Chubby cheeks and Chubby butt-cheeks.

They had come to a diner. Adaline was kind of shocked by his choice of place, she had expected him to take her to a nice restaurant, cosy and comfortable but he had taken her to eat diner instead. But she chose not to complain because who knew, maybe the food was nice. It was the food that they were going to the diner for.

"Here," opening the door for her and he then followed in. Then they took a seat at the booth sitting in front of each other Being handed the menus immediately, they were asked for their order for the drinks.

"Coke," she answered. It would be great with a burger.

"Same," he nodded.

Xavier skimmed through the menu. The prices were decent if she wanted to pay for her share she easily could. She had that much money on her.

Even though the alpha in him would never let that happen. 

"So what do you want?" Xavier asked her as he closed his menu.