The Sacrificial Lamb - I

As soon as she became conscious she gripped her head as it pained. By the amount of pain it cost to her adaline was sure that someone must have hit her with the hammer. It pained, a lot.She moved around as she gripped her head and felt a weight on her stomach. How had it gotten so heavy?

She opened her eyes and narrowed her eyes to make out the place that she wasn't because it was full of Darkness and there was barely light coming in through a source she could not see. Where was she?

She breathed heavily and looked around to get up when she noticed a hindrance.

She looked down at her stomach and gasped loudly. Her head got dizzy at the sight. 

"How. . . " She whispered as she looked down and palmed it. Maybe, it was a just her imagination because this could not be reality in any world.