Chapter Twenty-Seven: Truth

'What the hell,' I got up and gently placed Anne down, 'I heard you two were alive but,' I looked at the both of them, very much alive, 'Obviously you aren't dead.'

Jack walked down from his perch and to the center of the room. 'I can see Anne is in no condition to fight,' he smirked, 'So will you and your friend take on me and Lily?'

'T,' I whispered just so T can hear me, 'Take Anne and get her out of her.'

T shuffled beside me, 'And what about you,' she messed with her fingers anxiously.

'I can do this. I have to do this.'

Placing Anne on her back, T turned the both of them into water and disappeared into the ventilation.

'Now then,' I cracked my knuckles, 'As former friends I'll give you a cha-'

With not feet frozen to the ground, Lily came running at me with water whips. Wrapping her whips around my legs. Yanking me out the ice she flung me into the ceiling. Growing wings out my back, same as before, I was done being toyes by Lily and Jack.

Swooping down I unsheathed my iconic blade and cut at the tender of Lily's hind legs.

Freezing over her legs, and raising an ice wall before him, Jack protected Lily from my slash and stopped me from attacking.

With holes being created in the walls and ceilings, water began to fill the room to knee height.

Freezing it, Jack and Lily traversed over the frozen surface while I hovered above.

Quickly, Lily Maneuvered herself below me and whipped at my leg. Wrapping it around my leg she pulled at me.

Fighting against her strength, I saw Jack building a ramp up to me as he slide across the ice. Covering his right arm with ice, making it like a spear, he was coming at me at full speed.

Raising my blade I deflected Jack's attack and reared him off course and causing him to fall off his trail.

Going to catch him; Lily released me, maneuvered herself underneath him, and caught him.

Using the distraction, I flew at them at full speed before swing for her legs again.

Between the both of us and explosion rises.

My wings ruined, I retracted them completely. Smearing the blood seeping out my nose, the smoke cleared. Walking out of it wasn't Jack or Lily.

'I heard someone was hurting my children,' hearing the mystery voice snap their fingers, the ground beneath me exploded and sent me flying.

I was Lodged into the ice. Although I was freezing cold, I clawed my way out, to be greeted by a mistress dressed in black.

Raising her left hand, she bore two rings; one ring cover her middle finger and the tip was claw like, while her other ring was on her pinky and had a rose inscribed on it. 'Hello little rat, you must've been the one who's harmed my children,' she used her left hand to seize my throat as she hoisted me off my feet. In the cold vast room, she stood like a figure in the middle of it all. In her black dress and tightened waist, her black hair braided as it trailed down her back, her black short coat with a silver chain sneaking out, and her black heels that seemed sharp enough to pierce human flesh and bone.

Grasping at her hand that was choking my throat, I looked at her face.

Her lips had red lipstick on it, and her eyes had eye shadow as well.

Who ever this lady was, she loved black.

Tossing me aside, I slide across the surface of the ice until I was frozen in place by Jack.

'Sorry Zen,' Lily said from behind Jack.

'What she said bud.'

'You have no right to address me like we're friends anymore.'

The mistress walked past the two, 'You've done good kids, now,' she rubbed Jack's head, 'Look for your sister Lana will you?'

'Yes "mother",' the two left the room from a hole in the floor.

'Now,' the mistress slammed her heel right before my balls, 'Thank you for not killing Lana,' she lifted me up.

'Well,' I grew very confused as I scratched the side of my face, 'I am a hero after all.'

'Don't lie to me,' she her finger against my lips, 'I may seem like destruction is my goal, well it is, but I have another goal.'

'That's is,' I said as she withdrew her finger, 'To find someone to marry Lana! And you seem so strong and suitable! You two would make a perfect couple!'

'I'm sorry, I'm twenty-one,' I said hiding the fact I didn't want to marry a murderer.

'Don't worry,' she clasped her hands against my cheeks, 'Although I say children, I'm only twenty-five, Jack twenty-one, Lily twenty-two, and Lana also twenty-one! See! It works!'


'And you aren't?'


She began to squish my cheeks, 'Then we're most of my men?! I had 203 girls and boys who all pledged themselves to me to stop our impending doom! WHERE ARE THEY!'

'I killed them,' I muffled out.

'Do you even know why we even killed your "hero" friends?'

'Because you're a bunch of bas-'


'Are you crazy,' I rubbed my cheek.

'Heros are forced to work directly under the government so only really higher ups get told what's going on officially. Remember that demon from ealier you fought?'


'He isn't working with us, yet with an alien.'

'A foreigner, from where?'

'Outer space.'

'Are you even listening to yourself? Aliens from outer space! That's completely insane!'

'But demons and angels aren't? Super powers aren't? Time travel isn't? None of that isn't completely stupid, incomprehensible?'

'Well I gue-'

'And I know your friend Anne is the reincarnation of Annabelle, but does Blood know where these powers came from though?'

'A rock?'

'A rock from outer space! Keep up!'

'And how do you know so much? Huh?' Bursting in the room, Jack and Lily were sent flying past me. Looking over from the sudden interruption, The Gambler and Diana walked in, 'How are you two alive?'

'Remember my power Zen,' The Gambler was holding up a Joker card, 'Resurrection and 1up was what I went for.'

'Then why did you not help us?'

'Well you see,' The Gambler pulled Diana in and smooches her, 'Lady Sandra is correct! We're working under the government and keeping secrets! We were hoping though to get you kill the villains here but,' he pulled out a King of Spades, 'I won't let Psycho's death be in vein; Buff.'

Diana had looked as if her muscles were growing in size. Running over to the mistress and I, she was much faster than before. Grabbing the mistress, she tosses her into my direction. Catching her I had pushed her away when Diana had slammed her fist down at me. Using my power to enhance my body, I was able to take the blow. Swing high, I went low under her fist and took a punch to her gut. Ignoring it she grabbed my shoulders, slammed her knee into my gut, then threw me upwards.

Snapping her finger, and explosion went off on Diana, 'I, Lady Sandra, will not be taken lightly infront of my future son-in-law!'

'I never agreed to that,' I yelled as I went flying past her.

Snapping her right finger over and over and over again, the environment around Diana was exploding left and right.

'Tch,' The Gambler then shuffled his deck of cards, 'Give me a handgun,' he pulled out a Five of Hearts which made a gun replace it, 'Back away you "villains,"' he was shooting at us.

Leaving Diana to Lady Sandra, I landed infront of The Gambler as he was loading his gun, 'If you and Diana are against the people,' I readied my fist with gautlents on them now, 'What's T?'

'Just a stupid girl like you and Anne,' I opened my right palm as I slammed it into his nose jabbing it.

'You,' he was touching the blood coming out his nose, 'You broke my nose!'

'And I ain't done yet.'