The king - III

"I cannot guarantee you anything." The king inform the young king of the vampires who had not left their country yet. "My beast would be unstable after watching my mate after so long. For months to go by without a mate's touch drive the lycan crazy." He muttered the information about having no intention to share it but that none the less so that the young king was informed of what was about to happen."I do not expect my brother to come out of it alive. He is too far gone for me to pray or even make efforts for his safety." The Vampire king, Cassius said so as he sipped blood from his glass. "He is my father's legitimate son and I am sure my father would have done everything possible, even risking a war, for his safety."

"And you won't?" Xavier turned him with a lazy smirk glancing back at him and then looking out of the window again.