
"Hey!" Augustine ran behind to catch up with her. "Wait up!"

As if, she scoffed. Now she would never talk to him after this. She was okay with being warned but threatening? No thank you.

"Hey," he caught her arm and then turned her around. They were right at the door to the parking.

Adeline snatched her arm from him and then glared at thin. He had no right to talk to her that way! Whatever happened between the two of them, happened between the two of them. It didn't concern anybody else and he had to understand that.

"Look, I apologize.."

"Thank you very much for it." She smiled tightly and turned around again.

Augustine immediately sprang into action as he watched her leave. He held onto her arm tightly and pulled her back a little.

"Listen to what I have to say at least!" He hissed.

Adeline turned around and talked with sass. "The apology was enough. I do not need to hear anything more."