His life style

Everyone wants to know what a person does all day, why he is so handsome. How do you do that? The protagonist of the story has some life style which is why he is so handsome. Dr. W always style & handsome man.


A perfect hairstyle is a must if I really want to look handsome because hairstyle matters a lot when it comes to the first impression, so make sure I have styled my hair perfectly.

If your hairs are receding then do not try to hide it just go for a haircut which can help you to stop it like, go for a buzz-style haircut and if your hairs are thinning then go for a short hairstyle.

Keep trying something new with your hair until you discover a suitable hairstyle for yourself.

Finding a suitable hairstyle for yourself is not that easy but it could be easy if you know what is your face shape is, if you know what is your face type then it could save your time and money.

I do this.

If you are an oval shape guy then shorter haircut will suit you because it will compensate you rounder features.

The triangular shape is the best because there are so many hairstyles which could suit them but the perfect hairstyle for them would be long curly hair with some volume, it would be great.

For square shape guys, a clean haircut will suit you such as classic side parting and modern messy.

Always remember to clean your hair every day,I clean my hair everyday, you know ,try to use shampoo every 2 days gap.

Every guy wants six-pack abs but only some of them work hard to get it. Know it is my time to prove that I can also achieve those six pack abs.

You don't need to have six-pack abs to look handsome but one thing which I needed to look handsome is a good workout routine.

You need to understand that if youIwork hard you will get success one day.

Regular exercise can help you to get a better physique and a glowing skin but it is not a single day process, so don't panic if you are not getting results because it can take several months to show changes.

What some people do is that they quit when they don't get results but you have to stick with your workout plans and believe me you will surely going to get results.

One of the best benefits of doing exercise every day is it can make you happier.

I do daily exercise.

# Daily exercise can help you to reduce fat in your body and it can save you from many diseases.

# You will get healthy skin and helps you to get a glowing skin.

# It can boost your energy levels.

# better blood circulation

# Improve memory, Because of better blood circulation exercise can help you to get a sharper memory.

# Strong muscles and bones.

Increase confidence.

# Testosterone level increases.

# Improve sleep quality.

There is an almost infinite number of benefits on exercise but these are one of the most common benefits you will get when you start doing exercise.

You can do cardio it is the best exercise if you wanna stay healthy. There are countless benefits of cardio but the best thing about cardio is it helps to burn fat and decrease risks of a heart attack.

You know what is cardio? Any exercise which makes our heart beat fast and increases blood circulation is known as cardio.

Swimming, Cycling, sprinting and etc. So these are some exercise which makes our heart pump fast and increases blood circulation.

Take a shower daily and be hygienic. This is obvious, no one likes to hang out with a guy who hasn't bathed for a week.

So take care of your self and clean up yourself daily so no one can raise a point on you.

It would be so embarrassing if someone found out that you don't take shower daily and if he started to make fun of them then you know how embarrassing it would be.

It is your body and it's your responsibility to maintain it, make a daily routine of cleaning yourself and stick to it.

I have some tips to share with you which can help you to be hygienic.

I cut my nails, every week, Cut your nails, your nails contain large numbers of bacteria and whenever you put your finger into your mouth you ingest so many bacteria into your mouth, so cut your nails whenever they grow up. If you can't do this, Then just, clean your nails while washing your hands.

Wash your hairs with shampoo and don't forget to use conditioner. Our head can have so many lice if you don't have a washing routine, so make sure to wash your hair at a regular interval.

Whenever you workout, don't forget to take a shower after that because after a workout you sweat and if you don't bath after that your skin could be rashy.

Wash your hands after using the toilet, you know about that point but it is my job to let you know about all of these things.

These were some daily habits which you can apply on your daily lifestyle and it will help you to become a hygienic man.

Your switchboard and t.v remote are the most contaminated objects with bacteria.

The word hygiene has come from the word Hygieia. Hygieia was a Greek god of health and cleanness.

your body is a home of 1,000 different species of bacteria. There are more germs on your body than a country like united states.

There is nothing like a five-second rule. when you drop your food on the ground, bacteria instantly contaminate the food.

This one is little weird, Ancient Egyptian used to rub urine on their skin to heal cuts and burns.

Everyone should sleep for 8 hours in the night. Our body needs rest to work properly.

If you are not getting enough sleep it can make you ill, in a study scientists found that there is a relationship between your immune system and sleep.

Avoid losing sleep in midnight, Short periods of sleep can impact your heart and it is not good for your heart., You could face diseases like coronary heart disease or stroke.

You will start to forget things, Sleep can impact on memory and learning new things.

You could gain weight, in a study it found that people who were sleeping for less than five hours a day started to gain weight and eventually become obese.

Sleep is a must for your brain, skin, and body. A proper sleep can make your mind fresh and make your body active.

Your skin could become dehydrated or imbalanced. You could face problems like redness and breakout.

Dark circles will develop if you are not sleeping well. Your body cells need time to regenerate and if you are not sleeping enough those cells will not work properly and you will end up getting dark circles.

These were some impacts that you could face if you don't sleep well.

Make a sleep schedule and stick to it. The suggested amount of sleep for an adult male is about 8 hours.This my sleep hours.

Stop using your phone for 2-3 hours before going to bed. Our cell phones emit RF radiation. Stop being addicted to cell phones.

The perfect diet is all you need to become more handsome. Diet puts a major role to shape your body.

I diet regularly,

A good diet helps you to get glowing skin, it enhances your look and your personality.

A protein-rich food will help you to get a better body and better physique. Start to eat vegetables also.

I eat some fruits regularly, suggestions you.

List of foods which helps you to get a glowing skin.

Green tea.



Whole Grain.


Sweet potato

Green vegetables.


Blackberries, gauvava, blueberries and etc.

Flax Seeds.

You have to stop eating sweets and snacks every time. Consuming too much-added sugar you could have many negative impacts on you like, weight gain, heart problems, and increased blood sugar.

Some avoid me, there are :

Drinks which contains added sugar.

French fries.


Pastries, cookies.

Junk foods.

Mayonnaise ( contains unwanted fat ).


I know it is little difficult to quit all of these foods because these foods are in our daily routine, how can we quit it, But in the journey of becoming more handsome you have to quit eating all these foods.

Foods impact our face directly, apply good healthy foods into your daily life so you can get a handsome face.

Eyes show thousands of emotions, but you need to be careful about your eyes because eyes are the most sensitive part of our body.

Stronger eyes mean strong personality and dull bad looking eyes don't put a good impression on others.

Use eye drops if you are suffering from a reddish or itching eye problem, it will moisture your eyes.

If you have yellow eyes then you should start eating vegetables and fruits it will provide essential vitamins which your eyes needs.

Dark circles? use a cucumber on your eyes or something cold like cold water for 30 minutes it will help you to decrease that dark circles because it will start blood flow in your eyes area.

Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes. Wearing eyewear instantly makes you look little more attractive, make sure, the eyewear which you are wearing is compatible with your face.

Girls always notice your smile, how cute your smile is and how good you look when you laugh.

But when we don't have those crystal clear teeth, we afraid to laugh openly, we afraid if anyone will notice our yellowish teeth then what they will think.

Brush at least two times a day, brushing twice a day will help you to fight with those bacteria that are making your teeth look yellowish.

Use tooth whitening kits to get rid of yellowish teeth.

Avoid foods that contain added sugar.

Drink lots of water. Water will increase saliva production which is important for your healthy teeth.

Eat Vitamin D rich foods and calcium-rich foods.

A confident man can attract anyone in the world. Yeah, looks matter a lot when it comes to looking handsome but looks are nothing in front of confidence.

Girls love a confident man even everyone love loves a confident man. Confidence is key to attractiveness.

Negative thoughts can affect your self-confidence because negative thoughts make you sad and it's obvious that sad people are not confident.

Be passionate about something. Find out in which thing you are passionate about and don't hide it because if you follow your passion you will automatically become more confident.

Groom yourself. Grooming yourself will build confidence in yourself that's obvious because when you take shower and shave, you feel awesome and you feel like a handsome hunk.

Dress well. When you dress nicely you feel great about yourself. You feel successful and awesome.

Always think positive. Replace your negative thoughts with a positive thought, it impacts a lot when you feel insecure.

Set a goal and start making effort to achieve it. Setting up a goal is important, without the goal you are like a puppet which is handling by certain types of people and you don't wanna be that so make sure you have goals in your life.

Smile. A smile gives a good impression on others when you talk to them, a smile is a positive statement that you are confident and girls love a beautiful smile so put a big smile on your face and enjoy life.

Who would like to meet a joker on a date? No one, so you have to focus on your style to be noticeable or to give a good impression because the first impression is the last impression.

To give a better representation of yourself to the others you have to maintain your personality, and in the order to maintain your personality you have to focus on your dressing sense.

A perfect dressing sense makes a man more handsome, it is obvious that people will like to meet that man who has a better sense of dressing.

How to dress better?

Its all depends on you, you have to choose your dressing style on your own. But I have some tips for you if you have a certain type of body type.

Girls like guys who look mature, be a man and dress like a man not like a boy. If you love to wear t-shirts that have lots of graphics on it, there is a high chance that the girl is gonna reject you.

Wear sunglasses because sunglasses makes you more symmetrical and more handsome.

Take care of your lips. Don't touch or lick your lips because it makes your lips dry and ugly.

Use deodorant and smell nice.

Wash your face twice a day and don't touch your face because it makes your skin dull and oily.

Stand tall and look people into their eyes, it will make your personality more charming.

Be polite to everyone, control your aggression.

Smile. There nothing beautiful than a smile.

These were some small but effective tips which will definitely help you to become more handsome.I Daliy maintain this, I think ,I adhere to these I am handsome.