess I was a crybaby for a reason,' as soon as the vine retracted, her body had slammed onto the ground as her blood spilled around her.

'I'm a failure,' I felt something hot and wet trickle down my cheeks: I was crying.

The girl taking interest in me again, she licked my tear, 'My names Lana Dane,' she began to laugh, 'And your despair is what I wish to feast off,' Lana raised her right hand as it was just lopped off.

'You bitch,' Anne said, 'It's one thing to kill all these people,' Anne was holding a long staff with a curved blade on the end, it looked like the same used by one of the Chinese gods and warriors, 'But making Zen feel like a failure will cost you your life!'

'My hand,' Lana's eyes darted from it to Anne to me and back, 'You'll pay,' the vines that had once entrapped me retracted. Lifting her good hand, the room we were in soon began to fill with vines.

Anne had seemed to be oblivious to this and she charged at her dodging any new vines that came up between them.

While Anne was handling that, I made my way to T's dying body. Using my power to form a protective shield around her, all I had left was enough to make myself a weapon.

With a wall of vines sprouting in between both Lana and Anne, she just swept her lance diagonal, shoved the blade in a crack, then propelled herself midair to keep momentum, catching Lana up close. With arm with no hand, she sprouted small vines out almost piercing Anne's chest.

Coming up from below her, I cut the vines before they reached Anne's chest.

Throwing her lance, it had caught Lana's hood, Anne made a mad dash at Lana.

Growing scared and desperate she had vines surge at Anne from all sides.

Keeping close to her I cut the vines with my katana keeping them from reaching her.

Lana, wide eyed, begin to cry, 'But it can't be the end for me already?'

We've killed many villains since the incident. It was all because of me too. When will the blood shed end. I swear I'm not a sucker for girls but-

'I DON'T WANT TO DIE,' Lana was balling her eyes out, squirming around trying to free herself, she stopped, 'Guess I had all my fun.'

Running infront of Lana, I used my sword to parry Anne's dagger she unsheathed, 'Anne.'

'Zen what are you doing!'

'We're monsters, far worse than vengeful least they have mercy.'

Anne fell to her knees, 'But she-'

'And this is all my fault that you've even killed anyone,' I went down to her and hugged her, 'I'm sorry I pushed you this far.'

She began to cry and holler into my shoulder. She was holding in all this pain tha came her way because of me, I'm the worst. I wasn't to worried about Lana since she half pissed herself and fainted.

When Anne finished crying, she pulled away, 'And now we're alone again and failed to save anyone.'

I stood up, 'Actually,' I helped Anne to her feet, 'You could save them all.' Going to T's body, I moved Anne's hand over it, 'I'm not exactly sure how this works but I believe you can manipulate time in a more powerful mean compared to Psycho.'

Anne stared deeply at T, 'But how?'

'It's like our current powers I'd assume, but perhaps more draining to do.' Before long I saw the very flesh, bones, blood of T began to reconstruct, or yet, rewind.

After Anne finished she fell over into my lap, 'You were right....,' she was asleep now.

Moving herself up, T looked around, 'I'm, ok?'

I smiled, 'Thankfully.'

Once more trouble came our way, Lana broke free and ran as the floor below us crumbled and we fell into a very lit room were two thrones sat at the other side of us. On it them were two people; Jack and Lily.