The Sacrificial Lamb- II

She sighed again. Adeline had no idea about how long it had been since she had been here. There was no indication of real life except for the girl that was in the cell across of her own.Adeline turned her eyes slightly to look at the girl. She was barely breathing as a chest move up and down very slowly. Her bones was sticking out and there was less to no skin on her. She was very, very big and she couldn't help but wonder how she has survived all alone for so long because it was obvious that she had been a captive for a very long time.

She gulped. The thought of the girl being captive for long period of time made Adeline in wonder if the same was going to happen to her because she was not sure if they would survive.

She glanced down at her belly.

It was real. It was very real.

It was as real as it could be because now she felt movement inside her and she knew that there was a baby in there or at least something that moved.