Day 2: Taking Flight

AN: In the next two chapters, you're going to see me apologize a lot. You see, I originally had plans to make a spin-off story about Edhas and his claims to fame and all that jazz, but recent developments in my writing completely veered things off course, so there will be a few things that will remain out of context for now. Thank you for understanding and I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


In the HoloHQ, a portal opened. A woman stepped through, a small smile on her face. She tossed her silver hair behind her shoulder as the portal closed behind her. She fastened her winged hairpin and fastened her bracelets. "As much as I enjoyed my trip back, my true family resides here," Her high heels clacked along the floor as she walked towards the door, opening it. "I'm home."


Thankfully, Edhas had the sense to wait two minutes for Kiara to Call. The alarm rang, causing Ryan to bolt up. He looked around wildly before fixating on the phone. He grabbed the phone, answering it without looking.

"KIKKERIKII~!!!" Kiara exclaimed through the phone. "How has my little egg been~?"

"We've been over this," Ryan grumbled, getting out of bed. "Please stop calling me that."

"Never!" Kiara chirped, giggling. "I think it's endearing."

"I think it's cute," Edhas added helpfully.

'Can it, asshole. You're one to talk,' Ryan gave his other half a snappy remark, but he only offered his boss a defeated sigh.

"Am I sensing a bias?" Edhas exclaimed, faux offense coating his words.

'Yes, so can it,' Ryan grumbled.

"Are you listening to me?" Kiara asked, catching Ryan off guard. He was still getting used to listening to people while having telepathic conversations with Edhas.

"Sorry, I spaced out," Ryan said, pushing back his habit to sigh. "What were you saying?"

"Oh, nothing!" Kiara said excitedly. "I was just excited to start work today!"

"Me too, Tenchou," Ryan smiled. "I'll see you soon."


"So, who are we fighting today? I had a lot of fun yesterday," Edhas said, causing a tick mark to appear on Ryan's head.

'We're not fighting anyone,' Ryan's sigh was full of irritation as he turned the corner.

"Excuse me?" Ryan turned around to see a woman standing behind him. She wore a blue and white sleeveless dress with wing shaped patterns at the end of it. Though she had a curious and innocent look on her face, she seemed to assume royalty.

"Be careful with this one," Edhas's voice warned. "Even though she's hiding her magical aura, I can tell she can be a potential threat."

"Yes?" Ryan asked, sending Edhas a mental sign that he'll be cautious. "Is there something you need?"

"I apologize for bothering you," the woman gave a polite bow. "I was told to meet up at a KFP in this location, but I can't seem to find it. Would you happen to know where it is?"

'If she wants to go to the KFP, she must know Tenchou,' Ryan thought. 'Plus, if she has malicious intent, she wouldn't get past the barrier anyways.'

"Ah, I actually happened to be heading there myself," Ryan said. "My name is Ryan Shade. I work at that KFP. Would you like to walk with me?"

"It's a pleasure to meet you," the woman bowed her head politely. "My name is Pavolia Reine and I would love to walk with you."


Ryan had to will the tick from appearing from his forehead as Reine appeared to be taller than him with his heels. Being only 172 centimeters, Ryan wasn't the tallest guy in the world, but for some reason, Reine being taller than him just unsettled him.

"You know, I wonder what it would feel like for her to look down on me," Edhas said in a weird (Read: Pervy) manner.

'You disgust me,' Ryan thought, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, someone's got to appeal to the masses," Edhas said defensively.

'What masses?' Ryan thought curiously.

"You wouldn't get it," Edhas grumbled.

"So, who are you?" Reine stopped, causing to stop and look at her. Ryan shuddered, but kept his ground.

"That's some intense killer intent," Edhas said. "Her aura's rising. Any human mage would be heaving on the floor pissing their pants. You might want to switch out."

'I'll take your word for it,' Ryan though, his eyes glowing purple.

"Okay, lady, I don't know who you are, but there are kinder ways to ask people questions," Edhas tensed up. Ryan was grateful he didn't summon any weapons yet. Maybe there was a chance to resolve this peacefully.

"Last time checked, you weren't a part of Hololive or any of our allies," Reine's eyes narrowed. "Plus, you lead me to an alleyway. Do you think I'm stupid?"

"I didn't design this place. Cut me some slack," Edhas sighed, offering the woman a shrug. "Honestly, my other half doesn't want to fight. As much as I would enjoy fighting someone as powerful as you, I really have to get Ryan to work."

"Wait!" Kiara's voice was heard as she flew down between Ryan and Reine. "He's my employee!"

"See, I wasn't lying," Ryan said as the purple glow faded, giving him back control of his body.

"Tch," Edhas scoffed. "Would've wiped the floor with her anyways. Wouldn't mind if she kicked the crap out of me, though."

'You're using my body, you know,' Ryan grumbled in his head.

"I'm apologize for my actions," Reine bowed respectfully to Kiara and Ryan. "I can never be too safe in these times."

"Actually, we're in a time of peace now," Kiara replied, a patient smile on her face. "All thanks to Ryan, I may add."

"Really?" Reine looked at Ryan.

"Don't look at me," Ryan put his hands up. "All I did was get shot in the head… twice…"

"Anyways, we should get going," Kiara smiled, ignoring Ryan's comment. "We can catch up when we're in the restaurant."


"It's been so long!" As soon as they entered the joint, Kiara tackled Reine into a hug. "I'd never thought I'd see you again!"

"It's nice to see you too, Kiara-senpai," Reine smiled softly, returning the hug. "After spending a few months back at the Peafowl, I realized that I found my real home here."

"I'm so happy," Kiara pulled away, tearing up.

"By the way, where did you get the ring? It's beautiful!" Reine grabbed Kiara's hand, admiring her wedding ring.

"Calli gave it to me!" Kiara chirped, her cheeks flushing slightly. "We got married not too long ago!"

"Married?!" Reine gasped, putting a hand to her mouth. "I'm so happy for you! You should have sent me an invite!"

"I'm sorry! There wasn't any way to get in contact with you!" Kiara said.

"Anyways, you still have to introduce me to your employee," Reine looked at Ryan, the skepticism still lingering in her eyes.

"You know, I love it when she looks at us like that," Edhas swooned.

'The joke is getting old,' Ryan thought.

"This is Ryan Shade," Kiara said. "I met him not too long ago. He actually didn't get his magic until it took a laser to the shoulder for me."

"Don't remind me," Ryan grumbled.

"You were such a pussy back then," Edhas chuckled. "I mean your ass kicked by some normies."

'I didn't have magic at all. Cut me some slack,' Ryan grumbled in his head. Edhas only scoffed.

"I'm surprised," Reine's eyes widened slightly as she looked at Ryan again. "For you to cultivate your magic in such a short time. From what I gauged, you're stronger than the top generals at Peafowl."

"Peafowl? I remember that place!" Edhas said. "They have great blacksmiths there, despite all of them being birds. I liked the place so much I made the royal family a weapon. That was a long time ago, though."

'How old are you, exactly?' Ryan asked.

"I was born 18 years ago, but remember, I was in the same group as the guy who made Ame's clock," Edhas said. Ryan remembered Jack's parting words. At this rate, he might have to take up his offer for a drink.

'So you're older than 18,' Ryan stated.

"Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?" Edhas commented followed by the sound of fingers snapping.

'Go die,' Ryan grumbled. Edhas said something, but Ryan didn't care enough to listen.

"That's thanks to my other half," Ryan said. "I'm a bit of a special case."

"Kiara-chan!, I'm here like you a-," Subaru crashed through the doors, exclaiming loudly but cut herself off when she saw Reine. She jumped up in the air, pointing at her. "OMAEEEEEEEE!"

"Hello, Subaru-senpai," Reine spread her arms. "I've missed you."

"I missed you too!" Subaru tackled Reine into a hug. "The birb three are finally back together!"

"So, I heard we're in a time of peace now," Reine said. "Can someone tell me what happened?"

"Well, I guess we're going to go over my perpetual story of embarrassment," Ryan grumbled.

"Come on!" Kiara slapped Ryan's back. "It's not that bad!"


"Being shot in the head isn't something you should be embarrassed about," Reine offered Ryan a soft smile. "Most people wouldn't have even shown up to the battlefield."

"I know, I just could have handled the situation a bit better," Ryan sighed, placing a plate of turkey and mashed potatoes in front of Reine.

"I know the same thing would have happened to me in that situation," Subaru said, munching on a sesame seed muffin. "Except the coming back to life part."

"Yeah, I'm not too sure how that happened actually," Ryan said. "According to Edhas, he's 'just too stubborn to die', but I'm not sure about the authenticity of his claims."

"Shut up," Edhas snapped.

"How was everything back at Peafowl?" Kiara asked.

"It was good, but my departure caused… some problems?" Reine looked down at the untouched plate of turkey.

"What happened?" Subaru asked, giving her friend a worried look.

"My father and I got into an argument," Reine said. "When I wanted to leave, he protested vehemently. he wanted me to rule and told me how I felt didn't matter. After a long argument, my father forced me to return the family treasure and banished me from the kingdom, claiming he'll just 'make another heir'."

"How far Peafowl has fallen," Edhas scoffed. "I expected better from such a nice kingdom."

'Remember when you were the bad guy?' Ryan asked. 'What happened to that?'

"Just because I hate everything in this world doesn't mean I don't know right from wrong," Edhas said. "And for the record, a lot of things in this world are wrong."

"That's terrible," Kiara placed a hand on Reine's, who's hands were on the table.

"It's fine… I don't regret my choice," Reine sighed. "But Hiraitamon* was my partner. I don't know what I'll do without it…"

"Hiraitamon? What a coincidence," Edhas sighed.

'Don't tell me…'


'Seriously, you need to tell me who the hell you were,' Ryan sighed aloud.

"Someday," If Edhas was there, Ryan swore he would have winked at him. "You know what? How about we pay Peafowl a visit? The weather is nice, and I'd like a vacation. Might as well do a favor for a cute girl while I'm at it."

'You're hopeless,' Ryan thought, disappointment oozing through is brain.

"You alright?" Kiara turned to Ryan. "You've been awfully quiet this entire time."

"It seems like my other half wants to go to Peafowl," Ryan said. "Says he wants to 'go on a short vacation' or some bullshit like that."

"I apologize, but that's impossible," Reine shook her head. "Though I appreciate the sentiment, only one person in the world is currently capable of transporting through dimensions so freely."

"And who would that be?" Ryan asked.

"YAGOO," Reine answered simply.

"Well, we can always ask him," Ryan shot back.

"No need," Edhas said in his mind. "Interdimensional travel is one of my specialties."

"My other half claims he can travel through dimensions," Ryan said.

"Are you sure? Interdimensional travel is a dangerous and meticulous form of magic," Reine narrowed her eyes slightly. "One mishap and you'll be tumbling in the void for all of eternity."

"Let me take control," Edhas said. "It's easier for me to just explain it. Plus, I have to go and whip that old man's ass anyways."

'Fine, but only because I don't like Reine's dad. He seems like a prick,' Ryan thought as his eyes started to glow purple. Reine and Subaru tensed up slightly, but Edhas put a hand up.

"Relax, my eyes just change whenever I switch," he said. "But yes, I can travel through dimensions. Plus, if we end up in the void, I have some connections that could get us out."

"Connections?" Kiara asked.

"That's not important," Edhas stepped around the counted and held his hand forward. With a swift burst of energy, a swirling portal appeared. "The real question is: who wants to tag along?"


Edhas, Subaru, Kiara, and Reine walked through the portal, revealing themselves to be at the foot of a giant castle that was blue and white in color. Between them was a large gate and two guards wearing shiny blue armor, white wings jutting out of their backs. When the two guards saw Reine, they jumped into a fighting stance, spears pointed at her.

"I apologize for this, Reine-sama, but the king has ordered us to attack you on sight," One of the guards said, his voice uncertain.

"What a prick," Ryan said.

"Actually, I'm the one who brought her here," Edhas held his hand out and a small, grey badge appeared in his hand. He then held his hand out, showing them the badge. "I do hope I have the credentials to see the king."

Both of the guards visibly gasped when they saw the badge. "O-of course, esteemed guest! If you brought Reine-sama here with you, then it must have been for a good reason," the other guard said. "Let me open the gates for you."

As the guards ran over to open the gates, Reine gave Edhas a look. "What was that?"

"You'll find out soon enough," Edhas winked at Reine. "For now, let's go."


"Your highness! May I point out how ridiculous you are being?!" Ahiru exclaimed.

"Yeah! Just because she had dreams of her own doesn't mean she deserves to be banished!" Hino protested.

"Reine-sama has always been kind to us," Hane clutched her broom so tight her knuckles turned white. "She didn't do anything to deserve this!"

(AN: Ahiru, Hino, and Hane are characters from my "A Fortunate Mistake" fic. Might upload that fic sometime soon. Stay tuned. What you need to know for now is that Ahiru and Hino are the alternate dimensional versions of Kiara and Subaru whole Hane is Reine's old maid.)

"Silence!" The king, Pavolia Peafowl VII shouted. "Even if you are the two magic division generals, I will not tolerate your insolence! Reine was a failure and nothing else! Her role was to rule the kingdom and she failed to do so!"

As Hane opened her mouth to disagree, the doors slammed open. "Your highness!" Matthew, one of the gate guards rushed to the king, bowing before his presence.

"You dare interrupt me?!" Peafowl shouted. "What is so important that you must barge into my throne room?!"

"My apologies, your majesty!" Matthew bowed his head. "The princess has returned with a grandmaster blacksmith!"

The room fell silent at once. A grandmaster blacksmith hasn't shown up in Peafowl since the Dai Go No Kamen* 300 years ago. "Well?" Peafowl demanded. "Bring him in!"


"The king will see you now," the guard said, leading them to the throne room. Edhas noted that there were three other people there. One of them looked exactly like Kiara if she decided to wear a blue navy uniform and another looked exactly like Subaru. The third was a brown-haired maid clutching on a broom.

Subaru and the clone looked at each other before pointing at each other with an exaggerated face. "OMAEEEEE/KONOOOOO!" They shouted at each other. "You look just like me!"

The Kiara clone walked up to Kiara. "Are you a phoenix?!"

Kiara gasped. "I thought I was the last one!"

"Reine-sama!" The maid cast aside her broom, tackling Reine in a hug. "I thought I'd never see you again!"

"Ahiru! Hino! Hane! Control yourselves!" The king shouted before lowering his voice, so it was projected, but not shouting. "Greetings to all of you. My name is Pavolia Peafowl VII. May I ask who this supposed grandmaster is?"

"That would be me," Edhas stepped up and stared at the king.

"Ryan!" Reine whispered sharply. "You're supposed to bow to him."

"My name's Edhas," Edhas shot Reine a look before staring back at the king. "I will not bow to you, for you haven't earned my respect."

"You-," The king's face turned red, but he stopped himself. "State your purpose of visiting."

"I want my rapier back," Edhas stated simply. All heads turned to Edhas. What kind of rapier constituted Edhas to talk to the king of a kingdom in an alternate dimension?

"I apologize," Peafowl shook his head. "I don't follow."

"Hiraitamon," Edhas replied. "I want it back."

"You want our family heirloom?!" Peafowl slammed the armrest of his throne, positively fuming. "Who the hell do you think you are to walk into my kingdom and my castle, demanding my family heirloom?!"

"It's not yours, considering you married in," Edhas commented, directing his focus to the king's brown hair and eyes. The silver hair and blue eyes of the Pavolia family was a dominant trait and the tradition was that Hiraitamon went to that of the Pavolia gene. "It should belong to Reine-chan here, but someone decided to break tradition."

"Even if that were the case, I am the king! You are a nobody!" Peafowl exclaimed. "Guards!"

Edhas sighed. "You know, I really didn't want to take this out, but whatever." Edhas held out his hand and the mask that Shade gave to Ryan appeared in his hand. He put it on, his hand obstructing the number. When he revealed it, everyone, say for Kiara, Subaru, and Edhas himself gasped in shock. "I've always hated this mask, but if I have to use it, then I have to use it. Do you recognize me now?"

"Y-you're the Dai Go No Kamen!" Peafowl exclaimed. The Dai Go No Kamen was a legendary blacksmith and swordsman among the kingdom of Peafowl. 300 years ago, he fought in the War of the Vultures against the Vulture Kingdom alongside King Peafowl I. After they won the war, the Dai Go No Kamen along with the Dai San No Kamen* forged a legendary sword named Hiraitamon and gifted it to the king before vanishing off the face of the earth (AN: This story will eventually be covered. Unfortunately, my plans for where the fic was going have changed since I wrote this chapter, so context will have to wait for now). "But that's impossible! He vanished 300 years ago! He's dead!"

"Who said I was dead?" Edhas said, growing irritated. "Now, do I need to leave this kingdom without a ruler, or are you going to be getting me my blade?"

The king blanched. "Y-yes! I will get your blade immediately!" He ran off to a door to the right of Edhas.

"Y-you're the Dai Go No Kamen?" Reine looked at Edhas, who took off the mask, releasing it to go back into his magical storage. "I grew up on stories about you."

"Me too!" The Subaru clone piped up. "I've always wanted to become an awesome warrior like you!"

"I guess you could say that I am, but I honestly hate that title," Edhas sighed. "I have nothing to do with the masked mages anymore. I am my own person now. Well… half a person."

The king ran up to Edhas with a rapier with a golden hilt and a blue sheathe. "Here you are, Dai Go No Kamen-sama…"

Edhas grabbed the blade and examined it. "Its quality has deteriorated since, but I can't blame you. We'll be taking our leave now."

"Wait!" Edhas was about to turn but was stopped by the maid. "I want to go with you."

"Hane?!" Reine looked at the maid in surprise.

"I've served under you since you were born, Reine-sama," The maid, Mentori smiled at the princess. "You have been the kindest member of the royal family I know, except for maybe your mother. I want to continue serving you wherever you go."

"I want to go too!" The Kiara clone piped up. "Life isn't really complete with just me and Ahiru over here. We three need to stick together."

"Hino is right," Ahiru said. "Life just isn't as fun without you, Reine-chan! If we're able to go, then there's no place I'd rather be!"

Reine turned to Edhas. "Are they allowed to come with us?"

Edhas smiled, the purple glow in his eyes fading, signifying that Ryan has taken over once more. "That's up to them, but we should get going," he said. "I don't want to be late for work tomorrow."


Omake: Portals

"Thank you again for doing this, Brianna," YAGOO said as Brianna opened the portal where Reine would cross only minutes later. "I could never get the hang of portals as much as you could."

"Don't worry about it," Brianna smiled, looking to the portal. "Edhas used to tell me about Peafowl. I heard it was a nice place."

"Shade would say the same things," YAGOO said. "If Reine is anything to go by, then Peafowl must be a fun place to be."

"Maybe you could go once you pull the reigns on your… entertainment company," Brianna giggled, offering the middle-aged man a wink.

"Don't remind me," YAGOO said with a depressed look on his face. "Let's go."

With that, the two exited the room, closing the door.