Notebook of Confessions

Army held my notebook, open, in his hands. I felt my face flush and I instinctively rushed forward to grab it, he dodges me. "I already read it, Aloha!" He says.

"G-Give it back!" I whine to him. Army stops and I take my notebook but he was staring at me. "Ah, w-what is it?" I ask him. Act like nothing's wrong, nothing's wrong, Aloha. He just didn't invade your personal private life because you left your notebook out or anything. He doesn't know your deepest darkest secret ever. Oh my cod...I'm going to die.

"I- I can explain!" I lie to him and myself. EXPLAIN WHAT!? THE FACT THAT I AM GAY AS HELL? FOR HIM!? Oh my cod, did I really just admit that to myself?

" don't have to explain anything..." He says.

"I don't want you to hate me!" I blurt, closing my eyes and biting my lip. I didn't want to see his reaction...I don't want to see it. He pulls me over to the couch, and makes me sit down across from him.

"Open your eyes, Aloha." He tells me. I shake my head.

"Nope, I'm good~!" I chirp to him, playfully. Really on the inside I was dying.

"Aloha." He warns, I slowly opened my eyes to look at him. "I'm not mad. See?" He smiles at me. "I'm not mad at you...why would I be?"

"I...I dunno," I admit shyly. Why is it I'm only ever shy around him?

"Aloha, I wanted to come here to talk to you about your reaction earlier...I was scared you didn't like me so I wanted to make sure you were okay and my curiosity got the best of me. I'm truly sorry for going through your things, Aloha, but I...I had to know if you hated me." He explains. Then, he hugs me. "I'm sorry." He says.

I was stiff at first but slowly relax and hug him back. "I don't know why you're sorry, I was the dumbass who left it out."

He lets go of me and looks me in the eyes. " it true what you said in your notebook?" He asks. I glance down at the floor. Nope, no chickening out now. He already knows, you can't run away... I sighed.

"Um, yes," I admit. "But, of course, I didn't expect anyone to fall for me~." I tease, winking at him. He gets all flustered then.

"A-Aloha!" He complains.

"You sure you don't hate me?" I ask, tilting my head and waiting for him to respond.

Army's POV

"You sure you don't hate me?" He asks, tilting his head and waiting for me to respond.

He looked so...cute...when doing that...

"Hate you? No, I don't hate you...I...I..." I paused, thinking of how to phrase it. "I like-like you." I finally blurt, my face was hot and I could see blush creeping onto his face. He looked away from me, trying to hide his face. Don't do that...I don't want you to hide... "I love you." I say again, more sure of myself this time. He blushes madly. My face was hot and I was panicking...

"I- I love you too..." He whispers. I hug him again, staring at his eyes. He finally looks back to me. "I...I'm actually not mad you found my notebook..." He says, and he rests his head on my shoulder. I smile to myself.

"I'm glad I did..." I tell him.

"Me too."

"I have a question for you, Aloha."

"What is it?" He asks me, looking up at me.

"Are we a couple now?" I ask him, he looks at me and for a moment I was nervous. Then, he smiles brightly, which warmed my heart.

"I- I thought you'd never ask~!" He chimes. "Yes, yes, yes~!!" He smiles at me, hugging me tightly.

Then, his phone goes off. He jumps slightly. "You okay? Who is it?" I ask him as he pulls out his phone from his pockets.

"Diver..." His voice trailed off. "Oh no." He glares deeply at the phone as if it was the phone's fault Diver had decided to call. I chuckled quietly before grabbing his hand. He was sitting next to me now. He answers the call and put it on speaker, resting his head on my shoulder once more. I'm careful not to move, not to scare him away from my touch.

"Yo~! Loa?" Diver's voice comes over the phone.

"Loa? Is that what they call you?" I whisper-ask him. He blushes but nods as I chuckle.

"S-shush!" He whispers to me. I get quiet. "Yo, what's up, Diver~?" Aloha replies.

"How are you? Feelin' any better, dude?" He asks.

"I've never felt better~!" Aloha chirps happily. Dang...he's adorable.

"Ah, good!" Diver cheers. "I'm glad! Look about earlier...we're sorry for teasing you~! You know we love ya, right?" Diver asks.

"Yeah, I know. Where are the girls?" Aloha asks.

"Right here with me, on speaker. We're hanging out at the beach. Hey, did Forge get through to you? Texted me saying she was trying to reach out to you."

"No, I don't think so..." Aloha mutters, checking his text messages. "Oh, no, she did. I was just preoccupied at the moment." Aloha chose his words carefully, I noticed. I smile at him and poke him in the side, teasingly. "Ah, hey!" He whisper-shouts at me, snickering.

"What's wrong?" Diver asks.

"Oh, nothing~!" Aloha answers quickly before muting his side of the call. "If you do not stop!" He threatens.

"Are you ticklish?" I ask him, cocking my eyebrow at him.

"N-No, I am not." He lies before un-muting himself. Is he using that as protection? Haha. Not for long... I sighed and whispered to him, "You are but I'll let that pass. I'm going to go make dinner since you can't cook and do not even say that you can." I then leave him in the living room.

"Hey, Loa~?" Straw asks innocently. I could hear them from the kitchen, where I was getting things ready to make curry. I know Aloha, as well as all the other S4 members and pretty much everyone, really liked my curry so I was just going to make that.

"What's up, Straw~?" Aloha asks her in his light voice. I can't believe I had enough courage to ask HIM to my mine...! I sighed and started making the curry.

"If I am on speakerphone, turn it off and hold it up to your ear." Straw warns. I didn't hear the rest of what she said. I could only hear Aloha now.

"W-w-what makes y-you think that!?" He yelps over the phone.


"No! No, I don't know...."

I cut the vegetable and throw them into the pot.

"Oh...ah! Um, no! No, I did not. I was-"

I turn on the stove and pour more vegetables into the pot. I was listening for Aloha's voice.

"AH! NO!" He screams over the phone. "That is NOT true!" He paused. "NO, IT'S NOT!"

I chuckled to myself. I wonder what he was talking about with his team that had him so worked up...? Probably something silly.

"Tomorrow, I think." He said, finally calmed down. "Yes, I will. Yes, we can." Another pause. "Oh, did you know...? Forge? Oh, okay, well I have to go now...yeah...okay. Bye, guys~!" He walked into the room the next moment, his face flushed and a look of embarrassment and annoyance on his face.

"What happened?" I ask him.

"They're just teasing..." He mumbles, angrily.

"Teasing are they?" I ask him, he looks away. "I'm kidding." I remind him.

"I know..." He mutters, then smiles at me. Then, with instruction, starts to help me make curry. We had fun, playing around in his kitchen. He has no idea how to cook so I tried to show him some basics but he was still really bad at it. I understood why he always went out to eat now.

Then, we ate dinner. It was all perfect, I never knew Aloha could be so...nice or charming to be around. I mean, he was always friendly and respectful but never really more than that in front of us. I was glad I got to see this side of him too...

He stood and helped me clean up our mess. While he was cleaning the table he spoke, "Army, can you stay over tonight?" He asks, quietly. "Please?"

I turn to him, "Do you want me to?"


"Okay, but I have to leave early in the morning, I have a turf war, I can come back after that to get you. We, the s4, have a turf war at ten in the morning. I'll be getting up at eight. Alright?" I warn him. His eyes light up and he nods. He sometimes reminded me of a little kid...a child. It was cute. I smiled and finished cleaning up.

"Want to watch a movie or go to bed now?" Aloha asks, pointing to the living room and then upstairs.

"A movie would be nice. What do you have?" I ask him. He leads me over to his collection. He had tons of movies from Twilight to Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark to Divergent and Spiderman. He seemed to love Marvel movies, he had every single one. He told me he wasn't such a big fan of Star Wars but still had all of the movies.

"What about Deadpool?" I ask him, picking up the movie. He smiles at me.

"Sure thing~!" He chimes and takes the movie from me before putting it into the console he was using to play movies. I wait for him to finish, he gives me a thumbs-up and I cut off all the light's in the house. He sits on the couch and I join him, sitting next to him.

An Hour Later...

The movie was pretty much over. Aloha had his head in my lap and was laying across the couch. I smiled down at him before realizing he was asleep. I turned down the volume of the movie so it wouldn't wake him up with how loud it was about to get. I rested my hand on his side. I could feel him breathing. It was only ten at night but he was out cold. I chuckled quietly before cutting off the tv and picking up my phone.

I set an alarm for tomorrow at 7:30 am. I then shut off my phone. Aloha's phone then starts ringing, I quickly grab it before it wakes Aloha up. It was Diver. I hesitantly picked it up.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Yo', who is this? Wait, oh don't tell me this is Army!" Diver cheers on the other side of the phone. "Is this Army?!"

"Yes, and shush!" I snap at him. "Aloha's asleep." I tell him. Aloha looked so peaceful in his sleep. Like he didn't go hard and party all day. I sighed. "What did you need?" I ask Diver.

"Oh, I wanted to make sure Aloha was going to be able to make our match at eleven tomorrow or if he wasn't going to be able to. I know earlier he told me he felt fine but I didn't want to push him too much." Diver admits.

"No, he'll be able to go. As long as you don't call for the rest of the night. You could wake him up. Do you not realize what time it is?" I whispered to him.

"Um. Yeah, it's ten at night, so what? I've called Aloha at one in the morning and he was awake."

"What?" I ask him, looking down at Aloha. "Okay, well, not tonight."

"Fine, okay." He said. "Just make sure to remind him of our battle tomorrow."

"I will," I promise and he hangs up. I let Aloha lay in my lap, asleep and I lean my head back and start to drift off into sleep.