Chapter Thirty-One: Finished

I slammed Eisenberg's face into the wall beside the open road. The few bystanders that were present, panicked, ran, screaming, and crying.

He mumbled something.

'Care to share,' my voice came out coldly as I pulled him away and thrown him into the ground.

Standing, all his bones had cracked as positioned himself upwards, 'I said,' he widened his grin, 'Weak,' he clapped his hands and the ground erupted upwards like an earthquake erupting.

I was now flung up in the air.

'Now I got you,' Eisenberg moved his hand in a circular motion, moving the debris to circle around me before enclosing me.

With light seeping out the cracks of where I was encased, the debris suddenly explode outwards all around.

Landing on my feet, my senses felt hazy.

'I say we need an audience,' Eisenberg used the earth below him to propel himself in my space, 'Don't you agree,' he whispered into my ear before using the concrete below us to send us out into the open streets.

As the rain begun to pick up, cars swirved left and right to aviod hitting us and inevitably crashing.

'I'LL KILL YOU,' my wings erupted out my back, now covered in skin, my eyes flared, a bright red, my nails turned sharp, like demonic claws, and horns came out my head, that of a demon.

'Fitting, for that of the demon champion,' Eisenberg hailed rock's at me.

Losing that which made me human, I smashed each rock that came at me in pieces.

'Now let's,' he spun in a circle, 'DANCE,' he flung several pieces of debris ranging from shards of the sidewalk to chucks of the road at me.

'Kill,' I smashed through the concrete debris, 'slaughter,' a load of them all hit me but broke on impact, 'DESTROY,' with my wings I took flight. Now above Eisenberg, I swooped down at tremendous speed before grabbing him by the neck and crushing him against the pavement.

His face was bruised, scarred, crushed, yet even so; he still smiled.

'FUNNY? THIS IS FUNNY,' I lifted his face and slammed it into the ground, over and over and over and over again.

'The public-' he fainted.

Satisfied, I stood to see I was surrounded by news reporters and people galore. Snapping photos and recording what was going on, I felt something angering me within. Walking over to the closet person, I grabbed their camera and smashed it. Seeing the fear fill up their eyes; I looked down at my monstrous hand. Stepping back, I used my wings to fly off from the scene as police arrived.


'Zen's still missing,' Lana said as she was holding Yui's limp arm, 'Are you sure you're ok?'

Anne kept her arms close, 'Yeah,' she said depressingly.

'Even though he's missing, atleast he reframed from killing anyone.'

Anne's eyes looked around the room, 'It must've been tough for him to go to their apartment and see what he saw,' she looked at Yui laying in the hospital bed setup they had in the safehouse.

'I don't even know if I'd be able to go berserk the way he did; compliment or not,' Lana stepped away from Yui, 'We did use Yui and Mio afterall, but they seemed kind.'

'Why,' Anne's voice sounded shakey, 'Why did you do this to him...'

'Hm,' Lana turned to see Anne charging her with her fist, 'WAIT!'

Anne swung at Lana, 'Why! Why did you have to kill all those heros!'

Lana was dodging her swings, 'We had to!'

'Says who! Why couldn't you guys just talk,' Anne grabbed Lana's hair and slammed her leg into her gut, 'It's your guys fault that Zen has to suffer!'

Lana tumbled back, 'They wouldn't listen,' her face was pained.

'So you killed them all? ELDER AND KIDS,' Anne grabbed Lana's arm as she swung, 'YOU MONSTERS!'

With her free arm, Lana punched Anne in the face, 'They were working with the government who's hiding this secret!'

'So you killed children! What do they have to do with adults sins!'

Lana was speechless as Anne clobbered her in the face. Landing straight on her ass, Lana was staring at the ground, 'We-'

Anne started crying out loud, 'Ahh! Why,' she was moving her hands from her face and through her hair as tears gone down her cheeks, 'I hate you! Disgusting filth of humans! I wish to have just Zen and nobody else!'

Lana struggled to stand, 'But it was for the greater go-' Anne summoned a scythe rather than her staff, 'One more word, and I'll be worst than him,' she turned and left.

Sitting alone outside in the cold, Anne began to cry. She let her eyes ball out with all the pain shes felt and let build up. As the snow piled on her, she stayed laying in a fetis position.

'Hey! You up there!'

Anne struggled to open her eyes from the inner defeat she felt.

'You lost!?'

Looking down, Anne saw a man waving at her. Rolling off the tree branch and into the snow in the park, her eyes shares no emotion, 'Am I bothering you? I'll leave,' she said coldly.

'What? no, I just saw a girl up in a tree alone. I just had to reach out.'

Anne wasn't amused.

'Look, I'll introduce myself,' he extended out his arm, 'My names Stehpen Hope.'

The wind blew his blonde hair, revealing his eyes more blue than the sky.

'What kind of name is Stephen Hope?'

'It's my adoptive families last name.'


'Well I'll tell you more if you tell me your name,' he gave a favorable expression.

'Anne Sullivan.'

'My biological family had two children, but gave me away because they feared for my life.'

'How would you know?'

'My brother attempted to drown me and bruised me many times. He loved me so much too, it merely made no sense. It was almost as if he had a demon partially possessing him.'

'Odd,' Anne was having bad vibes, now making her alert.

'But did you know, he was the one given away and not me?'

'But you sai-'

'Well no, I lied.'

'So your biological last name is Hope?'


'And what became of your brother?'

'Well, Zander Hope was his name, but in his new family, I heard he was referred as,' he smirked as he looked up at Anne, 'Zen.'

She summoned her staff and put it up against Stephen, 'Who are you?'