Chapter Thirty: The Game

My wound had finally healed. It took a week, but nonetheless it was fixed. On patrol, Lily, Lana, and I were hiding in an alleyway.

'What are we even patrolling,' Lana sounded agitated.

'We're trying to lure out the assassin as well as gather information on the possible threat to us, you'd remember if you'd listen,' Lily snapped at her.

'Guys, cut it,' I zipped my mouth.

'And who died and made you leader?'

'Says the one who ran off,' Lily titled her head at Lana.

'Why I oughta-'

'Will you both shut up,' I looked furiously at the both of them, 'If you guys were arguing over the fear of death, I'd keep quiet, but you aren't!'

They both crossed their arms and kept quiet.

To think who drove me into a murderous state for revenge in attempt to just my wrongs: was a bunch of morons who can barely hold conversation.


Lily and I switched our focus towards the sidewalk.

'-They're moving in fast,' Lana kept her hand attached to the wall of the adjacent building, 'They're....gone?!'

I looked up, 'Above!'

Free falling towards us, a slender man, with a tattooed body, and torn clothes launched at us.

With quick movements, Lily had moved her hands in a circular motion, causing water to be formed out of thin air and swipe at the man.

Curving his body, he avoided the attack and landed in front of Lana. Vines quickly uprooted around the man and went at his feet. 'Futile,' his arms hardened, and while holding them as if a blade, and he cut the vines restraining him.

Lunging at me, I parried his attack.

'Good, you can react,' he grabbed Lily by her neck as she attempted to pull a sneak attack on him, 'But you're not that strong.'

Tossing my katana at him like a spear, I placed my palms kn the ground as I knelt down.

'Hmph,' He went to use Lily as a shield.

In that split moment, I had pounced forward, made my katana disappear and change into my metal mitts, grabbed Lily with my right hand, and used my left fist to uppercut him in the chin.

Flying backwards through the air, he crashed into a pile of trash.

'W-w-w-,' Lana was appalled.

'Let's restrain him before he wakes,' and we did excatly that before leaving for the hideout.

Now at the safehouse, we dragged him in.

'Let me go!'

'Pass,' Lana was dragging Jamison in by her vines sprouting from her veins.

'Doesn't that hurt,' I examined the plant sprouting out her veins.

'Nah. I was born from the forest after all.'

I looked at Lily, 'What,' I whispered to her.

Looking back at me, she sighed, 'She was born from Mother Earth moron.'

I gave a confused glance. They acted like this was normal. None of that was normal. However, I wasn't gonna pry into what wasn't my business.

Tossing him inside the cell, Lana locked it behind me.

'Good,' I sat down in a chair as Jamison was still bound by the vines.

'Fuck y-'

I shoved my foot in his face

'Fuck me? No no no,' I massage his face with my boot, 'Fuck you. You sir are screwed, unless you tell me what I want to know.'

'Not happening,' he mumbled under my boot.

'No? Shameful,' conjuring a bunch of throwing knives, I stepped away and threw one that flew and stuck into the ground by his balls.


I did it again, getting closer.


I threw another beside his head.


'Says who? A guy I've never meet before? Do you trust him more,' I threw a knife into his leg, 'Than my actions?'

He looked at me panicked.

'Now,' I gave him a demonic smile, 'For the balls,' spinning the knife in my hand, I stopped, 'One-'


'-a two-'

'-no,' he began to squirm in his restraint.



I held onto the knife, 'Thanks.' Making the knives disappear, I walked over and crouched down to his face, 'Now take a nap,' I hit him in the neck with my hand, palm open, knocking him out. 'You heard that?'

Yui pushed open the door, 'You're scary.'

'I know, but my method worked.'

'But his balls? That's just cruel you know,' she put away her tape recorder, 'and everything he said has been recorded onto this tap aswell as my phone.'

'Perfect,' I left the cell with Yui beside me, 'You should go home. Go see your boyfriend.'

'You're probably right. What about you and A-'

'Also where did Lana go? She give you the key?'

Yui was spinning the key around her finger, 'Potty break, but better I was here and not her.'

'But wouldn't her vines had disappear?'

'I assume slowly since they're still their.'

'That's right, she was your boss.'

'Fuck you man,' she hit me in the arm as we left the cellar.'

Looking at her, I laughed, 'This is nice.'

Taking a breather after her momentary laughter as well, she smiled at me,' Yeah. It is.'

It wasn't.

The crimson red liquid, oozed from under the door and under my dress shoes. Staring at the door knob, my hand moved to it. Shaking uncontrollably, I was afraid to see what was before my eyes. Yui had asked Anne and I over for dinner. Anne was busy. Turning the knob, I pushed the door open. The room was darker than my own desires. With the lights coming on, four bodies were sprawled around the room.

Amber's body was sliced in half, guts all over the coffee table, blood covering her entirely, and her mouth propped open.

Mio's head smashed into the sink, decapitated. The rest of her body before me. Several stab wounds, fingers missing, feet lopped off, blood spreading still.

Then Yui's. In the arms of her very alive boyfriend, she seemed unconscious, but she was stripped naked and covered in red bruise all over.

'Hello, Zen.'


'As you may know me,' He looked at me with pupils as dark as black, and a smile worse than the devil himself, 'Harriet Rose, but the names actually Rudy Eisenberg.'

Rudy. I would never forget that name, 'You raped her.'

'And she was lovely. Her screams and crying were the best.'

'And you killed her family.'

'Their expressions were just the best too.'

'I'll kill you,' I mumbled.

'Huh? Say something,' he teased me.

'I'LL KILL YOU, YOU MURDERER,' I launched myself at him, sending the both of us crashing through the apartment window as Yui's body slammed onto the ground behind us.

'You wont even switch into your outfit, "hero?"'

I had lost all sense of what was real or not. All that went through my mind, was the wanting if his blood on my hands.